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One Hex of a Wedding
Yasmine Galenorn
paranormal fantasy, cozy mystery in a Kindle edition that was published by Nightqueen Enterprises LLC on November 12, 2016 and has 326 pages.
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Other books by this author which I have reviewed include Hexed, Witchling, Changeling, Never After, Darkling, Demon Mistress, Dragon Wytch, Bone Magic, Night Huntress, Harvest Hunting, Blood Wyne, Courting Darkness, Shaded Vision, Shadow Rising, Haunted Moon, Night Myst, Night Veil, Night Seeker, Autumn Whispers, Night Vision, Night’s End, Priestess Dreaming, Panther Prowling, "Flight From Hell", Flight From Death, Souljacker, Legend of the Jade Dragon, Darkness Raging, Fury Rising, Murder Under a Mystic Moon, Ghost of a Chance, Once Upon A Curse, A Harvest of Bones, Starlight Hollow, Moon Shimmers, Holiday Spirits
Fifth in the Chintz ‘n China cozy romantic paranormal mystery series and revolving around a village witch and tea shop owner, Emerald O’Brien. The focus is on Em’s wedding plans.
My Take
Hmmm, I’m thinking I need to get into yoga . . . Em is reporting good results. Okay, she’s also cut back on sugar . . . sigh . . . always a negative. We learn this and more through Galenorn’s use of first person protagonist point-of-view from Em’s perspective.
Well, Em has learned to accept that she’ll have to deal with otherworldly visitors. She and Joe have also been decking out the old Brunswick house lot (A Harvest of Bones, 4).
I’m not liking Rose. She has a snit fit about not being Em’s maid of honor even though she’s been so out of touch with Em. As for Kip, his lack of forethought does make life so “interesting”, especially when he “invites” his lousy dad to Em’s pre-wedding party.
Joe is one sweetheart of a guy. He enjoys cooking and keeps the larder stocked — I love that Em has her weak spots and admits to them. For one thing, she admits that she doesn’t like Grandma M, even though she also loves her. I hear her on that one! I also believe that a husband’s and wife’s first loyalties are to each other!!
Oh, no. Randa lets her emotions get away from her, and we get one of those instances of how Em handles her children. I LOVE that she’s realistic about her kids yet supportive with the aim of raising decent children.
I do love cozies. There’s so much family/friend support, giving me that warm feeling of acceptance and love. That Em finally learns what it means to have a partner in her marriage. And Roy shows up with a shocker!! Who’d’ve thought?!? Then Rose follows up with her shockers!
Oh, wow! Wait’ll you read about the wedding gift the bikers give Em! Where can I find some bikers to help!?
There’s a good bit of action what with the drama of Em’s grandmother’s wedding gown, someone shooting at Joe, Murray’s family drama — why does everyone think a woman always wants to have kids?, heart attacks, the come-ons to Joe while he’s at the calendar shoot, Em’s jealousy, Randa’s jumping to conclusions, Rose’s sudden insight into perspective, a terrifying kidnapping, yep, there’s no lack of action.
Whoa, Maeve has a fascinating bit of family lore! Another whoa is Roy and his about-face!!
The Story
It’s an exciting time for Em. She’s marrying Joe and they’re having a party to celebrate it.
But then disaster strikes. Roy shows up, the bridal shop owner absconds leaving an undone wedding dress, the band cancels . . . and a cursed necklace affects Em’s emotions.
The Characters
Emerald “Em” O’Brien, the village witch, owns the Chintz ’n China Tea Room and has two children: Miranda “Randa”, who is fascinated by the stars, and Kipling “Kip”, computer whiz, tumbler, who loves magic, but doesn’t think before he acts. Their four rescue cats are Samantha and her three kittens: Nebula, Nigel, and Noël.
Rose is Em’s estranged sister; Charles is her about-to-be ex-husband. Em and Rose’s mother is Klara O’Brien. Grandma McGrady, Em’s paternal grandmother, is a PITA who is easily offended. Her rival, Nanna, is Em’s maternal grandmother who taught her how to use her gift.
Joseph Ethan Files, a.k.a. Joe, is the captain of the town’s Medic Rescue Unit — even better, he’s engaged to Em. Nathan is Joe’s irresponsible brother. The even more irresponsible Dexter is their father. Terri is their mother with her string of boyfriends. The only reliable relative is Great-aunt Margaret “Maggie” Files, a retired county clerk. Maggie is dating Dr Lanford Willis, a retired doctor.
Chiqetaw, Washington, is . . .
. . . where Em and Joe live. Employees at Chintz ’n China include Cinnamon, who has graduated with her AA in accounting, and Lana. Clients include Farrah Warnoff.
Harlow, a former fashion model, is married to James Rainmark, a famous photographer about to go off on a three-month photo shoot and Harl’s childhood sweetheart. They have a new baby girl, Eileen. Lily is their nanny. Ida, a retired schoolteacher, is both neighbor and frequent babysitter for the O’Briens. Horvald is another neighbor and sitter who is courting Ida.
Chiqetaw PD
The Native American Anna “Mur” Murray, the chief of detectives and a warrior, is Em’s best friend (since college) and her maid of honor. Sid and Nancy are Murray’s pet boas. Police officers include Deacon, Greg, and Sandy Whitmeyer. Tad Bonner is the chief of police.
Roger White works with Joe; Melissa is his wife. Other EMTs include Larry Davidson.
White Deer, Murray’s aunt, is a medicine woman in the tribe; Lynx is an inner teacher. Maeve Elliston, a friend, raises llamas and sells blankets, caps, and sweaters made from their wool; she’s thinking of opening a new shop.
Jimbo “Jimmy” Warren, a biker extraordinaire who lives off the land and is Anna’s significant other, turns out to be quite the dancer. Snidely and Whiplash are Jimbo’s cats. Roo is the three-legged dog Jimbo rescued. Sugar is the name he gave his motorcycle. Trigger and Terry-T are some of Jimbo’s fellow bikers, who are in the Klickavail Valley enclave. Clyde and Scar had also been fellow bikers (Murder Under a Mystic Moon, 3). Traci had been Scar’s pregnant wife.
Janette Armor owns the Bridal Veil and lives at the Wilkenshire Arms where Doreen Jenks is the manager. Tilda is the shop cat. Lavyrl McKenzie was one of Janette’s clients. Joanne’s Bridal Boutique is overwhelming. The Crystal Pyramid is a metaphysical shop owned by Ryan Neilson. Cadillac Bob’s is a camping area owned by the disreputable Bob Cappinalo.
Gunner Lindemeyer had briefly been Miranda’s boyfriend (A Harvest of Bones), and Andrea has just dumped him. Lori Thomas is Randa’s best friend; her parents, Natalie and Luke, are both lawyers and very self-entitled.
Ingrid Lindstrom is a gossip columnist for the Chiqetaw Town Crier, which seems to have a problem with the difference between reality and speculation. Cathy Sutton is another media hound, who owes Em a favor.
The annoying Roy is Em’s ex-husband with no brakes. Tyra is his second wife, who just left him. The Barry Boys are a popular band. The Forest End’s Diner is an upscale restaurant. Wilma Velcox is a nurse at the hospital. Andrew had been Em’s previous boyfriend who thought he could do better and is now stalking Em. Marvin Eyrland is a handyman. Brigit had been a ghost in A Harvest of Bones. Josh had been Rose’s pilates trainer. Wilber Perry had been a wealthy eccentric. Eunice Addison, the social maven of Chiqetaw, is the annoying photo shoot manager. Dylan seems to be the photographer. The misogynistic Rusty Jones, a former clerk in the office, was fired in A Harvest of Bones. Bernard Dresser is friends with Rusty; Jolene Johnson is his angry girlfriend. Destiny is Jolene’s youngest daughter. The Bread and Butter House helps people procure food and get meals.
Thomas Carter had commissioned a necklace, the Bride’s Circlet in 1805 for his daughter, Sally. She was engaged to Niles, a cousin. Betsy had been a family slave. Charles Carter immigrated to the US and sold it outside the family.
The Cover and Title
The cover has a dark background that begins to lighten up with a path leading to a wedding arch trellised with roses opening into the new garden Em and Joe have planted. A framed window is open to the right side. On the sill sits the jade teapot with Samantha sitting to the right. A wedding veil is draped over it all. At the top is the author’s name in white with an info blurb between her first and last name. At the bottom is the title in a white cursive font. At the very bottom is a beige banner that fades out on the sides with the series info in black.
The title is too accurate, for it is One Hex of a Wedding.