Homepage for: Marketing Help & Resources


Marketing Help & Resources arose from my own need to market my books. I don’t want to have to do it, but I know it’s essential.

Marketing Help & Resources is . . .

. . . what any author needs to know about promoting their work. The various social media platforms, book launches, behind-the-scenes analytics, how to use your website, why you should consider blogging, offbeat ideas,

So, yeah. You gotta market yourself if you want to sell your books.

As Marketing Help & Resources is in no way complete, I would appreciate suggestions and comments from anyone on marketing with which you struggle or on which you can contribute more understanding.

For more detail on the “anatomy” of a marketing post, see below.

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Marketing Posts:

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Anatomy of a Marketing Help & Resources Post

Marketing is different from Formatting Tips, Grammar Explanations, Linguistics, Publishing Tips, the Properly Punctuated, Word Confusions, Working Your Website, and Writing Ideas and Resources, but will include a table of contents of the post contents. The layouts will change depending upon the topic — it may also use a color hierarchy to organize sub-topics.

You may want to explore the page of index of self-editing posts for more specific terms that may interest you.

This list is in no way complete, and I’d love it if you’d send your own suggestions and comments . . . I don’t necessarily promise to include them, but . . .

If you know someone who could use some help with their own marketing questions, consider subscribing to KD Did It, if you’d like to track this self-editing aid for future updates.

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Pinterest Photo Credits

Woman Working on Laptop in an Office by design king is in the public domain, via Pexels.

Revised as of 29 May 2024
By: Kathy Davie