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Mercedes Lackey
fantasy in a Kindle edition that was published by DAW Books on December 1, 2015 and has 351 pages.
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Other books by this author which I have reviewed include Unnatural Issue, "The River's Gift", Finding the Way and Other Tales of Valdemar, Foundation, Intrigues, Gwenhwyfar: The White Spirit, Owlknight, Charmed Destinies, Changes, Beauty and the Werewolf, Invasion, Home From the Sea, Dead Reckoning, Conspiracies, Bedlam's Edge, Crown of Vengeance, Redoubt, Harvest Moon, World Divided, Elemental Magic: All New Tales of the Elemental Masters, Sacrifices, Steadfast, Burdens of the Dead, Bastion, Victories, Blood Red, The House of the Four Winds, Games Creatures Play, Closer to Home, Born to Run, Wheels of Fire, When the Bough Breaks, Chrome Circle, Changing the World: All-New Tales of Valdemar, Under the Vale and Other Tales of Valdemar, Arcanum 101, A Tangled Web, Winter Moon, Moving Targets and Other Tales of Valdemar, Elementary: All-New Tales of the Elemental Masters, No True Way: All-New Tales of Valdemar, From a High Tower, Hunter, Closer to the Heart, Silence, A Study in Sable, Elite, Closer to the Chest, Tempest: All-New Tales of Valdemar, A Scandal in Battersea, The Hills Have Spies, The Bartered Brides, Dragon's Teeth, Eye Spy, Breaking Silence, Pathways, Passages, Magic's Pawn, The Black Gryphon, Magic's Promise, The Serpent's Shadow, The Oathbound, The White Gryphon, The Silver Gryphon, Beyond, Spy, Spy Again, Oathbreakers, The Lark and the Wren, The Gates of Sleep, Phoenix and Ashes, The Wizard of London, The Robin and the Kestrel, Oathblood, Take a Thief, Exile's Honor, The Silver Bullets of Annie Oakley, Owlflight, Brightly Burning, Exile’s Valor, Sword of Ice and Other Tales of Valdemar, Crossroads and Other Tales of Valdemar, Choices, Into the West, Into the West, Sun in Glory and Other Tales of Valdemar, The Fire Rose, The Case of the Spellbound Child
An anthology that is ninth in the Tales of Valdemar with eighteen short stories in the Valdemar fantasy series and revolving around the inhabitants of the lands.
The Series
“The Highjorune Masque” (Wil and Lelia, 6; It takes place after Exile’s Honor, 1355 AF, and I think it’s the first mention of Lord Dark)
“Unresolved Consequences” (Lady Cera of Sandbriar, 2)
“A Bellowing of Bullfinches” (Lena, 3)
“She Chooses” (Sparrow and Brock, 2)
“Before a River Runs Through It” (Dann Family of Haven, 6)
“Never Alone” (Herald Syrriah, 1)
“Vexed Vixen” (during the time of Vanyel)
The Stories
Jennifer Brozek’s “Feathers in Need”
“Feathers in Need” takes place just after the Mage Storms have changed magic (Storm Breaking, Mage Storms-3 (Valdemar 1376-5 AF). One of the protagonists was changed due to her curiosity while the other was changed through pure accident.
It comes down to Kitha’s sense of duty and the twinning of two souls who become one — and of countering others’ perception of them as disabled. I love Hadara’s comment about being blind doesn’t mean she’s stupid! Hullo!!!
It’s interesting that Brozek has Tayledras helping the Shin’a’in to evacuate when they’ve been so against each other for so long. Then again, maybe we aren’t so deep into this world yet. I sure couldn’t tell.
The Characters
Kitha shena Tale’sedrin, a half Shin’a’in who grew up in Jkatha with Kerowyn her great-aunt (Landon, Kerowyn’s brother, is Kitha’s grandfather), was caught in a Change Circle. Rune is, was, her horse.
Hadara is a blind hertasi whose Animal Mindspeech gift has been enhanced. She lives in the k’Leysha Vale along with Serta, another hertasi. Calmwater is a Tayledras and Hadara’s mentor? Crimsonstrike is Calmwater’s lifemate. I think Nightclaw and Summerfire are their bondbirds. Tiron is a dyheli, a being resembling a deer with spiraled horns. The tervardi are enhanced hawks. A Change-Child is one who has been changed by magic in a Change Circle, a small plot of wild magic that can do anything.
Quenten of Bolthaven is a White Winds mage. The Star-Eyed is what the Tayledras call their goddess. Terek shena Tale’sedrin is Kitha’s end of mission.
Stephanie D Shaver’s “The Highjorune Masque”
There’s trouble in Valdemar and a mention of Lord Dark. With Ferrin to stir up trouble with his seditious talk and manipulative Gift, one which gives Ferrin his high.
The masque is simply a word for meeting. I’m not sure why the Bardic Circle would simply toss the guy out. Not with his “gift”. Ferrin is a nightmare who thinks it’s okay to rape women. After all, others do.
The Characters
While waiting for rescue in Highjorune, a tiny village that only recently became part of Valdemar, “Bree” collects ashes for the soapmakers, Skarron and Derdre.
The Crown of Lineas is an inn owned by Sharlot who’s sleeping with Ferrin, the inn’s resident bard. Nightmare is Ferrin’s horse. Ystell is the inn’s cook. Orenn is the hostler. Suze is a toddler, whose father, Attikas, started working at the inn as an hostler a month ago. Eel is a stableboy. I think the Remoierdis family used to rule here. Jalazar has a grave behind the castle. One with company.
Selenay is queen. Leila is a bard (who passed a few weeks before Sovvan) married to Herald Wil whose Foresight Gift has a secondary property of Hindsight. Ivy is Lelia and Wil’s daughter. Vehs is Wil’s Companion; Aubryn is another Companion, one who lost her Chosen to a freak accident and loves babysitting Ivy. Bloom is Lelia’s old gittern. Amelie is a bard sent on a task by Leila. Maresa.
The Lord Dark is a bad guy. Yeah, I know, no kidding. Mardra appears to be one of his agents.
Dylan Birtolo’s “Lost Song”
“Lost Song” is a very short and very sad story about a bard who no longer cares. Who tries to drink away his memories. Who would welcome death. Only, there are good people out there. More than the bad. There are also those out there who have suffered in similar ways.
The Characters
Navin is a bard, had been a bard? And is willing to destroy anything that reminds him of his past, even The Bard’s Cottage. Artis had been Navin’s lover until his wasting disease finally took him years ago. Korrin is a kyree, an enhanced wolf, who is traveling.
Elizabeth A Vaughan’s “Unresolved Consequences”
Lady Cerartha is hoping to make it through her first winter. Hoping to find a product that will help her people do more than survive.
It provides a back history on the chirras and how they were brought to Sandbriar and survived. It also provides insight into Cera’s distant and near past. It seems that even Companions can suffer from PTSD.
I do like those Heralds. They consider people and their individual needs. Yeah, not like our politicians who think they’re best suited to decide what we [women] do with our bodies.
The Characters
Lady Cerartha, the recent Rethwellan bride and now Lord Sinmonkelrath‘s widow, has been granted her late, treasonous lord’s estate, Sandbriar. Alena is Cera’s handmaiden. Athelnor is Cera’s steward and Young Gareth‘s grandfather. Marga is Gareth’s grandmother and Cera’s chatelaine. Ondon is the headman of a village. Ager once brewed a sweet, smooth cider and had tended the chirras, but returned from the Tedrel Wars in grief and depression.
Herald Helgara and her Companion, Stonas, come at the news of Cera’s illness.
Lord Cition has a young son thinking of wooing the Lady of Sandbriar. The Trine appears to be a Rethwellan deity. Waystations are huts supplied with goods and food for Heralds who are traveling and are intended to ensure no locals can get a Herald to favor them. The Tedrel Wars have recently ended (Exile’s Honor).
Ron Collins’ “Gifts of Rage and Despair”
Its a partnership of Healer and kyree with the powers of one fading and the other’s being enhanced. A failing that leads to Kade’s eager acceptance of a “promise”.
It was rather whiny with each questioning how the other “knows” they’ll never leave and will always be there.
We all know how much we want to learn more, to be better. And it’s funny how we believe that having the Internet means we have a better chance of learning the truth when all the Internet is, is a way to spread people’s own version of things. Just because it’s in the cloud doesn’t mean it’s accurate.
Okay, okay, that whine over, Collins’ story is something of a mish-mash that didn’t hold together for me.
The Characters
Fourteen-year-old Kade is a Healer whose skills are fading. Nwah is a kyree, partnered with Kade. Her first partner had been Rayn.
Lord Pelten is leading a group of healers who want to be more. Lavie is Pelten’s partner in this deception.
Elisabeth Waters’ “A Bellowing of Bullfinches”
It’s a sad commentary about fashion, and the lengths to which people will stoop. Fortunately, there are also loyal friends, those who see the truth, and those who want only the best for others. It’s rather funny how Lena and Maia play on her ladyship’s prejudices.
When it comes to animals (or children), shameless bribery is an excellent training technique, lol.
The Characters
Lady “Lena” Magdalena arrived at the Temple of Thenoth five years ago with her charm of finches. Maia is also a novice at the Temple and accompanies Lena as a chaperon on her latest assignment. Dexter is a talented raccoon. The Prior is the head of the Temple.
Mistress Efanya is a widow with a son, Sven-August, who is about Lena’s age. The king is anxious for his ward, Lena (she’s the last of her family), to make a good match. Sara is a Healer.
Michele Lang’s “She Chooses”
There’s been change in Longfall; it has been three years since Sparrow and Brock left the village after all. Only it’s not a change either of them would ever suspect.
Doing the right thing is sometimes very hard.
Ehh. Another mish-mash that was sometimes hard to follow.
The Characters
The strong Sparrow and the blind Brock Cloud-Brother (her dearest friend) are both Trainees, although Brock is the only Chosen. Sparrow is needed to help keep the cloud-walking Brock grounded, and she can hear Brock’s and Abilard’s Mindspeech. Abilard is Brock’s Companion. Herald Zama has a garden at Errold’s Grove; Indea is Zama’s Companion. The Owl Inn can be counted on for supplies.
Longfall is Sparrow’s home village and close to the border as well as the Forest of Sorrows. Hari is Sparrow’s father. Undor was the mayor when Sparrow left. Liros Cloud-Singer, a Tayledras, is a Healing Mage of Brock’s clan as well as Brock’s first teacher. Keisha Wisewoman will bring healing.
Krul Kingfallen is of the Ice Snake Clan.
Kristin Schwengel’s “The Harvest”
It’s a tricky situation with one faction blackmailing others, which means Del and Jenny need to use care in moving this message to its intended recipient.
The Characters
Delani “Del” Birren and Jenny (of the Greens) had been partners.
Mornedealth, a town of intrigue, questions, and subterfuge where the Blues and the Greens are rival factions, is where we’ve met up with Master Selden in previous stories. Keegan Ghelv, with a small Firestarter Gift, is a weaponsmith in Mornedealth.
Jendralatha Penetheryad was of the Mercenary Guild in Mornedealth. Nakon Dryvale is Del and Jenny’s current employer. Rulijah Tavamere has a small shop and is in need of a bodyguard now that her husband, Eleu, has gone missing. Seydan works for a high-ranking Green. Master Varyon and his people are harvesting, and he offers Del a job.
Fiona Patton’s “Before a River Runs Through It”
I wasn’t expecting a battle over dung between seven- and ten-year-olds. Ol’ Jez might reconsider how badly he wants that cool cell and free breakfast, lol. The ranking on who collects what was unexpected but it does make sense. The heavier the dung, the older you are.
HAH! Lolol, and kids think they haven’t any power, *more laughter*
The Characters
The Dann Family of Haven includes Ismy, expecting her and Hektor’s first child, and Suli, expecting her and Aiden’s third, live on Iron Street. Egan and Leila are more of Aiden and Suli’s kids. Padreic Dann is their youngest brother. Thirteen-year-old Kasiath “Kassie”, the Dann sister, is apprenticed to the watchhouse messenger-bird master. The middle brothers are Jakon and Raik, and they work the night shift. Edzel Smith is Ismy’s father which makes him Hektor’s father-in-law. An unhappy one.
The Iron Street Watchhouse is home base for Sergeant Hektor and Corporal Aiden Dann of the Haven City Watch. Corporal Hydd Thacker is a 20-year veteran. Nessa cooks nut porridge. I think Captain Sorrin is based at the Water Street Watchhouse.
Orin/Orrin Whitawer is part of the Whitawer gang that handles Iron Street and its surroundings. His sister Nell takes the kitchen scraps; their cousins, Welin and Brandil, handle the night buckets. The ambitious Rae Whitawer fought Kaiden. Rae bought a tannery that had been run by Rori, Galv’s cousin. Sevi Whitawer. Donnal Whitawer is the grandfather whose legs don’t work so well anymore.
The Tawyers collect around Exile’s Gate. Galv was fighting Orrin. Kaiden Tawyer is Galv’s pa. Jacca Tawyer.
Tayn is eight or nine years old (he’s actually twelve) and a Chosen from Waymeet on his way to the Collegium. Turns out he’s from a family of soilmen. It appears that he’s always been good at making people see the good side of each other. Aislin is his Companion who came for him two weeks ago.
The Truncheon is a local watchmen’s tavern. Ol’ Jez is in a cell on a drunk-and-disorderly. The Waterman’s Arms, a tavern, is seeing a lot of fighting.
Louisa Swann’s “Hertasi and Wyrsa and Magpies, Oh My!”
I like that Medran is into the “teaching opportunities”. Something I need. It seems that Roli needs a different sort of training now, for his out-of-control psychokinesis. He also needs to find his own people and Swann keeps it close to the vest as to what species Roli is.
The Characters
Roli is the psychic heart-son of Medran who wants to find his own kind. Medran is an old hertasi and Roli’s guardian. Winterwind k’Vala is a Hawkbrother; Saire is his bondbird.
The Pelagirs is a terrifying place known for its strange creatures and hidden dangers. Wyrsa are extremely dangerous, ground-based dragons that consume magic.
Michael Z Williamson and Jessica Schlenker’s “A Fire in the Grass”
It’s bittersweet as it’s a partial coming-home for Keth’ while Yssanda hopes it will come to feel like home. It’s been a long trip from Haven to this potential new embassy, and Heralds have been dropping off along the way to arrange Waystations to make future journeys easier.
It’s Keth’s idea to set up the embassy, for he knows people who have magic need training, and no Shin’a’in will do magic. They have it, but they don’t have control of it nor do they know when to use it. Of course, it turns out that Keth’ has his own learning to accomplish too, for there is no one true way.
It is necessary to change with the world, if we are to survive.
The Characters
Herald Trainee Keth’re’son shena Tale’sedri, a Shin’a’in Chosen, had a plan; Yssanda is his Companion. Nerea shena Tale’sedrin is Keth’s betrothed and at loose ends in Katashin’a’in. Jeris is a fellow Herald and friend of Keth’s; Jeris’ Companion is Halath.
Katashin’a’in is a trade city. Theran shena Liha’irden is a shaman. Semar is the shaman’s son. Who has magic. Stileth is an older boy; Tialek is a girl.
Lasara shena Liha’irden; Eliden shena For’a’hier’sedrin, who stirs things up; Jelenel shena For’a’hier’seddrin; and, D’minth shena Pretara’sedrin, another shaman, are elders who want to know what the Queen of Valdemar wants with the Plains of Dhorisha. There is also worry about these Heralds teaching magic. The Star-Eyed is a Shin’a’in goddess.
Dayle A Dermatis’ “Never Alone”
Poor Syrriah. Her life upended a year ago when she and her beloved husband had planned to retire(!), and now she’s thrust in amongst a bunch of kids. Luckily, her past life experience makes her perfect when she learns about the challenge. Not only is she good with a bow, but she’s had twenty years of experience in overseeing a manor.
They do say that the Companions Choose their person to fill a need they see coming up. That’s certainly the case with Syrriah. Dermatis does need to pay attention to his storyline, as various “facts” here don’t agree with the “facts” in “Old Loom, New Tapestry”.
The Characters
The middle-aged Syrriah of Traynemarch Reach, the widow of Lord Brant Trayne who died a year ago, feels very alone and has a Gift for Empathy; Cefylla is her Companion. Her youngest son and daughter, Benlan and Natalli, are also Herald Trainees and want their mother’s transition to be easy. Riann is Syrriah’s oldest daughter who has just finished her training Circuit.
The solitary Aliant was Chosen four years ago; Zhiol is his Companion. Laella is a third-year girl. Confrey is one of the fastest sword fighters. Tanrea shows signs of being a leader, and she and Confrey may well be in a relationship.
Weaponsmistress Kayla doesn’t hold back on Syrriah during weapons training. Andrel is a Healer for the Heralds. The Blues are unaffiliated students, usually highborn, who are neither intending to be bards, healers, nor heralds. They may be aiming to be scholars or artificers.
Brigid Collins’ “Down the Line”
Grandfather is insisting that Torec marry. He hasn’t any magic, so he must do his duty by the family. It’s a betrayal so great, so hideous . . . If only she’d looked.
The Companion makes an excellent point that no Gift is evil. Evil comes from how someone uses their Gift — and a Companion never Chooses wrong.
The Characters
The pregnant Kweilin‘s magic Gift has been weakened. Gareht, their grandfather, is the patriarch. Torec is Kweilin’s nephew and Gareht’s grandson. Torec’s father, Mareth, died shortly after Torec’s birth. Torec’s mother soon followed. Miss Hettya is a nice enough girl. The Farrier’s Inn is a refuge for Torec. Thandar is the king of Valdemar.
Angela Penrose’s “Ghosts of the Past”
People are going missing. And Arvil and Graya discover it’s a trip down bad memories lane.
Crack me up. Arvil and Graya don’t have Mindspeech, so they communicate via hoof count and a stylus.
The Characters
Herald Arvil, who has a weak gift of Farsight, and his Companion, Graya, have been together for twenty years, are assigned to find the people who have gone missing. Granny Shay says the woods have gotten unfriendly.
Ten months into his internship, Arvil and Herald Jinnia had called upon Lord Halrid. Trap. A classroom with Herald Kevran. Cheating. The Rethwellan border. Ambush. Embry six years ago. Humiliating. Family workshop and the mattock. The best day of his life.
Tal claims he’s the greatest mage of this age. Now that Ma’ar is gone. (Falconsbane was defeated a few months ago.)
Anthea Sharp’s “The Quiet Gift”
“Valor” was one of her best . . . and it’s still not enough. The Master Bard is not feeling her Gift. Her talent? Yes. But not the Gift Shandara has. And the harder she works, the less reliable her Gift. In a few weeks she’ll have to perform in front of everyone. And then it happens. How will she play? And then that cold hits her throat. And she still has to perform. She’ll be a laughingstock!
I gotta say, the girl is a bit dim about events at the concert.
The Characters
Shandara Tem plays harp and is hoping to pass her exam. Ryk Tayard is her friend; he’ll play “Bright Dancer”. There’s a lovely bit that notes what inspired him to write it. Genna. Master Bard Tangeli is in charge. Healer Adrun works with the Bards. Bard Vivaca is the master of ceremonies for the concert. Lord Wendin will be Ryk’s assignment.
Kerrie L Hughes’ “Healing Home”
Her father gave her a chance five years ago. And Jorie took it. Now she’s back for his funeral. And in time to note how many people are sick.
Jeez, that sister of hers is a piece of work! With such a filthy mind. How does Alphon reckon he’ll get away with hurting a Herald? Oh, I love it, I love it. That rescue was brilliant even if it was too abrupt. It’s a story with good bones, but Hughes needs to work on it some more. Too much tell.
The Characters
Jorie Felwynn is a Healer; Rowan is her gelding — who’s in awe of Gaela. Herald Tobin and his Companion Gaela are accompanying Jorie, on his way to inspect mining records and look into missing miner reports. Jaxson Felwynn, Jorie’s father, has recently died in the village of Wintervale. The Felwynn family, who owns an inn, is not boring. Her mother seems to have a touch of Empathy. Jillie is Jorie’s angry, jealous sister. Jillie’s husband left her shortly after she gave birth to their only child, Jessa, who loves music. Jemma is a younger sister who indulges too much in drink after her husband Micah was killed. Jaren is her older brother who’s married to Clary, Evie’s sister. Evie is Jorie’s best friend since childhood.
Alphon Deriadne is a merchant with a stake in the mine. He’s an old friend of Evie’s grandfather, a trapper.
Phaedra Weldon’s “The Note”
Elfyn gave birth to Lynal. Now, she’ll bury her. The Healers couldn’t save her but a Herald was sent to tell Elfyn and get her back for her last sight of her daughter.
Whew, it’s a story of loss after loss after loss. With a good bucketful of jealousy thrown in. I gotta wonder about Elfyn’s husband, if the men he trusted were thieves. Hullo. Then a different sort of loss is caused by pride. Hmm, I guess not everyone in Valdemar knows about Companions.
Oh, it’s a sad tale and I cried. But Weldon could have really wrung this one. Instead, it’s another mish-mash.
The Characters
Elfyn Muriel survives. Even after her ten-year-old daughter, Lynal, Gifted with Foresight, is Chosen by Yllafiel. Herald Bristol and his Companion, Idara, found Elfyn’s husband’s body. Herald Lorin was one of Lynal’s instructors, and he’ll misread that letter. Josef is a trainee. Healer Malachi needs a clean set of Whites.
Mercedes Lackey’s “Vexed Vixen”
They need a Healer, and they take her. Little do they know she has some special talents, some especially quick wits as well.
How dumb are these guys? Yep, the road is dangerous, and if a town misses its traveling Healer, the bandits think they’ll just ignore it?
The Characters
Healer Vixen, a.k.a. Healer Rosie, has a gift for Animal Mindspeech and is on her Healing Circuit with Brownie, her horse. Herald Vanyel coaxed Vixen through some exercises to strengthen her ability to see through birds’ eyes. Guard Captain Lence Danners leads the rescue team.
The cynical Jak appears to be second-in-command. Others in the bandit gang include Bakken who can’t recognize itching oak. The towns of One Tree, Klovera, and Red Stick are all outside of Valdemar and in the bandits’ crosshairs.
The Cover and Title
The cover has a black background with a dull gold border all the way around. Part of the border races across the top to form the bottom line of a box to display the title in gold with the info on it being all new tales in white. Beneath that is an epigraph in white. Immediately below that on the sides are pastel color blocks stacked with a thicker dull gold border around them to frame in the heater shield that takes up most of the cover. It has a purple and blue drapery-style background with a lilac-covered Companion’s head in profile, looking right. The head of a young Herald with reddish-brown hair swirling in the wind is under the Companion’s chin. Another, smaller heater shield with a deep blue-gray background with a scattering of silver rivets overlaps the bottom line of the top rectangle and points to the Companion’s eye. The shield contains a white pegasus. Another heater shield is at the bottom of the large one and has a black background with a flattened red gryphon, its wings spread wide. At the bottom is another rectangle formed by thin, dull gold lines noting the editor of this anthology.
The title refers to the general theme for the stories, of characters going through a Crucible.