Author: Kathy Davie

Book Review: Cat Grant and Rachel Haimowitz’s Resistance

Book Review: Cat Grant and Rachel Haimowitz’s Resistance

I received this book for free from in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.This book may be unsuitable for people under 17 years of age due to its use of sexual content, drug and alcohol use, and/or violence.Resistanceon April 6, 2012 and has 254 pages.Explore it on Goodreads or Amazon First in the Power Play supposedly BDSM gay series. The couple focus is on Brandon and Jonathan. I received this story from the publisher, Riptide Publishing. My Take This is sick. If this is what BDSM is about, I so do not want any! Brandon needs a chunk of change to pursue his dream and when Jonathan makes him a deal for six months of his time for the money, Brandon figures, what can it hurt. Turns out, it can hurt A LOT. Jonathan starts out by wanting to be friends and get to know each other. But what he really means is I will break you any way I can and the more painful the better. He treats Bran like a dog, like a thing. He pays no attention to how or what Bran feels. […]

Posted November 29, 2012 by Kathy Davie in / 0 Comments

Book Review: Clay Griffith and Susan Griffith’s Rift Walker

Book Review: Clay Griffith and Susan Griffith’s Rift Walker

I received this book for free from in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.Rift Walkerin Paperback edition on September 20, 2011 and has 399 pages.Explore it on Goodreads or Amazon Second in the Vampire Empire steampunk series for young adults that is an alternate reality with war between vampires and humans. My Take This was much better than the writing in Greyfriar and I’m anxious to read what happens next in Kingmakers. Still lots of action with quite the melodramatic touch with betrayals galore. Although, I really don’t understand how the Griffiths reconcile the Equatorians not wanting war and hating Clark with forcing Adele to marry the jerk so they can go to war. I am so confused. As for my reactions to actions within the story:Gareth/Greyfriar is amazingly innocent as far as politics is concerned. I did love how upset Clark gets! Even if he did have so much more coming to him! In some respects, I think that the betrayals in Alexandria will be good for Adele. Cleaning out some old, fossilized wood. I have a hard time believing that Mamoru can be so […]

Posted November 25, 2012 by Kathy Davie in / 2 Comments

Book Review: Mark Del Franco’s Skin Deep

Book Review: Mark Del Franco’s Skin Deep

I received this book for free from in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.Skin Deepin Paperback edition on July 28, 2009 and has 304 pages.Explore it on Goodreads or Amazon First in the Laura Blackstone urban fantasy series revolving around a druidess operative in Washington D.C. This is based on the same culture and fey/elvish courts as in Del Franco’s Connor Grey series, but not the same characters, and I believe these events take place earlier than the Connor Grey series. My Take As political as the Connor Grey series, it has a more personal feel to it. Laura Blackstone is very D.C. political. Rather hands-offish. Her particular schtick is the three characters she has created to cope with all the wheeling and dealing she does in D.C. on behalf of the Guild. Very secret-agentish. Nice work filling in most of everyone’s background history. Del Franco gave me just enough to feel like I have a handle on it and leaving out just enough that I want to read the next story to fill in more background. While I felt detached from the characters, Del Franco […]

Posted November 25, 2012 by Kathy Davie in / 0 Comments

Book Review: Henry Bushkin’s A Hard Act to Follow

Book Review: Henry Bushkin’s A Hard Act to Follow

I received this book for free from in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.A Hard Act to Followin ARC edition on February 12, 2013 and has 240 pages.Explore it on Goodreads An excellent biography on Johnny Carson by the lawyer who worked and played (almost twenty-four-seven) with Johnny. The publisher provided this copy for me to review. My Take This was a very well-done story about Johnny Carson, warts and all. Sad for his awful childhood and the influences that followed him into adulthood. The struggles to win a parent’s approval. Beautiful for the laughter he brought to so many people. I remember sitting with my sister at the foot of my parents’ bed when we were kids, watching The Tonight Show and laughing, laughing, laughing. Learning about the world. The day his retirement was announced was a day of mourning in my household. We tried to get excited about Jay Leno, but his Tonight Show was all cheap shots. Not the class act Johnny Carson had. Bushkin was very even-handed in his portrayal of Johnny nor did he spare himself, although his own antics were […]

Posted November 25, 2012 by Kathy Davie in / 0 Comments