I received this book for free from the library in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.
Source: the library
Eye of the Tempest
Nicole Peeler
urban fantasy in Paperback edition that was published by Orbit on August 1, 2011 and has 325 pages.
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Other books by this author which I have reviewed include Tempest Rising, Tracking the Tempest, Tempest's Legacy, Tempest's Fury, Tempest Reborn, Jinn and Juice
Fourth in the Jane True urban fantasy series about Jane, her friends, and their stumbling adventures in fighting the bad guys in Rockabill, Maine.
My Take
This is a bridge novel setting us up for the adventures in Tempest’s Fury.
Hide the milkbones. Jane is in almost constant conflict between her libido and her virtue. And it’s just too funny to read. Considering what a sheltered life she’s led, there’s something to be said for the value of reading…ahem…
Omigod, Jane’s sensual exploration of Anyan’s Wolf Challenger Restaurant Range will stop you in your tracks!
Lots of back history on Blondie, her secrets, and her origin. Creature’s life pre- and post-prison. And then there’s Jane.
Ohh, her dad is so sweet! If only more people could be so accepting.
“Now I just have more accurate words to describe why you’re so special.”
We should all be as lucky as Jane! Woof… In her family and her ability to EAT. Her real-ness is so refreshing. From her yelps of “gottapeegottapeegottapeegottapee” to the arguments her libido and virtue have — I love it when libido takes a bow!
Anyan and Jane just can’t catch a long enough moment to themselves with their friends popping in on them!
Then there’s “‘Gagagaga…’, my libido supplied, helpfully.”
It’s cute how Peeler brings in references to the real world — Charmed, pokes at seal clubbing, mohawks, Popeye, Tupperware as imagery is just so very Jane.
Peeler, please take note of the difference between “site” and “sight” — “He was just setting his eye to the site sight when he jerked hard.”
The Story
Back from the battles in Chicago and still no rest for the wicked as Jane and Anyan are soon attacked at home. It’s a short setback and everyone else has time to gather intel. Now, if they’d just spill it all at once when Jane wakes up…
The primary news is that Jarl’s operations around Rockabill are only a small part in the total chaos. War is coming and Jane is at the heart of it!
The Characters
Jane True is half-human, half-Selkie and is facing a terrible task. Her mother is never coming back and she’ll have to tell her dad the truth about everything. She’s a big-eyed little thing whom half the town loves and the other half talks about. But our Jane is coming into her own. Calvin True is Jane’s dad and has his heart healed by Dr. Sam while he’s also caring for Jane. Anyan glamors the doctor and the town into thinking he’s always been healthy. Tracy and Grizzie are a couple—Tracy’s pregnant! With twins!! They own Read It and Weep, the bookstore where Jane and her dad are employed.
Anyan Barghest is also a shifter, a barghest or big dog (and does Peeler ever take advantage of this for a laugh or ten!). Seems he’s been watching over Jane her entire life and has recently realized he loves her.
Ryu and Nyx have been voted in as the Alfar leaders with the death of the king. Blondie is an Original, one of the first humans the creature changed, as well as a wet blanket on Jane’s sex life.
Trill is a kelpie and drills Jane on water fighting. Nell Gnome, a.k.a., dad’s Nurse Ratched, is very powerful and her territory encompasses Rockabill. She’s been Jane’s primary teacher. Amy Nahual waitresses at the Sty owned by Marcus and Sarah Vernon, two more nahuals. Iris is a succubus and another of Jane’s friends. Her recent ordeal has left her a bit shaky and Caleb, the satyr, is quite happy to help her get past the trauma of her kidnapping and torture. Gus is a stone spirit, bent on protecting his boulder. Miss Carol is Nell’s niece and may be forced to take over Nell’s territory.
Stuart Gray and his parents, Sheila and Herbert, hate Jane. Which I really don’t understand.
Graeme is a vicious, sadistic incubus rapist who firmly believes in Alfar all the time. He’s part of Phaedra‘s crew (damn, I thought she’d died!) as is Fugwat, a slow-thinking spriggan, and Kaya and Kaori who are harpy sisters.
King Melichor and Queen Tatiana with their seconds, Glynda and Straif, created the Creature’s prison, believing it was a weapon and yet wanting access to it if needed.
The Cover and Title
I’m bummed. I’ve been enjoying the intricate covers of the previous three stories. They were like Jane — funny, complicated, and with a wealth of background. This one retains the cartoon aspect with the punkish, tattooed Blondie in her white wifebeater, tight jeans, and an amazingly jeweled belt. flinging purple magic balls while the tightly fitted Jane in her red and black is turned away from us, twisting back in surprise. I’m assuming the opening they are standing in front of with all the bats flying is a metaphor for the spelunking they’ll be doing. The remaining third of the cover is split into a large red slice at the top with the title, tagline, and logo while the remaining red slice is at the bottom showcasing the author’s name.
The title could apply to several possibilities: Jane herself, the creature Jane encounters (nope, you’ll have to read for yourself to see what I mean!), or Rockabill itself. Any of these, or all of them, could be the Eye of the Tempest.