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Mercedes Lackey
fantasy in a Kindle edition that was published by DAW Books on November 27, 2018 and has 400 pages.
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Other books by this author which I have reviewed include Unnatural Issue, "The River's Gift", Finding the Way and Other Tales of Valdemar, Foundation, Intrigues, Gwenhwyfar: The White Spirit, Owlknight, Charmed Destinies, Changes, Beauty and the Werewolf, Invasion, Home From the Sea, Dead Reckoning, Conspiracies, Bedlam's Edge, Crown of Vengeance, Redoubt, Harvest Moon, World Divided, Elemental Magic: All New Tales of the Elemental Masters, Sacrifices, Steadfast, Burdens of the Dead, Bastion, Victories, Blood Red, The House of the Four Winds, Games Creatures Play, Closer to Home, Born to Run, Wheels of Fire, When the Bough Breaks, Chrome Circle, Changing the World: All-New Tales of Valdemar, Under the Vale and Other Tales of Valdemar, Arcanum 101, A Tangled Web, Winter Moon, Moving Targets and Other Tales of Valdemar, Elementary: All-New Tales of the Elemental Masters, No True Way: All-New Tales of Valdemar, From a High Tower, Hunter, Closer to the Heart, Silence, A Study in Sable, Elite, Closer to the Chest, Tempest: All-New Tales of Valdemar, A Scandal in Battersea, The Hills Have Spies, The Bartered Brides, Dragon's Teeth, Eye Spy, Breaking Silence, Pathways, Passages, Magic's Pawn, The Black Gryphon, Magic's Promise, The Serpent's Shadow, The Oathbound, The White Gryphon, The Silver Gryphon, Beyond, Spy, Spy Again, Oathbreakers, The Lark and the Wren, The Gates of Sleep, Phoenix and Ashes, The Wizard of London, The Robin and the Kestrel, Oathblood, Take a Thief, Exile's Honor, The Silver Bullets of Annie Oakley, Owlflight, Brightly Burning, Exile’s Valor, Sword of Ice and Other Tales of Valdemar, Crossroads and Other Tales of Valdemar, Crucible, Into the West, Into the West, Sun in Glory and Other Tales of Valdemar, The Fire Rose, The Case of the Spellbound Child
The twelfth anthology of eighteen stories in the Tales of Valdemar fantasy series and revolving around Heralds, Companions, Healers, and regular people.
The Series
“Feathers in Deed” (Hadara and Kitha, 3)
“Who We’ll Become” (Herald Syrriah, 5)
“Unceasing Consequences” (Lady Cera of Sandbriar, 5)
“Beyond Common Sense, She Persisted” (Kaysa of Ropewynd, 3)
“Moving On” (Deira the Weaver, 3)
“The Right Place” (Petril, 2)
“A Siege of Cranes” (Lena, 6)
“Letters From Home” (Marli of Fairbend, 3)
“Friendship’s Gift” (Healer Tarek Strand, 2)
“Confounding, Enduring, Perfect, and Strong” (Nwah the Kyree, 5)
“The Once and Future Box” (Dann Family of Haven, 9)
“Acceptable Losses” (Wil & Leila, 9)
“Woman’s Need Calls Me” (Need / Vows & Honor, pre-Kerowyn)
The Stories
Phaedra Weldon’s “With Sorrow and Joy”
The Norton family’s wood and woodcraft is famous throughout Valdemar. That is, until the Nortons couldn’t fulfill their orders. Now Uli has just learned that his father has been dead a year and his family needs him. They need him as a Herald to sort out the murders and thefts.
Definitely a tale of Sorrow and Joy, as Uli learns so many truths about his family.
The Characters
Herald Uli Norton has a Fetching Gift and was disowned by his father, Cade Norton, when Sillvrenniel, his Companion, Chose him. Herald Cerys, whose Gift is Foresight, had mentored Uli on his first Circuit. Tirithiel is Cerys’ Companion.
Westmark is . . .
. . . where Uli grew up. Healer Caragi runs the Apothecary. Uli’s family is one of woodcrafters who emigrated from Hardorn. The verbally abusive Cyrus is Uli’s older brother who does the bookkeeping. Eda built the business back up. Uncle Osric Norton has always been supportive of Uli. Cade worked with Master Sorenson on the physical inventory.
The Ohbokhens are another family of woodcrafters led by Stanis. Goram Marog collects gambling and other debts.
Kristin Schwengel’s “Of Crows and Karsites”
Rinton is on his first Circuit near Karse and enlists birds to aid him in discovering the source of all the panic swelling throughout the land.
A sweet tale of hope and escape!
The Characters
Rinton is a Herald with a knack for languages, especially Karsite, and a Gift for Animal Mindspeech; Linx is his Companion. Kiyan is a crow. Linx believes Kiyan is one of the Hawkbrother bond birds.
Fides, a.k.a. Fidesa, is a Sunpriest who doesn’t hold with the black-robes. She has been protected in her disguise by the villagers when she took over from Berthelm when he died. Mirideh is Fides’ Gifted granddaughter.
Selenay is queen of Valdemar. Alberich is weaponsmaster. There are legends about Dread Varang, the bandit captain. Karsites worship Vkandis the Sunlord.
Jennifer Brozek’s “Feathers in Deed”
Both Hadara of K’lLeysha Vale and Kitha shena Tale’sedrin battle their hopes and fears, wanting to be free of the magic that changed them, but fearing the loss of their bond.
The Characters
Hadara is a blind gryphon life-bonded with the voiceless Kitha, a half-Shin’a’in Change-Child. Jerda shena Tale’sedrin wrote a letter for them to Quenten. Kerowyn is a relative of Kitha’s.
Bolthaven is . . .
. . . home base for a White Winds mage school led by Mage Quenten. The town is also the ideal place for strange beings. Teralyn is a mage and apprenticed to Mage Quenten. Braden is her companion.
A lifebond is soul deep. Silence Breakers are a group of Dark Mages. Urtho had been the Mage of Silence; Ma’ar had been Urtho’s enemy.
Angela Penrose’s “The Letter of the Law”
The land’s ruler has died and his heir wants everything that’s the best, no matter how cruel.
This made me so sick to my heart. Even Joss can’t do much since it is the strict law. But he’s quite creative in finding loopholes, lol. Joss also makes an excellent point that there should be room for human judgment and mercy. Oh, man, Joss has still another one to pull over the new baron!
The Characters
Herald Josswyn has Dashell “Dash” as his Companion.
Baron’s Town had been ruled by Baron Tolm who has recently died. Lord Gaulvan is the baron’s son and heir. Reeve Colvin is Gaulvan’s manager. Reeve Bordren also seems to be Gaulvan’s. Talvan is a carpenter; Grun is a baker; Soben is a smith; Proen is a cobbler; Durn is a potter; and, Von is a turner.
Young Abrun “Bruny“, with her Bardic Gift, asks for help. Ulren is her brother; Agrun is her mother and herself a little sister to Adrun. Agrun’s husband, Ulden, died after the baron. The family is pushing Adrun to live with Cousin Tern.
Dayle A Dermatis’ “Who We’ll Become”
It’s a bittersweet Midwinter holiday with Syrriah’s sister implementing so many changes. Not even her old gowns fit her after her training at the Collegium. But there’s a problem at the Fair with the question one of upholding a legacy or making changes.
It is a story of changes for everyone, and very nicely done.
The Characters
The widowed Syrriah, Gifted with Empathy, is a Herald now; Cefylla is her Companion. Traynemarch Reach had been her home until her husband, Brant, died and she was Chosen. All four of their children had been Chosen as well. Her two youngest are Benlan and Natalli. Riann is Syrriah’s sister and now the lady of the Reach, Lord and Lady Trayne.
Carver is an amazing woodcarving artisan, who has recently passed the business on to his children: Eron and Vaice.
Elizabeth Vaughan’s “Unceasing Consequences”
As pleased as she is to be awarded Sandbriar, it’s been a struggle for Cera restoring the estate and helping its people survive. Cera is constantly exploring ideas and ways to make this happen. And Cera’s mourning period is about over.
I do love reading about Cera’s efforts to help her people. Poor Emerson gets caught out! And gets let off with Cera’s help, lol.
The Characters
Cera, Lady Sandbriar, Sinmonkelrath‘s widow, was awarded the estate. Athelnor is her house steward; his wife, Marga, is chatelaine. Gareth is their grandson, training to take over from Athelnor. Belle is one of the older women. Emerson is the tapestry weaver interested in Withren Ashkevon, who had brought chirras and men to settle here, including Jatare. Old Meroth may be disabled, but he still rules the yard with Young Meroth his assistant. Ager knows brewing, but that brings up other issues. He’s also in love with Alena, Cera’s handmaiden. Lord Cition is Emerson’s father.
Herald Helgara rides the Circuit in Sandbriar; Stonas is her Companion. Selenay is queen of Valdemar. The Queen’s Command is that all children be taught reading, writing, and ciphering until they’re proficient. In return, they are given the Queen’s Bread — breakfast!
In Rethwellan is Cera’s family. Apothecary Reinwald is eager for her kandace business. Lord Thelkenpothonar had been Sinmonkelrath’s father. (Sin had been her traitorous husband in league with Prince Karathanelan.) Now it seems Lord Thelen’s only remaining male heir is dead.
Janny Wurts’ “Beyond Common Sense, She Persisted”
Kaysa finally arrived, bedraggled, in Haven, after a harrowing journey from Ropewynd, with a reward of a student’s place in the Collegium. Until the way is safe for Kaysa to go home. It’s not what Kaysa dreamed of when she dreamt of escaping her overprotected world of Ropewynd. She is determined to prove that she has worth.
This is too sweet of a tale with its bittersweet happy ending.
The Characters
Haven is the capital city of Valdemar. Kaysa, the blind weaver, had rescued Lark, a trapped Companion in Tempest: “Girl Without the Gifts”, 10. Tarron had been Lark’s Chosen. Tassie is a maid at the palace. Jordie is a bullied student. Mic was in an altercation. Herald Lara.
Herald Jess and his Companion had died while Herald Arif is badly wounded (Pathways: “The Girl Who Rejected the Ordinary”, 11). Change-Beasts are sent by an evil mage, Leareth.
Diana L Paxson’s “Moving On”
A unique and dangerous flu came from a family fleeing Valdemar’s borderlands. A sickness Deira refuses to allow her daughter to treat.
It’s a flashback to the village of Everleigh that Selaine and then Deira left in Pathways: “Patterns”, 2 (11). Ooh, mother-daughter issues! It’s the anger Selaine has with that con man that forces her Gift, one that she then applies to other ills. And the best argument she’ll have against her mother!
The Characters
In Haven, Deira is a weaver. Selaine is Deira and Herald Aldren‘s daughter with a Fetching Gift. Donni is fourteen years old. Garvin is an apprentice Healer. Lisandra is a Herald Trainee.
In the village of Evenleigh, Selaine had apprenticed herself to Mistress Hanna, the best herbalist for miles. Mistress Bernalise rab a general store. Master Arbolan/Abolan the Healer caused changes when he came to Evenleigh. Headman Bartom has an ill cook. Marol.
Herald Garaval had helped Evenleigh destroy the spider-monster. Now he brings Healer Kernow from the Temple at Freetown. Lady Trine and Kerenal are worshipped.
Louisa Swann’s “The Right Place”
Poor Petril. No one is singing his praises or swathing him in ermine in recognition of that rescue. Now he’s alone in Haven trying to protect Bella and her foal.
I’m not quite sure what Petril is talking about, about the man he was working for. The story does pick up once Lord Fancy Pants shows up, and Petril is quite clever with the story revealing Petril’s Gifts and the rewards for such a young hero. Very sweet and it made me laugh in appreciation.
The Characters
Eight-year-old Petril from Lake Evendim had thought he’d wanted to be a hero when he’d saved the Shin’a’in mare, Bella, and her foal, Sunfish, from kidnappers (Pathways: “Boggles and Spies”, 11). Herald Mira and her Companion, Bryn, believe Petril.
Fritz is an ancient carter. Old Ben runs a stinky stable in Haven. Lord Fancy Pants is a bully and beats horses.
Elisabeth Waters’ “A Siege of Cranes”
Poor Lena. She’s old enough to have her first season at Court — and find a husband. The king insists. Only, Lena has sorted all her suitors into three categories: annoying, obnoxious, and repulsive.
I do like the story, but Waters is much too quick to marry Lena off. And I wanna read the fallout, dang it!
The Characters
Lena has been living, working, and studying at the Temple of Thenoth, Lord of the Beasts. A good place for her as she has the Gift of Animal Mindspeech. Maia is Lena’s friend at the temple. Dexter, a raccoon, is Maia’s friend and very good with hair. Sofia, a circus flyer, is Lena’s friend from Pathways: “An Ostentation of Peacocks”, 11, when Lena had joined their show. The unpartnered Meri was one of the Companions on that trip. Sven-August is a young lad whom his mother, Lady Efanya, had tried to foist onto Lena (Crucible: “A Bellowing of Bullfinches”, 3 (9)).
The disabled Lord Keven Crane rescued a drowning bag of puppies. Lord Repulsive is actually Ruven Crane, Keven’s repulsive brother, just another of the highborn who thinks the rest of the world exists to serve him. Greta is “Repulsive”’s dog who provides Lena with way too much information about him. And his greedy father.
Michele Lang’s “Cloud Born”
Cloudbrother’s oath to return to Lake Evandim and heal it is forsworn. Instead he’s being sent on a relief mission to Iftel as an ambassador.
Ivinchi is certainly an odd duck. And so much fun to “listen” to.
The Characters
Sparrow is a human married to the blind Brock, Herald Cloudbrother, her heartmate. Abiland is Cloudbrother’s Companion. Thistle “Tis” is their son who has expressed a gift for summoning. Rork is the hertasi that cares for Sparrow and Tis when they’re in k’Valdemar Vale. Keeth (he’s in the Guards) is Sparrow’s older brother who lives on the outskirts of Haven. He’s married with seven sons, all of whom are also in the Guard.
There’s a guard post at Norflam where they must check in with Captain Russ. Longfall is the village she and Cloudbrother are from. Silver Cloud is the adept who saved Brock. Zeth is the evil who first claimed Brock.
Iftel is a walled-away land hidden from the world, believed to be myth. They worship Vykaendys (Vkandis) Sunlord. Lord Ivinchi is a tyrill, larger than hertasi and both were created by Urtho. The Temple of Honored Memory is near the shores of Lake Usho.
Brigid Collins’ “Letters From Home”
Taren is needling away at Marli to do better, and she’s still so depressed about leaving home. It’ll take someone else’s need for her to wake.
It’s a contrast between Marli who gets so many letters and Simen who gets none. Then there’s Taren who refuses to help, unless . . . It’s sweet and short with an insufficient ending.
The Characters
Herald Trainee Marli has the Gift of Fetching and Farsight; her Companion is Taren. Simen is a Bardic Trainee who chastises Marli.
Back in Fairbend, Barret had been Marli’s sweetheart. Yerra is the girl Marli became friends with just before leaving. Dreyvin is a boy at home who is special to Simen.
Anthea Sharp’s “Friendship’s Gift”
It’s a sad end of friendship for Tarek when he’s no longer invited to join with Lyssa or Shandara.
It is a good reminder for any of us that there’s always another side to a story.
The Characters
Healer Trainee Tarek Strand’s Gift manifested later than normal. Master Healer Adrun is overseeing Tarek’s progress. Master Healer Swindon teaches a class on bone fractures.
Bard Shandara Tem is the woman with whom Tarek wants to be more than friends. Lyssa, a potential Mindhealer, is the young girl Tarek sees as a sister. Ro is a former classmate and friend, who’s courting a young woman.
Strand Keep had been home where Tarek had expected to inherit. His father, Lord Strand, is not happy about his son’s Gifts.
Ron Collins’ “Confounding, Enduring, Perfect, and Strong”
It’s exhausting and overwhelming for Nwah. The lack of learning about her magic. Winnie’s “intrusion” into her relationship with Kade, as well as Nwah’s own interest in Maakdal.
Love cannot be commanded and yet it can be many things.
This takes place shortly after Pathways: “Out of the Pelagiris”, 4 (11).
The Characters
Nwah is a kyree pair-mated to Kade, who is a Healer out of the Pelagiris Forest. Winnie from Tau is Kade’s new bedmate. Maakdal is the kyree pack’s alpha male. He’s also interested in Nwah. Rayn, a female warrior from Oris, had been Nwah’s first pair-mate.
Baron Xavier Donit has two sons and a daughter, Lady Venitha, and rules a small land from Klethas Castle.
Fiona Patton’s “The Once and Future Box”
The roof of the Watch House has been bad for way too long, and it takes a river of water running into the captain’s office to find money for the repairs. It’s so bad that most everyone, including the animals, are deserting the Watch House.
Lol, it’s an old tale, that one can’t see the damage till the “tiles are off”. Then the lockpicking and the complaints of how a cop’s family is ruining the thieves . . . oh, well, lol. Morag sure knows her business, even if she does forget who she’s talking to.
The Characters
Most of the Watch have taken up shop in the Iron Lily. Captain Travin Torell, late of the Breakneedle Street Watch House, now is in charge at the Iron Street Watch House. (Captain Fernlow had been a previous commander.) Sam is the Watch House cat; Spotters is the new Watch House dog. Kasiath, Hektor’s young sister, is apprenticed to the Messenger Bird Master. Padreic, the youngest Dann brother, was recently promoted to Chief Runner. Kiel and Kriss are younger runners. Others of the Watch include Corporal Hydd Thacker, Corporal Kiel Wright, and Night Sergeant Jons.
Many of the Dann family are with the Watch and includes Sergeant Hektor Dann; Corporal Aiden Dann is an older brother; and, Night Constables Jakon and Raik Dann are younger brothers. Jemmee is the Danns’ mother and cousin to Hydd. Egan had been their dad. Thomar had been their grandfather, who had married Tansy Wright. Dolan had been the Dann great-grandfather.
Eban is the son of the building contractor. Jazper is the youngest son of Mertin, the foreman. The Iron Penny is a bar owned by a Dann family cousin. Master Smith Linton Kray. Nanny Agga owns a bake shop.
Brandin, Morag’s great-grandson, and Mazin are some of the lads kicking around Mazin’s father’s cheese. Jeb Tyver is head of the Tyvers family who are now brewers but have been known for their lockpicking skills. Connon Tyver, Jeb’s da, came into money. Morag, Connon’s little sister, had been the best charm-dubber; Morag married the wild Albert Vinney. Padreic is sweet on Cousin Kidda‘s daughter, Rosie. It was Sara/Sonya who got involved when Iffan, Morag and Connon’s brother, died and neutered the entire Tyver family. Peggi is Morag’s niece and a bardic student; Sally is Peggi’s friend.
Herald Ivy notes that Seran, Ivy’s trainer, is dead.
Stephanie Shaver’s “Acceptable Losses”
Since Highjorune (Crucible: “The Highjorune Masque”, 9), the Queen knows that even the Guards cannot be trusted. What arrives as Herald Wil’s backup is not what he’d been expecting.
It’s another step forward in Wil’s mission to shut Madra and Lord Dark down. And I’m beginning to wonder if it’ll ever be accomplished. “The Quarry” Shaver keeps mentioning is part of Wil’s dreams.
The Characters
Herald Wil has the Gift of Foresight and Vehs is his Companion. Ivy is his young daughter who accompanies Wil on his journeys. Aubryn is a Companion whose herald, Jaylay, had died and who now babysits Ivy. Bard Lelia had been his wife and Ivy’s mother. Daryann had been Wil’s sister. Bloom is Lelia’s old gittern.
Herald Lyle, a former intern to Wil and Lelia’s twin brother, has Rivan as his Companion. Lyle has brought his Kal’enedral (descended from Shin’a’in warriors) family along, including Khaari who is an elder among their people and Megyn. They make the Old Solmark Waystation into a base camp. Cyril.
Madra, a.k.a. Androa Baireschild, had been an agent of peace, a healer, and is now Lord Dark‘s agent. Together they have false Bards everywhere. The Baireschild holdings are held by Lord Grier Baireschild, Mardra’s brother and a Healer. Another brother is a Herald. Ferrin had been a false bard (Crucible: “The Highjorune Masque”. Carris had been a false Guard (Tempest: “A Small Quarrel”, 10). Galos is the last of Madra’s false Bards.
Selenay is queen of Valdemar. Alberich is weaponsmaster. The Hawkbrothers have tamed the Pelagirs.
Dylan Birtolo’s “Weight of a Hundred Eyes”
Paxia cares for everyone and yet feels the need to hide herself behind her anvil. Too often, she has felt watchers at her back.
Whoof, this was rather nasty. You do have to know something about Valdemar and what protects its people to really grasp the significance of this story. I do not think the Heralds handled this well at all, which means Birtolo was missing what the Heralds are supposed to be about. Adouin certainly left things badly, and I’m curious as to how Birtolo intends for Paxia to get her revenge.
The Characters
Paxia is a blacksmith who always knows when the Heralds come. Reynaud is Paxia’s apprentice. Others in the village include Jindar, whose legs are pinned; Tessa is a young girl; and, Cayl gets hurt when the ferry gets ripped apart.
Herald Adouin. Nia is his Companion.
Mercedes Lackey’s “Woman’s Need Calls Me”
Melysatra is tired and wants only to settle down and start a nice little inn. Experiment with some of the beer and wine recipes she’s collected. Do some healing and hedge wizardry. If only she could find someone she could hand Need onto.
It’s a small village that draws Need and the problem they’re having with Change Circles. They’ve also lost the village inn. Hmmm . . . It’s a fun story that is oh-so-convenient and plays to those of a transgender. I am curious, however, why Harl, Kerd, and Pol are described as young, if Mel has been wandering for over 40 years since Urtho’s tower was destroyed.
The Characters
Mage Melysatra of Silence Tower, formerly in Urtho’s army, has carried Need, a Mage-forged blade seeking justice for women, for the past 40 years. Sam is Mel’s old warhorse.
Harl, Kerd, and Pol are of Warrik’s Wolves, a mercenary company, and had been with Urtho’s army as well. Lemuel is a middle-aged, fit hunter. Agnetha is a goddess to whom Mel prays.
The Beast is terrorizing the area — he ate Waybrook! Ma’ar was the evil mage who was an enemy of Urtho’s.
The Cover and Title
The cover has a black background with deep gray swords slanting across it. The middle graphic is a semi-transparent heater shield with a medium gray border and rivets. Inside the shield are two somewhat hidden blue-turquoise scenes behind the right-facing profile of a white horse wearing a blue bridle. There are two additional (and smaller) shields at the top and bottom of the primary shield. The top has a royal blue background with white rivets and a white pegasus in its center. The bottom has a black background and a pinkish-red gryphon with its wings spread against an old gold circle. At the top is a young-rust rectangular border with a black background enclosing the title in its gothic orange with white for the remaining text of the series and story info. At the bottom is another rectangular outline in young-rust (and a black background) with the editor info in white.
The title is what each story is about, the Choices that must be made.