Revised as of
21 Mar 2023
Hyphens work very hard to keep things clear. Separating out numbers and letters. Keeping that text justified without huge gaps between words in a single line. Working with adjectives to ensure the reader has the description the writer wants to convey. Preventing eyestrain with some of those word combinations.
The Properly Punctuated explores . . .
. . . the proper use of quotation marks, commas, semicolons, colons, ellipsis, etc., including how to properly mark dialogue, ahem. As Properly Punctuated is in no way complete, I would appreciate suggestions and comments from anyone on punctuation with which you struggle or on which you can contribute more understanding.
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Hyphen, – | |||||||||||||||||
Punctuation: A single dash, “-“ | |||||||||||||||||
Definition: Links compound words and separate fragments of words at the ends of a line if you are justifying your text. It is also used as a minus sign, but not recommended.
POST CONTENTS: Hyphens are used with: A.k.a. dash |
Spacing the Hyphen | Rule: Accepted practice is to insert a hyphen without any spaces between the words. Unless you are using it as a minus sign, then use a space on either side of the hyphen. Although, you should really use a proper minus sign. | ||||||||||||||||
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3 – 2 = 1 3 − 2 = 1 uses a proper minus sign, − (hexadecimal code)
Compound Words | |||||||||||||||||
Compound Adjective | Rule: Compound adjectives are always hyphenated in front of a noun. A lack of a hyphen can lead to confusion on what is being described. Naturally, there are exceptions to hyphenating a compound word. | ||||||||||||||||
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Burckmyer has a great example of how confusing it can be to not use a hyphen with ten thousand dollar bills:
Exception: Never join AFTER a noun | |||||||||||||||||
The stone is free falling.
The invasion consisted of one man. Activities were after dinner. The teddy bear was well loved. |
Avoid Confusion, Awkward Letter Combinations | Rule: Use a hyphen when not using one can lead to a misinterpretation of the word or to make the word easier to read. | ||||||||||||||||
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re-sign a petition
Somehow, shell-like is much easier to read than shelllike semi-independent doesn’t make me feel like my eyes are crossing |
Suspended Hyphenation | Rule: Use suspended hyphenation to avoid excessive wordiness (Burckmyer, 149). | ||||||||||||||||
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The down- and feather-filled pillows are less firm than the foam rubber ones.
Less repetitive than the down-filled and feather-filled . . . Each person must decide for him- or herself. When you compare the second-and fourth-class postage rates . . . |
Compound Numbers | Rule: Connect written-out numbers between 21 and 99. | ||||||||||||||||
Return to top | twenty-one forty-nine fifty-one seven hundred thirty-seven two thousand seventy-six |
Compound Exceptions | |||||||||||||||||
Age | |||||||||||||||||
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-ly Adverbs | Rule: NEVER hyphenate adverbs ending in -ly.
See the rule on breaking an -ly adverb into syllables. |
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Prefixes | |||||||||||||||||
Basic Prefix | Rule: Use a hyphen after a prefix without spaces on either side of the hyphen. | ||||||||||||||||
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Prefix and Capitalized Word | Rule: Use a hyphen between a prefix and a capitalized word. | ||||||||||||||||
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mid-September anti-American T-shirt pre-Civil War |
Prefix and Numbers | Rule: Use a hyphen between a prefix and numbers. | ||||||||||||||||
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mid-17th century mid-1850s |
Breaking into Syllables | |||||||||||||||||
Knowing about the syllables of a word helps with breaking them down when justifying text or creating line breaks.
Rule: Hyphens are required when using justify to ensure your text appears as a solid block of text with no ragged margins. It indicates a word has been split at the end of a line. |
Basic Rules of Division | Rule: Make a break between syllables. | ||||||||||||||||
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Words Ending in -ing | Rule: In general, break a gerund or participle before the -ing unless there’s a double consonant involved when the hyphen should be inserted between the consonants. | ||||||||||||||||
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Dividing Compound Words | Rule: Only divide already hyphenated words AT the hyphen. | ||||||||||||||||
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mass- produced
self- conscious |
Division Exceptions | Rule: Do not divide a proper noun or proper adjective if the parts of the word will be on two separate pages. | ||||||||||||||||
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-ly Adverb | Rule: -ly should never start a new line when breaking an adverb into syllables.
See the rule on hyphenating an -ly adverb with an adjective. |
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First or Last Letter | Rule: Never hyphenate the first or last letter of a word. | ||||||||||||||||
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Two-Letter Suffix | Rule: Never hyphenate a word that leaves a two-letter suffix at the beginning of a new line. | ||||||||||||||||
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Separate Characters | |||||||||||||||||
Separate Numbers | Rule: Hyphens are used to separate numbers that are not inclusive. | ||||||||||||||||
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Minus Sign | Definition: Used in mathematical equations, the minus symbol is as wide as a mathematical plus sign, and is more appropriate typographically. | ||||||||||||||||
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Rule: Using a proper minus sign avoids word wrap and accessibility issues. If your keyboard includes a number pad, use the minus sign from that, or:
Separate Spelled-out Letters | Rule: Indicates a word is being spelled whether it’s in dialogue, in American Sign Language, or elsewhere. | ||||||||||||||||
C’mon, get it out of your system, bitch, whine, moan . . . which words are your pet peeves? Also, please note that I try to be as accurate as I can, but mistakes happen or I miss something. Email me if you find errors, so I can fix them . . . and we’ll all benefit!
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Resources for Hyphen
Some of these links may be affiliate links, and I will earn a small percentage, if you should buy it. It does not affect the price you pay.
“6.5 Hyphens, En Dashes, & Em Dashes.” Module 2: Proposals and Reports. Lumen Candela. n.d. Web. 22 Mar 2023. <>.
Burckmyer, Becky. Awesome Grammar. Franklin Lakes, NJ: Career Press, 2008. <>. Print.
Chicago Manual of Style. Ed. 15. University of Chicago Press: 2003. <>. The 17th edition is the most recent. <>. Print.
“Chicago Manual of Style Hyphen Chart.” Chicago Manual of Style. n.d. Web. n.d. <UR>.
Garner, Bryan. Garner’s Modern English Usage Ed 4. Oxford University Press: 2016. <>. Ebook. A solid resource on hyphens under “Phrasal adjectives”.
“Hyphen Use.” Purdue OWL. n.d. Web. n.d. <”>.
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Antsy deserves a rest after all his hard work.