Revised as of
6 July 2023
I was reading a book . . . yeah, yeah, big surprise *eye roll as I laugh* when I ran across a questionable use of hale, as in she haled the man, and it jerked me out of the story. No, she wasn’t pulling the man anywhere, so the author must have meant hail, hmmm . . .
I re-read that sentence a few times, substituting hail for hale, and it worked better, for me anyway. Then I had to go back a few paragraphs to fall back into the words the writer wanted me to be paying attention to. Ya know, the ones that tell the story?
Still, the damage was done. I wasn’t in the story anymore. Instead I was leery, wondering when the author would hale me out again.
It can cause a to-do, using the wrong words.
Word Confusions . . .
. . . started as my way of dealing with a professional frustration with properly spelled words that were out of context in manuscripts I was editing as well as books I was reviewing. It evolved into a sharing of information with y’all. I’m hoping you’ll share with us words that have been a bête noire for you from either end.
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Hail | Hale |
![]() Hail! photographed by Trevor Manteranch, Ballantine, USA, is under the CC BY-SA 2.0 license, via Wikimedia Commons. — Not a hail storm I’d want to be out in! |
![]() Runners by Margan Zajdowicz, via a FreeImages license. — Runners are usually in hale condition. |
Part of Grammar: | |
Exclamation 1; Noun 2, 3; Verb 3, intransitive 2 & transitive Plural for noun: hails Third person present verb: hails |
Adjective 1; Verb, transitive 2
Third person present verb: hales |
Exclamation: [Archaic] Used as a salutation 1 Used to express acclamation Noun:
A shout or call used to attract attention 3 Verb, intransitive: [With adverbial of direction; of a large number of objects] Fall or be hurled forcefully [hail from] To be or have been native to or a resident of 3 To call out
Verb, transitive:
Acclaim enthusiastically as being a specified thing
Adjective: [Of a person, especially an elderly one] Strong and healthy 1 Free from defect, disease, or infirmity Sound Retaining exceptional health and vigor Verb, transitive:
Haul, pull Compel to go |
Examples: | |
Exclamation: All hail the King! Hail and well met, my friend. Hail the conquering hero. Noun: They fell under a hail of bullets. It was a veritable hail of abuse. Verb, intransitive: It hails. It is hailing. It hailed so hard we had to stop. Missiles and bombs hail down from the sky. He hails from Pittsburgh. Verb, transitive: She raised her hand to hail a cab. He has been hailed as the new James Dean. |
Adjective: For a sixty-year-old man, he’s very hale and hearty. I feel hale in mind and body. She’s quite hale and hearty for her age. Verb, transitive: The fishermen haled the huge net onto the deck of the ship. “In short order the human rights campaign was haled before a high court of indignation” – Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. |
Derivatives: | |
Noun: hailer, hailstone, hailstorm | Adjective: healer, halest, halesome Noun: haleness, haler, haling |
History of the Word: | |
C’mon, get it out of your system, bitch, whine, moan . . . which words are your pet peeves? Also, please note that I try to be as accurate as I can, but mistakes happen or I miss something. Email me if you find errors, so I can fix them . . . and we’ll all benefit!
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Resources for Hail versus Hale
The Free Dictionary: hail, hale
Merriam Webster: hale
Pinterest Photo Credits:
Revolt of the Sepoys, India (1909), is courtesy of Internet Archive Book Images and under no restrictions, via Wikimedia Commons.