Revised as of
23 Dec 2022
While it’s fun to get a slew of confused words, it does constrict the display quite a bit. That said, its a lovely range of words with such a wealth of meanings.
Might makes right is one of the myriad of possibilities with right along with keep to the right, I’m right-handed, and it’s the right thing to do are just getting started.
I suppose you could say do the rite thing, but it seems a bit irreverent considering that a rite is usually considered a sacred ritual.
Do the wright thing has something of a modern twist to it, and is a bit of a conundrum when you realize that it’s an archaic job title for someone who creates. Hmmm, penwright, perhaps?
Write is similar to right in that they’re both words that are heavily used in our contemporary world. Lord knows there are plenty of websites that talk about writing. How to get out of the doldrums; write outlines or broad sketches of the story or characters; how to write persuasively; how to write blogs, book descriptions, and biographies; and, on and on and on . . .
As you can see from the images and the definitions, each is distinct. A world unto itself. And such a rich one . . .
Word Confusions . . .
. . . started as my way of dealing with a professional frustration with properly spelled words that were out of context in manuscripts I was editing as well as books I was reviewing. It evolved into a sharing of information with y’all. I’m hoping you’ll share with us words that have been a bête noire for you from either end.
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Right | Rite | Wright | Write |
![]() Motocross in Yteri, 2010, is Kallerna’s own work under the CC-BY-SA-3.0 or GFDL license, via Wikimedia Commons. — Motocross rider heading right. |
![]() Catholic Priest Holding the Holy Mass is Patnac’s own work under the GFDL or CC-BY-SA-3.0 license, via Wikimedia Commons. — Performing Mass is a Roman Catholic rite. |
![]() A Wheelwright in the Deane Shop Paints the Wooden Spokes, Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia, by C Watts is under the CC BY 2.0 license, via Flickr. |
![]() Davide Sapienza with Pen and Paper by Andrea Aschedamini is under the CC-BY-SA-3.0 license, via Wikimedia Commons. — Davide Sapienza, Italian writer and translator, appears to write in a journal. |
Part of Grammar: | |||
Adjective 1; Adverb 2; Exclamation 1; Noun 1; Verb, intransitive & transitive 3
Plural for the noun: rights Third person present verb: rights |
Plural: rites |
Plural: wrights |
Verb, intransitive & transitive
Third person present verb: writes |
Adjective: Morally good, justified, or acceptable 1 True or correct as a fact Correct in one’s opinion or judgment
Denoting or worn on the side of a person’s body which is toward the east when they are facing north [Informal; chiefly British] Complete Absolute (used for emphasis, typically in derogatory contexts) Of or relating to a person or political party or grouping favoring conservative views Adverb:
On or to the right side Exclamation:
Noun: A moral or legal entitlement to have or obtain something or to act in a certain way
[the right] The right-hand part, side, or direction [Often the Right; may be treated as a singular or plural noun] A grouping or political party favoring conservative views and supporting capitalist economic principles Verb, intransitive: Verb, transitive:
A religious or other solemn ceremony or act | [Archaic] A maker or builder | Verb, intransitive: Mark letters, words, or other symbols on a surface, typically paper, with a pen, pencil, or similar implement Compose, write, and send (a letter) to someone Put into literary form and set down in writing Verb, transitive:
[Computing] Enter data into a specified storage medium or location in store Underwrite (an insurance policy) |
Examples: | |||
Adjective: I hope we’re doing the right thing. You were quite right to criticize him. She was right about Tom having no money. You went to see Angie on Monday, right? Is this the right way to the cottage? You’re not holding it the right way up. He was clearly the right man for the job. He was seen at all the right places. That sausage doesn’t smell right. If only I could have helped put matters right. I hurt my right elbow It’s over there by the right edge of the field. I felt a right idiot. Are you politically right, left, or center? Adverb: I’m right out of ideas. Harriet was standing right behind her. I’ll be right back. It’s right spooky in there! He had guessed right. Nothing’s going right for me this season. Turn right at Main Street. Exclamation: “Right you are, sir.” And I didn’t think any more of it, right, but Mom said I should take him to a doctor. Right, let’s have a drink. Noun: She had every right to be angry. You’re quite within your rights to ask for your money back. There is no right of appeal against the decision. They sold the paperback rights. Take the first turning on the right. She seated me on her right. The young cop swung a terrific right. Verb, intransitive: The raft righted in a few seconds. Negotiations should, by rights, have been conducted by him. Verb, transitive: Righting the economy demanded major cuts in defense spending. She was determined to right the wrongs done to her father. We’ll see you righted. The room was a mess, and John righted a fallen lamp while Helen righted a rumpled rug. |
It was the rite of communion
The Obando Fertility Rites are a dance ritual and Catholic festival celebrated every May. The Byzantine rite is the liturgical rite used by the Eastern Orthodox Church and certain Eastern Catholic Churches. The family Christmas rite is to eat ludefisk and lefsa on Christmas Eve and then go to Midnight Mass. It was a rite of passage in Hamish’s family, and he couldn’t let his father down. |
We’ll have to get the wheels fixed by a wheelwright.
Shakespeare is a famous playwright. The Pett Dynasty was a family of shipwrights who prospered in England between the 15th and 17th centuries ( And, of course, we really should mention the Wright brothers. |
Verb, intransitive: He wrote very neatly in blue ink. He couldn’t read or write. He had to write a check for $800. He wrote almost every day. He wrote under a pseudonym. He had written about the beauty of Andalucia. Verb, transitive: Alice, will you write down the address. I can write a letter to Alison. I will write him a short letter. Mother wrote me and told me about poor Simon’s death. Write in with your query, and we’ll do our best to answer it. I didn’t know you wrote poetry. He has written a song specifically for her. If I could write to the beauty of your eyes. |
Derivatives: | |||
Adjective: half-right, right-angled, right-footed, right-hand, right-handed, right-minded, right-on, right-thinking, right-to-die, right—to-know, right-to-life, right-to-work, rightable, righteous, righter, rightest, rightful, rightish, rightist, rightless, rightmost, rightward, unrightable, unrighted Adverb: right-handed, rightable, righteously, rightfully, rightly, rightward, righty Exclamation: righto, righty-ho Noun: half-right, right-about, right-hander, right-mindedness, right-to-lifer, right-winger, righter, righteous, righteousness, rightfulness, righties, rightism, rightist, rightness, righty Verb: right-click, right-size, righten, rightsize, rightsizing |
Adjective: riteless Noun: ritelessness |
Adjective: writable Noun: writer, writing Verb: writ [Archaic] |
Phrasal Verb | |||
write something down write someone in write something off write something up |
History of the Word: | |||
Old English riht 1, rihte 2, rihtan 3, are of Germanic origin. Related to the Latin rectus meaning ruled, from an Indo-European root denoting movement in a straight line. |
Middle English from the Latin ritus meaning (religious) usage. | Old English wryhta or wyrhta and is related to work. | Old English wrītan meaning score or form (letters) by carving, write is of Germanic origin.
It is related to the German reissen meaning sketch, drag. |
C’mon, get it out of your system, bitch, whine, moan . . . which words are your pet peeves? Also, please note that I try to be as accurate as I can, but mistakes happen or I miss something. Email me if you find errors, so I can fix them . . . and we’ll all benefit!
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Pinterest Photo Credits
Writing Letter by Kusakabe Kimbei is in the public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.