I received this book for free from the library in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.
Source: the library
Fern Michaels
suspense in a paperback edition that was published by Zebra on January 1, 2006 and has 320 pages.
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Other books by this author which I have reviewed include Hide and Seek, Weekend Warriors, The Jury, Sweet Revenge, Lethal Justice, Free Fall, Hokus Pokus, Fast Track, Collateral Damage, Final Justice, Under the Radar, Razor Sharp, Vanishing Act, Deadly Deals, Game Over, Cross Roads, Déjà Vu, Home Free
Third in the Sisterhood suspense series which is focused on righting the wrongs done each of the seven women.
The Story
It’s Myra’s turn for justice and Charles and the Sisterhood plot to kidnap John Chai, the diplomat’s playboy son who ran Barbara down, from Hong Kong. The ladies aren’t into killing anyone and, I must say, they do find a particularly nasty way of punishing Mr. Chai that is very much in keeping with his vanity and his and his father’s viewpoints.
The Characters
I like the ladies for the most part. Charles is amazing…I want him cooking in my kitchen! But Michaels keeps slipping shoddy writing in that makes them too stupid for words. There are times I just want to smack Myra for being such a doddering old woman! The worst of it is that Michaels could write them so much better instead of slacking through their actions/speech.
Julia Webster is doing much better on her experimental HIV treatment in Switzerland.
Jack Emery has quit his district attorney job and Mark Lane has quit his FBI job and together they’ve opened up their own business, the Justice Agency. Jack is intent on proving that Nikki and her friends are up to no good and has posted spies up in the trees at Myra’s farmhouse.
My Take
I love the concept of Michaels’ story and that justice can be possible. I don’t love Michaels’ writing. Her treatment of her characters’ actions and reactions is so juvenile—I have to wonder what her editor is thinking! Sometimes the ladies come across as a troupe of children. Sometimes I wonder where their wits have gone wandering. And other times, they actually come across as adults. At all times, I never doubt how much they care about each other. I suspect it’s this friendship and the homey settings that Michaels crafts that are part of what pulls me in—besides the satisfaction I get from their brand of justice!
One of Myra’s temper tantrums:
“…to think I would be content to sit here on…on…my ass while you all do my dirty work is unthinkable. Do not make me angry, Charles. I’m not a nice person when I’m angry. Did you hear me? I’m going and that’s final. Girls, tell him I’m going!”
Charles’ response is to remind her that she must stay at the farm to keep Jack Emery off-balance. So, naturally, Myra takes off for almost a week to help Kathryn deliver Christmas trees. Leaving the farm wide open to all sorts of mischief on Jack’s part. Nor has she considered that no one will be able to contact her while she’s on the road. Stupid. Selfish. And childish.
When they’re about to arrive at Mr. Li’s home outside Hong Kong, Nikki is wondering if she’ll only be able to get tea after their flight. What? She grew up in Washington D.C. virtually as a daughter to Myra who has friends in very high places and has never absorbed anything about the world??? Just how insular is Nikki?
Then there’s the scene where they encounter Chai and their disgustingly immature and obnoxious behavior. Sure, I realize the idea is to piss off or intrigue Chai into making himself vulnerable for the kidnapping, but, c’mon… I was embarrassed just reading it. Nikki, Alexis, and Yoko acted more like drunken, stuck-up, snotty, stupid college girls with a huge sense of entitlement.
I realize that exaggeration tends to make for more interesting reading, but, there is a line. One scene in particular was when the three girls come bouncing and somersaulting into the room in their slut clothes…yes, I’m serious, somersaulting like the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders…to finish setting the scene for Chai’s incapacitation.
The entire scene where the girls confront Chai is so lame. You’d think that Myra/Michaels would have come up with something better than unprepared children with schoolyard taunts. Exaggerations on the most juvenile levels…jeezus… As for Chai’s punishment. Yeah, I think it was very appropriate but still. It was so brutal that I cannot imagine that the ladies could get past it so easily. Just not believable.
OK, then there’s the break-out scene…here’s Charles, the supposedly super spy who lets the bad guy get the drop on him??? In this situation? Give me a break…
The Cover
The cover continues the theme of the previous covers in this series with its peacefulness. This one a gorgeous maple blazing in its orange glory behind a white picket fence. I haven’t a clue how the title, Vendetta, fits this story. “Vengeance” would have been so much more appropriate.