I received this book for free from the library in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Sins of the Angels
Linda Poitevin
urban fantasy in Paperback edition that was published by Ace Books on September 27, 2011 and has 325 pages.
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First in The Grigori Legacy urban fantasy series about all kinds of angels and free will in Toronto, Canada. A.k.a., Clichéd Sins of the Angels.
My Take
I’m conflicted on this one. I like the concept, but Poitvein has either the characters or events doing such stupid things, and there’s a bit much of the same ‘ol, same ‘ol with it’s blend of Thomas E. Sniegoski’s Remy Chandler with a bit of Cat Adams’ Blood Singer with a strong sense of Alex Hughes’ Mindspace Investigations (which actually was published the year after this one! I just happened to read this one before Sins). It’s clichéd, obvious, and Poitevin takes it to such extremes.
I have a feeling there’s some Cain and Abel symbolism in the rival brothers.
Poitevin doesn’t miss an opportunity to use a cliché or to overdramatize.
Talk about cliché…Alex is exhausted and mentally stressed, and absolutely insists on staying on the case even though its been days since she’s slept. And of course, the obligatory greasy meals, when she remembers to eat. Okay, fairly reasonable. It’s sort of expected when you’re a cop. But Alex has extra stresses and she would be so smart if she took the time out to get some rest. So, naturally, she definitely can’t do that since Poitevin is writing this with a sense of ticking items off a list, and not with any sense of conviction. At least, she isn’t making me a believer. Poitevin is trying too hard, and it’s irritating me.
Oh, brother, the serial killer who blames God for not letting him back in Heaven who thinks if he kills enough people, God will let him back in. Caim goes on and on about how “he never wanted this”, and yet he keeps on destroying people. Lame. I get tired of this one being used over and over and over and… I do like that God is a woman. That’s a plus…and different. Although I do think Alex makes some excellent points about wrong. I also like the conflict Poitevin introduces of soulmates. That’ll be interesting to watch develop.
I do like Alex’s strength of character, her caring, and I like that God is tired. It makes her seem more human, more like a being who would stand by her decision about free will.
And, yet more cliché with the “proper” angels despising the Nephilim. Oh, yeah, that just makes so much sense, to despise diluted bloodlines of descendants whose originators died thousands of years ago and of whom today’s “half-bloods” have absolutely NO knowledge. Poitevin takes this hate to such an extreme.
It’s possible that some of my irritation comes from the hints that Poitevin drops along the way — I’m assuming that if I read the next books in the series, I’ll be able to stop guessing about Cleansing or who is assigned a Guardian.
Poitevin pushes so hard at how awful Alex and Trent are together that I want to order her home to bed. Okay, why am I not believing that a couple of detectives are assigned to writing down license plate numbers in a parking garage? I’m assuming that Alex is a good detective, so why is it that Roberts keeps pooh-poohing her just about every time she opens her mouth? If it’s such a big deal that humans shouldn’t learn about angels, why is it that they let Jen sit in on their discussion?
WHY? WHYYY? Why is it that characters all seem to believe that it’s so much safer to not provide knowledge to other characters who are in danger? Information that could well make them more careful or aware.
Poitevin has dropped enough tantalizing bits that I am curious to read on and find out what happens to Seth, Aramael, Alex, her sister, Mittron, God…yeah, it’s a long series of possibilities. I especially like that bit about free will that Aramael realizes at the end. But I’m not going to be in a hurry.
The Story
A brutal serial killer is loose in the city and the cops are stumped. There doesn’t appear to be a connection between any of them, and the murderer seems to disappear at will.
Making things worse is the new partner Alex gets stuck with. One who hates her and has no clue about policing or detective work.
The Characters
Detective Alexandra Jarvis is laboring under a handicap: a childhood memory of horror that she is determined to get past. She also has the blood of a Nephilim. Jacob Trent is her new ignorant partner. Jennifer is her sister and she has a daughter, Nina.
Staff Inspector Doug Roberts is her boss, in charge of her Homicide squad. Fellow detectives include Raymond Joly and Abrams and Bastion and Timmins. How sad is it that I almost cheered what happened with Detective Christine Delaney of Fraud?
In Heaven
Aramael is of the Sixth Choir, a Power, a Hunter of the Fallen Ones.
Dominion Verchiel is of the Fourth Choir of angels and seems to be Mittron‘s secretary. He’s the Highest Seraph, the executive administrator, and oversees eight of the nine choirs. I think he’s Verchiel’s ex as well. Seth Benjamin is the Appointed, the son of God. I like him.
Caim is a Fallen angel and Aramael’s twin brother.
Arthur and Mitch Stevens seem to have gotten what they deserve. Another symptom of how uncaring I am of the characters…that’s bad. Martin James was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Father William McIntyre seems to be leading a double life.
The Cover and Title
The cover is more of a metaphor than a scene from the book. It’s Alexandra investigating a brightly lit alley in the big city, and how she manages to not notice the angel caught in the purple light at the end of the alley I’ll never know.
The title could go two ways with Sins of the Angels referring to Lucifer’s fall from grace all those millennia ago, or the current crop of sinners.