I received this book for free from the library in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.
Source: the library
Lili St. Crow
urban fantasy in a paperback edition that was published by Razorbill on April 19, 2011 and has 272 pages.
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Other books by this author which I have reviewed include Strange Angels, Betrayals, Jealousy
Fourth in the Strange Angels urban fantasy series for young adult readers revolving around Dru Anderson, a svetocha — a rare female djamphir.
My Take
Well, Dru still drives me nuts. WHAT is she thinking??? I can understand her initial anger, but she’s still not thinking. She’s simply reacting. And even after the truth comes out, does Dru think…noooooo. What would be the fun in that…?!?!? I was actually starting to think Dru was maturing. Silly me.
Then there’s the huge fight between Dru and Sergej. She’s wounded him severely. He can’t move. Does she finish him while she has the chance? Noooo, what would be the fun in that?
Reading Strange Angels is like a car crash…just too fascinating to see how stupid people can be.
The Story
Now that Anna has been revealed, Dru is settling in at the Schola Prima, getting comfortable. Well, as comfortable as she’ll ever be with Graves still missing and probably being tortured by Sergej. Day after day, Dru asks Christophe for news on the hunt for Graves. Day after day, the answer is the same — still looking.
Dru continues her training and Christophe continues to want. He wants Dru, and his slow seduction is working until Leon reveals his “truth”. The truth of Graves’ kidnapping.
The Characters
Dru Anderson is a svetochoa. A rare female djamphir whose talents are coveted by both sides. Still young, not having passed through her “blooming”, Dru must be guarded and taught about her heritage and how to defend herself at the Schola Prima for young djamphirs and werewulfs in New York City.
Graves has been kidnapped. The only teen who has been with her from the beginning of her fatal adventures.
Christophe is djamphir and the son of her worst enemy, Sergej, the vampire, the nosferat, who killed her mother, destroyed her father, and has been hunting her since he knew of her existence.
Dibs and Shanks are Dru’s werewulf friends while Ash is the Broken whom Dru is attempting to fix — I do like his new word!
Nathalie “Nat” Williams of the Skyrunner clan is one of Dru’s werewulf guard, a custom that had been phased out. Nat has been introducing Dru to other svetocha customs such as escaping her guards and the schola during the day to play hooky.
The Council plays a small part in this installment although it does include Augustine (a djamphir and good friend of Dru’s father and a fellow hunter) and Christophe as the new members who replaced Kir and Marcus.
Anna is svetocha, and she was the head of the Council until she revealed her true self in Jealousy, 3, to everyone. Anna’s guard includes Blaine, Kip, Hans, and Charles.
The Cover and Title
It is a defiant Dru on the cover. Wearing a blank tank, her hair loosely pulled back in a fighting braid, Dru is staring up to the sky. The title is perfect as Dru is so very Defiant about her place in the supernatural society.