I received this book for free from the library in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.
Source: the library
A Hundred Words for Hate
Thomas E. Sniegoski
urban fantasy in Paperback edition that was published by ROC on March 1, 2011 and has 320 pages.
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Other books by this author which I have reviewed include Mean Streets, A Kiss Before Apocalypse, Where Angels Fear to Tread, Dancing on the Head of a Pin, An Apple for the Creature, In the House of the Wicked, The Fallen, Leviathan, Aerie, Reckoning, Walking in the Midst of Fire, End of Days, A Deafening Silence in Heaven
Fourth in the angelic urban fantasy series, Remy Chandler, based in contemporary Boston.
My Take
Sniegoski gives us a different perspective on the battle between God and Lucifer as well as the angels’ feelings towards humans, those monkeys God loves so much. Although this particular story has a different focus, Sniegoski still demonstrates how “power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely”…a strong counterpoint to Remy’s exploration of being human versus his angelic self’s determination to battle.
It becomes more interesting as Remy starts his comeback to humanity and makes peace with his angelic counterpart in A Hundred Words for Hate. For a while, I was worried that this might be the end of the series for Remy/Remiel.
God is still not a part of this story, and I am very curious as to just where he’s gone and how he would feel about the activities of his angels. All his angels. The ones operating the Thrones, the ones rebelling in Tarturus, Remiel’s embrace of the human, the flaring of Eden’s life, the cockiness of those who think they know better than the Creator and no, it’s not just the fallen who are so all-knowing.
It can be difficult to figure out the good from the bad in this story as they seem to weave back and forth from character to character — even the ending has left some loose ends waving in the breeze. Upon which side of the line will Francis fall? What will be the outcome between Linda and Remy? Will Steve recover from his exposure? How will Remy/Remiel reconcile their new realizations?
There’s a bit of a joke on the concept of the original Adam and Eve at the end, which the Garden appears to appreciate…at least it enjoys the feeling behind it.
The Story
At Madeline’s and Steven Mulvehill’s insistence, Remy’s got a date with Linda Somerset. A date he survives with a pinch of guilt…as though he were cheating on Madeline.
Dying, Francis lies watching over the clashing, groaning prison of Tartarus as it both dies and is reborn, sparked by the fight Remiel led in Where Angels Fear to Tread, 3. A fight that resulted in the resurrection of Lucifer Morningstar and the liberation of the fallen angels from their prison. Dying that is until Francis comes to in a cave to find his wounds bound but the worst yet to come.
Adam is on the brink of death these many thousands of years later and wants desperately to be buried in the garden. A promise Malachi makes though he has no idea of the Garden’s location since its existence was severed from Man’s plane of existence during the battle between Lucifer and Heaven.
But sinister forces are at work…naturally…a renegade angel has plotted to take over from God using the Garden of Eden but he needs the key to both find and re-enter it. A maddened Cherubim whose mind can no longer determine the good guys from the bad has resurrected and is a threat to those protecting the Garden. And an old lady whom Remy has befriended is suddenly under attack.
The Characters
Remy Chandler is both private investigator and seraphim who chooses to live and be among man. Marlowe is his Labrador who is able to speak with Remy due to Remy’s angelic gifts. Madeline is Remy’s beloved, and dead, human wife (A Kiss Before the Apocalypse, 1).
Linda Somerset is a waitress at the Piazza in whom Remy is interested…and with whom Francis, a friend and Fallen Angel who is serving a penance on Earth, catching bad little demons, was falling in love.
Detective Steven Mulvehill is in Homicide with the Boston PD. He and Remy became friends when Remy saved his life in A Kiss Before the Apocalypse.
Malachi is the first archangel ever made and has made Adam a promise. Lucifer Morningstar is the Fallen Angel who led the rebellion against Heaven.
The Sons of Adam are…
…a group of extremely long-lived humans directly descended from the original Adam with whose care they are charged. But Adam is on the brink of death these many thousands of years later and wants desperately to be buried in the missing Garden of Eden (missing since its existence was severed from Man’s plane of existence during the battle between Lucifer and Heaven.
The Cover and Title
It’s appropriate — Remy is holding a blazing sword and, with Marlowe, is guarding the Gates to the Garden of Eden. I suspect Marlowe is to represent the humanity that joined with Remiel to beat back the surging Shaitan.
The title is an interesting interpretation of the belief that the Eskimos have 100 words for snow.