Book Review: Abigail Roux’s “Shake & Bake”

Posted July 22, 2024 by kddidit in Book Reviews

I received this book for free from the author as a free story in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Source: the author as a free story
This book may be unsuitable for people under 17 years of age due to its use of sexual content, drug and alcohol use, and/or violence.
Book Review: Abigail Roux’s “Shake & Bake”

"Shake and Bake"


Abigail Roux

m/m romance, romantic suspense in a PDF edition that was published by the author on March 20, 2013 and has 3 pages.

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Other books by this author which I have reviewed include Cut & Run, Sticks & Stones, Fish & Chips, Divide & Conquer, Armed & Dangerous, Stars & Stripes, Touch & Geaux, Ball & Chain, Shock & Awe, Cross & Crown, "Bait & Switch", Crash & Burn, Part & Parcel, "Brick & Mortar Books", "Dine & Dash", "High & Tight", "Shake and Bake", Past & Presents

A free short story, 6.5 in the Cut & Run romantic suspense series, revolving around two FBI agents who are also life partners.

My Take

This one is definitely naughty. Yeah, okay, there is a porn angle in here, but it’s actually Ty’s “assault” on Zane. Admittedly, Zane did give it a bit of a nudge with his admiration of Ryan’s backside.

It’s that third person point-of-view from both Ty’s and Zane’s perspectives, so we know their emotions and what they’re thinking. And I gotta say I think this short story is more crudely told than Roux usually works it.

Ty certainly works up the embarrassment angle on Zane.

Talk about innuendo! Roux got me all tense, waiting for the drama . . . and proceeds to make me laugh.

The Story

It’s been awhile since Zane’s been to eat at Chiaparelli’s, and while he’s looking forward to the food, he has no scruples about teasing Ty with his admiration of the, um, scenery.

The Characters

Special Agents Zane Garrett and Ty Grady are involved with each other and still in the closet at work, the Baltimore field office.

Ryan Morelli is the cute waiter at Chiaparelli’s, an Italian restaurant.

The Cover and Title

The cover has a horizontal pinstripe background with a loaf of french bread angled across the center. At the top is the title in a red thinly outlined in black. At the bottom is the author’s name in black.

The title refers to Ty as he does a “Shake & Bake” on Zane.