I received this book for free from the library in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.
Source: the library
Kitty's Greatest Hits
Carrie Vaughn
It is part of the , , , , , Kitty Norville #0.9, Kitty Norville #2.4, Kitty Norville #2.75, Kitty Norville #4.25, Kitty Norville #6.5 series and is a anthology, urban fantasy in Paperback edition that was published by Tor Books on August 16, 2011 and has 318 pages.
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Other books by this author which I have reviewed include Dark and Stormy Knights, Kitty Goes to Washington, Kitty and the Midnight Hour, "Kitty Meets the Band", Hex Appeal, Kitty and the Silver Bullet, Kitty and the Dead Man’s Hand, Kitty Raises Hell, Kitty's House of Horrors, Kitty Goes to War, Kitty's Big Trouble, Kitty Steals the Show, Kitty Rocks the House, Kitty in the Underworld
An anthology of fourteen short stories with all but two revolving around the Kitty Norville series. If you’re interested, there is a chronological listing of the Kitty Norville books on my website.
Because there’s such a slew of ’em, I’m putting them in chronological order as opposed to their published order in this anthology. Some of the stories are within the Kitty Norville Universe and the series information within the parentheses indicates on which character the story is focused.
“Conquistador de la Noche” (Kitty Norville: Rick, 01)
“The Temptation of Robin Green” (Kitty Norville: Rick, 02)
“Looking After Family” (Kitty Norville: Cormac, 01)
“God’s Creatures” (Kitty Norville: Cormac, 02)
“Wild Ride” (Kitty Norville: TJ, 01)
“Winnowing the Herd” (Kitty Norville, 0.9)
“Kitty and the Mosh Pit of the Damned” (Kitty Norville, after 2, pre-Ben)
“Kitty’s Zombie New Year” (Kitty Norville, after 2, pre-Ben)
“Life is the Teacher” (Kitty Norville, 2.4)
“Il Est Né” (Kitty Norville, 2.75)
“You’re on the Air”(Kitty Norville, 4.25)
“Long Time Waiting” (Kitty Norville, 6.5)
The Stories
“Il Est Né” takes place after Kitty has fled Denver and her old pack. The first of her rescues of others.
“Il Est Né” can also be found in Wolfsbane and Mistletoe.
“A Princess of Spain” takes a step back into history with a focus on Catherine of Aragon and the “true” reason young Harry become Henrys VIII.
“A Princess of Spain” is also in The Secret History of Vampires, edited by Darrell Shweitzer and Martin H. Greenberg.
“Conquistador de la Noche” is the story of Rick’s transformation.
“Conquistador de la Noche” is also in The Mammoth Book of Paranormal Romance, edited by Trisha Telep.
“The Book of Daniel” is a different take on the Bible story of Daniel and the Lion.
“The Temptation of Robin Green” is an nasty little episode in Rick’s life that actually revolves around Lieutenant Robin Green and her love affair.
“Looking After Family” is from Ben’s point-of-view and provides the background on how Ben and Cormac became so close. It’s just after Cormac’s dad’s funeral.
“God’s Creatures” is an episode in Cormac’s werewolf hunting days when he tracks down a killer werewolf for Joe Harrison in Lamar.
“God’s Creatures” is also in P.N. Elrod’s Dark and Stormy Knights.
“Wild Ride” is how and why T.J. became a werewolf.
“Wild Ride” is also in Running with the Pack, edited by Ekaterina Sedia.
“Winnowing the Herd” takes place during a staff appreciation party at KNOB before Kitty outs herself.
“Kitty and the Mosh Pit of the Damned” takes place after Kitty is outed on national television in Kitty Goes to Washington, and she’s at a bar in Denver to hear a band that’s making the news.
“Kitty’s Zombie New Year” is another post 2 and pre-Ben story in which she outs a monster-maker.
“Life is the Teacher” is about Emma, Alette’s great-great-greats-granddaughter, and how she copes with her new situation.
“Life is the Teacher” can also be found in Hotter than Hell.
“You’re on the Air” is an example of Kitty’s influence on her audience.
“Long Time Waiting” gives us Amelia Peabody’s background and how she hooks up with Cormac. It includes a flashback on how Cormac’s dad died.
The Cover and Title
The cover is not the usual. Instead, it’s day and night with Kitty posed in shadow on the day side. It’s winter with bare trees in front of the hills of the Front Range in hues of blue and white.
The title refers to stories which are Kitty’s Greatest Hits that have affected her life in some way.