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Crossroads and Other Tales of Valdemar
Mercedes Lackey
fantasy in a Kindle edition that was published by DAW Books on March 2, 2004 and has 352 pages.
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Other books by this author which I have reviewed include Unnatural Issue, "The River's Gift", Finding the Way and Other Tales of Valdemar, Foundation, Intrigues, Gwenhwyfar: The White Spirit, Owlknight, Charmed Destinies, Changes, Beauty and the Werewolf, Invasion, Home From the Sea, Dead Reckoning, Conspiracies, Bedlam's Edge, Crown of Vengeance, Redoubt, Harvest Moon, World Divided, Elemental Magic: All New Tales of the Elemental Masters, Sacrifices, Steadfast, Burdens of the Dead, Bastion, Victories, Blood Red, The House of the Four Winds, Games Creatures Play, Closer to Home, Born to Run, Wheels of Fire, When the Bough Breaks, Chrome Circle, Changing the World: All-New Tales of Valdemar, Under the Vale and Other Tales of Valdemar, Arcanum 101, A Tangled Web, Winter Moon, Moving Targets and Other Tales of Valdemar, Elementary: All-New Tales of the Elemental Masters, No True Way: All-New Tales of Valdemar, From a High Tower, Hunter, Closer to the Heart, Silence, A Study in Sable, Elite, Closer to the Chest, Tempest: All-New Tales of Valdemar, A Scandal in Battersea, The Hills Have Spies, The Bartered Brides, Dragon's Teeth, Eye Spy, Breaking Silence, Pathways, Passages, Magic's Pawn, The Black Gryphon, Magic's Promise, The Serpent's Shadow, The Oathbound, The White Gryphon, The Silver Gryphon, Beyond, Spy, Spy Again, Oathbreakers, The Lark and the Wren, The Gates of Sleep, Phoenix and Ashes, The Wizard of London, The Robin and the Kestrel, Oathblood, Take a Thief, Exile's Honor, The Silver Bullets of Annie Oakley, Owlflight, Brightly Burning, Exile’s Valor, Sword of Ice and Other Tales of Valdemar, Crucible, Choices, Into the West, Into the West, Sun in Glory and Other Tales of Valdemar, The Fire Rose, The Case of the Spellbound Child
An anthology of sixteen stories in the Tales of Valdemar fantasy series by a variety of authors.
The Series
“Transmutation” (After The Owl Mage Trilogy)
“Death in Keenspur House” (Master Selden, 2)
“Dawn of Sorrows” (Concurrent with Owlflight, 1?)
“A Change of Heart” (Heart, 1)
“War Cry” (concurrent with the Exile Duology, aka Alberich’s Tale, 1)
“Strength and Honor” (Solaris, 2)
“Safe and Sound” (Wil & Leila, 1)
“Landscape of the Imagination” (Vows and Honor, 1.xx)
The Stories
Larry Dixon’s “Transmutation”
Mortally wounded in battle, helping Valdemar, Kelvren is abandoned, treated as less than who he is, having expended his remaining energy in saving Stavern. It’s Kelvren’s need for kindness and care that brings two people, a young boy and his enterprising, yet frustrated mother, into Kelvren’s orbit.
“Transmutation” is all about bigotry. Two “soldiers” who are wounded but treated differently because of their race. Housed together as dying patients, each pushes forth effort to help the other in their own ways. The frustrated Stavern and the dying Kelvren who both manage to lift the soldiers’ morale. Oh, lordy, I do like how Kelvren got back at that cheap mayor!
“Pain shared is pain halved. I shared half of my pain with the mayor . . . and I feel much better now.”
Silver Gryphon Kelvren Skothkar, a wingleader from k’Valdemar, was sent by Kelmskeep to aid Valdemar and was wounded and housed with the mortally wounded calvary officer Hallock Stavern of the Sixteenth Regiment who is now a captain. Stavern is married to Genni. Dughan is Stavern’s mount. Birce is a Healer but knows nothing about gryphon healing. Devon. The Skybolts and Kerowyn’s Firebolts are mercenary troops sent by Valdemar.
Jeft Roald Dunwythie, a.k.a. Boy, is considered useless by his village because of the splotches on his face. His birth is also questioned. His mother, Ammari, a seamstress and artisan, is so grateful and has discovered an amazing product.
Treyvan, an Adept, and his mate, Hydona, the Great Ones, are the gryphon ambassadors to Haven. I think Jerven and Lytha are their children. Pena is Treyvan’s senior hertasi and a great cook. And Pena sets conditions, lol. Whitebird is a trondi’irn, medics necessary for gryphons to survive. Rivenstone is Whitebird’s assistant. Master Levy. Elspeth is queen and Darkwind is her husband.
Darian, Snowfire, Steelmind, and Firesong are Kelvren’s friends at k’Valdemar. Lord Breon and the Ghost Cat Clan want Kelvren back.
The city of White Gryphon
Skandranon Rashkae, the Black Gryphon, is a legend to Kelvren. A chunk of the story talks about White Gryphon. Urtho had created the gryphons.
More gryphons who need to be known include Kuartes and Ustecca, Tussak Kael the Elder, Zhaneel the Swift and Aubri the Stalwart, and Kechara.
Based at Deedun, Farragur Elm is a trade baron who has formed a coalition and seized resources.
Nancy Asire’s “The Feast of the Children”
It’s the time of year when the priests tour from village to village, searching for eligible children — and not so eligible. Those will go into the Cleansing Fires.
Geez, I hate religions like this, especially when they’re so corrupt! But any religion that forces people to do what they tell them is bad, in my book. The religion insists that magic is bad, evil. Unless the priesthood can use anyone who is capable of magic.
The Characters
Pyotr has been a priest (who loves cats) at the Temple in Two Trees for fifteen years. Selenna is Pyotr’s sister. His cats include Tom, Puss, Patches, and Sunshine. Najan is their cousin, a trader who has moved freely about. Iban, a villager, has been on watch.
Jovani, Chelsah, Bhobar, Lispach, and the twins, all cousins, are of an age to experience the altered rite of passage. The grasping Zarvash betrayed Tomasio.
Vikandis Sunlord is the god the people of Karse worship. The Son of the Sun is the head of the religion. The current Sunlord is Hanovar who surrounds himself with yes-men. Chardan is the power-hungry priest coming to test the children; he was Pyotr’s friend from childhood. Durban, a demon-summoner who had been a Red-robe priest, who became a Black-robe priest, had been Two Trees’ regular tester. Black-robes possess magic and summon demons. Sunhame is the capital of Karse. A childhood rite of passage has been suborned into a horror.
Richard Lee Byers’ “Death in Keenspur House”
It’s a critical wedding in Mordealth, intended to lay the feuds to rest. Only a theft and murder have set the Blues against the Greens. Again. Only the truth can set them free.
Whew, this one is full of tension and magics.
The Characters
Master Selden is a retired mercenary who teaches weaponry to the Blue faction. Marissa is the principal sword-teacher to the Green faction and Selden’s friend and sparring partner.
There are fifty noble houses in the town, scattered into ten factions with the primary ones the Greens and the Blues. The Keenspurs (Greens) include Lord Baltes, a widower about to be the groom. Tregan is Baltes’ brother and the house mage; Yshan had been the previous house mage. Dremloc and Wyler fall under a spell. Venwell died without drawing his blade.
Pivar is the leader of the Blues. Lukinda is Pivar’s youngest daughter and the bride.
Brenda Cooper’s “Dawn of Sorrows”
A look back in near history when Ancar was attacking Valdemar and the Companions were desperately searching for mage-gifted Chosen. It’s the story of a lone bard and her experience of the negative side of a Choosing that inspired “Dawn of Sorrows”.
It’s a pip and Cooper slowly leads us to Jocelyn’s remembrances. And the changes made to help parents left behind.
The Characters
Bard Dennis has assigned Bard Dawn “Silver” to Bard Jocelyn for their journey.
“Dawn of Sorrows” was Jocelyn’s only song, a very popular one, and a result of a desperate journey to warn Valdemarans living on the border with Hardorn. Dawn had lived in Johnson’s Ford near Hardorn. Drake had been Dawn’s husband. They had had an eight-year-old daughter, Lisle, who was chosen by a Companion, Tamay.
Ancar had been the evil ruler of Hardorn.
Rosemary Edghill’s “Horse of Air”
There is a witch in the Armor Hills who must be stopped.
A sad tale of anger and why even Heralds need spies and where, how, they acquire them. Edghill also provides “Paynim’s” back history and why Shavanne’s soul has lingered.
“A wise man never needs to borrow trouble since fools give it away for free.”
The Characters
Sendar was king when “Paynim the tinkerer” with his gift of a minor Mindspeech and a touch of Empathy, became a Herald — the voice and hands of the ruler of Valdemar; now Selenay is queen. Shavanne had been “Paynim’s” Companion.
Herald Ninyel and his Companion Teroshan. A Mage College is new come to Haven. Alberich is the weaponsmaster at the Collegium. Jaxon had been a child patient at the Healer’s College. Master Tiedor had been one of the Healers. Master Bard Ronton had used his voice to clam.
The Moonwoman is extorting people and goods from the people of the Armor Hills. Meramay is a young widow. Garan had been her husband, taken. Ceile, Joard, and Magan are fellow villagers. The Midsummer Meeting is more of a religious gathering, a mustering of clans, to do business, exchange information, and search for mates.
Liah had been born nineteen years ago. Her parents were Andren and Colmye with little knowledge of the world.
Sarah A Hoyt and Kate Paulk “A Change of Heart”
A Changeling, Ree is more human than most when he saves a brutalized boy.
A sad life of a child forced to hide, steal, and squat. Hoyt/Paulk introduce us to Ree’s hideous life and his humanity.
The Characters
Ree is a Changeling, turned in the Mage Storms from human to a blend of human, rat, and cat who lives in Jacona. His mother had been a whore. The pretty Jem is too vulnerable.
Melles is the emperor. A hobgoblin is a term applied to any Changeling; they’re killed on sight unless they’ve been registered.
Tanya Huff’s “All the Ages of Man”
Herald Jors feels too young for this. Too young for teaching, yet Gervais reassures him that he can teach what he knows to this new green Herald, who is quite forward. And she finally confronts Jors.
It’s a frustrating tale at first and only really gets interesting when Alyise makes her first judgment. It’s a good one, pointing to what can be celebrated. I do love how Companions enjoy plotting, lol.
“If you don’t celebrate your victories, all you remember are your defeats.”
The Characters
Herald Jors and his Companion, Gervais. Bucky is Jors’ pack mule. Herald Jennet‘s mother is ill; Inar is Jennet’s Companion. Herald Alyise is green and being mentored by Jennet. Donnel is Alyise’s Companion. Spike is their muley mule. Herald Erica “agrees with everything Jors says” — Erica’s Companion, Raya, and Gervais enjoyed that euphemism, lol.
Halfrest is a tiny village with a history and pride in their Waystation. One that has had a difficult year.
Michael Longcor’s “War Cry”
It’s said this will be the last battle between Valdemar and the Tedrels. And it’s a bad time for Rury Tellar to learn about his Gift.
I had to laugh when Herald Erek remembers “Iron Mit” who had turned a “whiny little rich boy into a passable good soldier”. Mit also has good advice about the food, lol.
It’s a tale that’ll make you cry.
The Characters
Rury Tellar, a seventeen-year-old Valdemaran Guard from the Oakdell village where he worked as a blacksmith, facing his first big battle and the last battle in the Tedrel Wars, learns he has a strong Gift of Empathy. Aed Karlan is their self-appointed jester, Milo, and Snipe are fellow Guards. Twenty-eight-year Guard veteran, Sergeant Mit Krandal, a.k.a. Iron Mit, is in command of their unit. Dortha puts them through drills.
King Sendar and Princess Selenay will take part in the battle. Herald Erek Ranwellen, who has a mild touch of Empathy with a good bit of Mindspeech, and his Companion, Deanara.
The Tedrels are the enemy, hungry for their own homeland.
Ben Ohlander’s “Strength and Honor”
A tortured, dead Herald and Companion are found. The corruption within the Karse priesthood is hideous. Their lies more and more obvious. Their corruption more evil.
You can’t help but hate the corruption of the Karsite religion and be proud of the men who battle it. Then there’s the ending, and I’m still crying.
The Characters
The wounded Colonel Tregaran is preparing for war with his own, even while battling the Hardornans. A firecat is keeping Tregaran company. The trusted Cogern, Warmaster of the Nineteenth Foot, Hero of the Regiment and Beloved of Vkandis. Mindalis is a scout leader. A Valdemaran chirurgeon is part of their regiment. Delrimmon of the Thirteenth and Hergram of the Thirty-first are with the Nineteenth.
Solaris is the priest who believes in the old ways. Laskaris is the current Son of the Sun. The Black-robes are assembling an army of mostly Hardornan mercenaries to overthrow the hierachs, battle the Red-robes, and put their own on the Sun Seat. Sunhame is the capital of Karse.
Selenay is queen of Valdemar.
Fiona Patton’s “The Blue Coat”
It’s but a pitiful remnant of the Goshon Clan and only getting worse. Vulshin and Shersi have dreamed of a blue coat. A garment they’ll find if they head to Valdemar.
It’s a story that starts out sad and yet has hope at the end.
The Characters
What remains of the Goshon Clan of trappers exists in a vale of the Ice Wall Mountains. Treyill k’Goshon has shaman potential and Kellison, another cousin with a good mind, are hunting while Dierna, their cousin, is giving birth. The strong Bayne is Trey’s brother. Shersi is their midwife. Vulshin is the family shaman. Aivar had been Vulshin’s grandson and Dierna’s husband.
Kith Arkarus of Waymeet is the quarry master. Gabrielle Post is Kith’s niece and an apprentice of Haven’s Master Builder, Gabrielle’s father. Captain Danel is of the Valdemar Guard. Marik is a young Guardsman. Restil is king of Valdemar. Deedun is a village on the way from the quarry to Haven.
Stephanie D Shaver’s “Safe and Sound”
It’s an honor and a horror to be a Herald, at least to Leila’s thinking. Meanwhile, Leila has her own horror, writing a song that will encourage the Bardic College to make her a full bard.
Musicians are writers too, as we see while Leila and Malesa argue over “events without a discernible plot, antagonist, or resolution”. I liked Leila’s counterargument about the “untold stuff between the lines”.
You’d think that someone about to become a bard would know more about tact and diplomacy. There’re all those songs that must surely include those topics. Another subplot is Leila’s worry about her brother who has a good answer for her. The main plot is Leila composing her graduation song with Wils’ closure part of it.
Oh, lordy, there’s that Companion humor again when Vehs is “kidnapped”, lol. It’s a good story that reinforces the need to talk your problems out.
The Characters
Bardic-trainee Lelia is desperate for inspiration for her master song. Lyle is her twin who just got his whites and hopes to be interned with Herald Wil; Rivan is Lyle’s Companion. Leila and her twin’s parents were gleemen; Leila learned knife-tricks from her grandmother. Malesa is a friend of Lelia’s who is working on her own piece. Bard Faber had written “Seven White Horses”.
Herald Daryann had written a journal. Herald Wil is Daryann’s brother who was also Chosen with his Companion Vehs. Herald Elcarth. Herald Alberich is the weaponsmaster.
Janni Lee Simner’s “Song for Two Voices”
Holderkin may have as many wives as they wish but it’s the Firstwife who rules those wives. When Latya notices Garen’s unexpected preference for his newest wife, she does her best to make Nara’s life miserable.
It’s a Herald, a woman, who unexpectedly fights for Holderkin, but it’s Nara who saves Garen, provides Latya with a lesson, and pays the Herald with story.
Heralds and other Valdemarans believe Holderkin men only care about themselves. I’m too much of a feminist to enjoy stories about the Holderkin, but “Song for Two Voices” ended on a positive note.
The Characters
Holderkin are isolationists who practice polygamy and despise magic. Garen Aranson inherited his Steading from his father. He has three wives — Latya is the strict Firstwife who gave him another son, Isa is his second underwife who bore a daughter; two brothers, and an oldest son, Ari, who works the fields. He even cares for those littles too small to work. Gracious of him.
Jeth is a cousin and Nara, his daughter, who is not content in her life although song gives her happiness.
Mickey Zucker Reichert’s “Finding Elvida”
It’s a terrible battle with such loss, such that Elvida’s emotions unleash her Gift until she loses it again.
It’s about self-doubt holding one back, and Elvida wallows in it.
The Characters
Herald Elvida and her Companion, Raynor. Other Heralds include Sharylle and her Companion Tabnar; her partner is Anthea and her Companion, Leahleh. Altorin is the weaponsmaster.
Judith Tarr’s “Darkwall’s Lady”
An alliance is proposed from one Lady to a Lord in exchange for the Lady gaining an heir. Their child, Merris, will be raised in her home keep until she comes of age.
Merris learns much of her keep-to-be, but has never visited. She hears praise from the tutors Darkwall provides but she also hears nervous rumors from others. Luckily for the independent Merris, Herald Coryn and Selena insist on going with her.
The stories she’s heard and those tutors of Merris’ are dang creepy. I gotta say, Merris’ conclusion as to why the Lady of Darkwall ranged so far to find her makes a lot of sense. It is an interesting story, but after all the build-up, I was disappointed with the ending. Oh, it was a good one, but too easy.
The Characters
Lord Bertrand of Forgotten Keep has a wife, the Lady Beatrice, who became pregnant after they already had a full grown son and a married daughter, Lady of Mourne Fell. Rolf, Gerent, and Danil are some of the staff. Gerda is Merris’ maid and a sound sleeper.
The Lady of Darkwall Keep has no heir and has a bad reputation. The Lady provides Merris with cold tutors such as Master Thellen and Mistress Patrizia.
Herald Isak is old and accompanied by Herald-Intern Coryn. Selena is Coryn’s Companion and brimming with warnings.
Michael Z Williamson’s “Naught But Duty”
It’s the aftermath of battle for an employer Arden has come to despise.
It’s sensible that Arden wants to keep his men employed, interested, but without danger of destroying them or their reputation. His current employer? Well, Arden takes care to count their payment in front of their employer. And he follows the contract to the letter. It’s a hard line to walk and remain honorable. I had to laugh at the nitpicky choices Arden makes to avoid slaughtering innocents.
The Characters
Arden is the High Rider of the competent and reliable Toughs who have been employed by Lord Miklamar. Fury is Arden’s horse. Previous commanders of the Toughs included Kenchen, Ryala, and their founder, Thoral. Balyat is a scout. Ty’kara is Shin’a’in; Bukli is skilled with signals and good with a sword; and, Mirke appears to be a good cook.
Miklamar allows his troops any license after a battle. Shakis is Miklamar’s regional deputy. Kiri, Fausan, Mirdu, Askauk, and Shelin are but a few villages among many. Manjeuk is a quiet town.
Count Namhar is with the Anasauk Confederacy. The grief-stricken Chal is part of Namhar’s entourage. Rorsy commands a force. Captain Onri makes an offer and accepts a surrender.
Mercedes Lackey’s “Landscape of the Imagination”
Tarma and Kethry have delivered their charge to her niece in the Duchy of Silverthorn. It’s a bad place to be if you’re low on money, as it’s incredibly slow to leave the place.
Yet the ladies are determined to get out even if they are in need of money. A need that leads to a mistake when they encounter a lone woman in need of bodyguards.
It’s a weird story that turns out to be fun, especially for Tarma who see it as the perfect training scenario.
The Characters
Tarma, a Shin’a’in Swordsworn, and Kethry, a sorceress of the White Winds school, are a low-level mercenary pair without a reputation. Need is the magic sword that commands Kethry. Warrl is a kyree who has decided to be Tarma’s familiar. The warsteeds are Hellsbane and Ironheart.
The Duchy of Silverthorn taxes hell out of everyone so they can pay their extensive number of lawkeepers and constables. The Pelagir Hills are a chaotic and magic-infested land of monsters. Nanca Jente is a sorceress whose temporary bodyguards were taken out. Jendran is the colleague she intends to meet.
The Cover and Title
The cover is a split complement of oranges and dusky purple. The purple forms a border with a thin aged gold border with a dark blue background inside. Overlapping the inset is a flaming orange heater shield with a deep brown distressed border with rivets. Emerging from inside the shield is the head of a wild-eyed Companion in profile. Across the bottom of the inner background are three more heater shields: the leftmost with a purple background and silver rivets like stars and a white pegasus in profile, the center is a dull orange with a coiled black and orange zigzagged snake while the rightmost has a black background and a deep orange gryphon with its feathers detailed in black against a black background. At the very top is a rectangle with an aged background for the title in a combination of deep red and black and a short notice of the book’s contents. At the bottom, just under the three small shields is another rectangle with an aged background informing us of the identity of the editor, in black.
The title is the various Crossroads and Other Tales of Valdemar encountered in these short stories.