I received this book for free from the library in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.
Source: the library
No Limits
Lori Foster
romantic suspense in Paperback edition that was published by Harlequin HQN on August 26, 2014 and has 432 pages.
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Other books by this author which I have reviewed include Man of My Dreams, Bad Boys of Summer, When Good Things Happen to Bad Boys, The Night Before Christmas, Out of the Light, and into the Shadows, Bad Boys in Black Tie, Bare It All, Run the Risk, Getting Rowdy, Dash of Peril, Fighting Dirty
First in the Ultimate romantic suspense series and fifth as a spin-off from Love Undercover and revolving around Cannon Colter and Yvette Sweeny in Warfield, Ohio.
My Take
That Tipton was sneaky, thank god.
It’s so cute how Cannon’s friends all take up Yvette, and how clueless she is about her own appeal. She does annoy me intensely, though. Even taking into account events in Getting Rowdy, 3, Yvette is annoying! She’s so intent on shoving Cannon away in spite of all the signals, words, or statements he’s making. She’s also annoying in how she leaps to conclusions. Some of ’em are some pretty Evel Knievel-type leaps. To be fair, part of Yvette’s problem, okay, a big part, is that she can’t come to orgasm, and she’s feeling very inadequate, especially after previous boyfriends’ comments.
It’s also cute how Cannon keeps crowding Yvette…in a very “saintly” way, of course. He is a saint, and I do adore him. In the previous stories, he spent time with his friends patrolling his neighborhood, ensuring people were safe and okay. He started up the rec center to give the kids somewhere safe to go. He’s an all-round nice guy with very supportive friends amongst the fighters and the cops.
And Foster is setting us up for a romance between Arnie and Rissy.
The Story
It’s a shock in two many ways: Tipton is dead and divided his assets between Yvette and Cannon. And Cannon is determined to make her his.
Memories are what’s holding Yvette back, until she begins to see the benefits of the pawnshop.
The Characters
Yvette Sweeny is Tipton Sweeny‘s granddaughter who had helped him out in his pawnshop. She’s capitalized on that experience and sells on eBay from her new home in California where she fled three years ago after events in Getting Rowdy. She’s been sweet on Cannon for years. Now she’s terrified. Heath Nordan is the stalker ex-boyfriend who isn’t accepting ex. Vanity Baker is her best friend in California who works with her on her online business.
The openly sneaky Cannon “the Saint” Colter is a rising star in the SBC, which helps with getting sponsors for the rec center. Merissa “Rissy” is his sister and living in Cannon’s house, since he also has a house in Harmony, Kentucky, where he spends most of his time training. Cherry Peyton is Rissy’s housemate.
(Cannon has been mentioned in previous installments of Love Undercover and had a pivotal part in Getting Rowdy.)
The sexually active Arnie “Quick” Jacobson (he’s into threesomes) is a good friend of Cannon’s and a partner in the rec center Cannon started up. He does the day-to-day managing, is great with the kids, and loves coaching. Normally Arnie avoids the nice ladies, but he’s starting to re-think this. Miles, Denver, Brand, and Stack are more friends as well as fighters. Gage Harper (Harper Gage??) is another fighter. Justice is planning to drop a weight class and take on Cannon.
Rowdy and Avery Yates run Getting Rowdy, a bar in the neighborhood. Detectives Logan Riske (he’s married to Pepper; Run the Risk, 1) and Reese Bareden (Alice is his wife from Bare It All, 2; Marcus is their son as of Getting Rowdy) are there to help out along with Lieutenant Margo Peterson-Riske and her husband, Dash Riske (Dash of Peril, 4), who have a daughter, Bethany “Button”.
Frank Whitaker is Tipton Sweeny’s lawyer. Mindi Jarrett is his extremely forward, duplicitous secretary who can’t take no. Drew Black owns the SBC; Havoc is one of Cannon’s trainers. Mary is an aggressive, insensitive patron at Getting Rowdy where Ella is a waitress. Beth and Carly are one pair of Arnie’s lovers; Avril and Kelli are another. And they’re not being enough to distract Arnie. Officer Huffer responded to the 9-1-1. Muggles is the mutt who gets adopted.
The Cover and Title
The cover is dark with Cannon Colter in a gray hoodie, the front open to show off that fab six-pack, looking down as he wraps his hands.
The title reflects Cannon’s intentions, for there are No Limits on what he’ll do to win Yvette.