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Ruby Fever
Ilona Andrews
magical realism, alternative history in a Kindle edition that was published by Avon Publications on August 23, 2022 and has 380 pages.
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Other books by this author which I have reviewed include Must Love Hellhounds, Dark and Stormy Knights, Angels of Darkness, Hexed, Fate's Edge, Hex Appeal, An Apple for the Creature, "Magic Gifts", Gunmetal Magic, Innkeeper Chronicles, Steel's Edge, Magic Bites, Magic Burns, Magic Strikes, Magic Bleeds, Magic Slays, Magic Rises, Magic Bleeds, Burn For Me, Night Shift, Magic Shifts, Magic Binds, White Hot, Wildfire, Iron and Magic, Magic Triumphs, "Gerard Demille and Helen Meet", "Diamond Fire", "Sweep with Me", Clean Sweep, Sweep in Peace, "A Mere Formality", Blood Heir, "The King of Fire", Sapphire Flames, "A Misunderstanding", Emerald Blaze, "The Cool Aunt", One Fell Sweep, Sweep of the Blade, "Silent Blade", Fated Blades, On the Edge, Bayou Moon, "George and Jack in School", Sweep of the Heart , Magic Tides, Small Magics, "The Wilson Building", "Conlan’s Birthday Text", "Dabwaha", "Don't Fight with Fate", “A Bit More of Roman”, “Getting Distracted”, "Sgt Munoz Had to Go", "Regina", Magic Tides, "The King of Fire", Magic Claims, "Sandra", "No Heroes", "Purpose", "A Mere Formality", "I Will Explain Everything", "Sanctuary", "Kind Regards"
Third in the Catalina Baylor Trilogy, a subseries and sixth in the Hidden Legacy, the alternative history magically realistic universe revolving around the Baylor family in Houston, Texas. The focus continues on Catalina Baylor and Alessandro Sagredo.
My Take
The opening is a crack-up with Team Facts Be Damned arguing with Team Facts as to whether this new possibility is haunted. Hmm . . . Aww, Shadow tries to make Catalina feel better, *laughing*.
The warehouse the Baylors have lived in has been through a lot, especially in Emerald Blaze, 5, and they have to find a new place to live. Big enough to handle Grandma’s business and the Baylor Investigative Agency along with the security troops, their friends, and their animals. Be private. Be secure. All while not living in each others’ pockets.
Yeah, that privacy thing is getting critical, Catalina is tired of ignoring Runa slinking out of Bern’s bedroom every morning, lol. I do have to laugh at Andrews’ description of the potential property, especially the bit about the second owner thinking he was handy. Sigh, it reminds me of a few of my projects *snicker* And, it seems that knowing Rogan with all those businesses of his is quite useful.
It’s first person protagonist point-of-view from Catalina’s perspecitve and her character arc concludes in Ruby Fever when she learns of, and comes to terms with, her negative side. Ooh, mama! Alessandro does play a critical part in this.
Back histories keep tumbling out in Ruby Fever . . . oy. There’s the usual on the Baylors including a recap on Mom’s time as a POW and their father’s demise. Cornelius provides us with a description of how power is classified for Animal mages. Alessandro provides the data on the rise of House Berezin and his mother’s past. Lilian spills on her own married life. Geez. Then we learn of Victoria’s back history. It all makes sense. It’s no excuse, though. Then Linus’ grand revelation. Oh. My. God.
Ruby Fever’s conflicts include the conflict of family over morality; PAC’s anger/jealousy over Rogan’s team one-upping them is a side issue; the truth about Linus(!!!); that string of betrayals; Arkan’s sick plans; Alessandro’s grandfather’s stupid ideas (and betrayal); that so-immature Christina . . . how the mighty do fall, lol — wait’ll you read that confrontation, ROFL.
Oy! The Six Thousand Dollar Gun costs $6k to fire for a full minute! They should let Leon play with it. He only needs a bullet per person. It seems that Leon, now that he’s come into his power, is earning a lot for the family. That boy does have fun with his gift, lol. Oh, lordy, that Hale and his concept of contract terms. What is he thinkin’? I do have to crack up at his resort to “Who do you think you are?” It’s a great opportunity for Catalina’s Tremaine sneer. She is so effective with it, especially when Konstantin experiences it, lol. She’s also honest, as Patricia points out. Bern gets upgraded to a full-blown Lair!
Wow, we discovered the truth about Alessandro in Emerald Blaze, and he’s throwing himself into doing all he can for the Baylors. He is being a bit hypocritical though.
Bigger, series arcing conflicts include Catalina’s power that causes people to obsess over her and the other side of that power — she’ll need all the power she can raise now that Linus is out, and the National Assembly doesn’t come through. Alessandro’s need to kill the man who murdered his father has really upped Catalina’s fears as well.
It’s not just the back history or the conflicts, but the revelations in this!! I’m not gonna say; you’ll have to read it. And then read it again because it’s all such a manipulative mess!
No, I’m with Arabella. Why should the Baylors the damages for their enemy attacking them at the Keeper’s, although Catalina makes a good point
I’m not thinking much of the prince either. He’s a revelation all on his own, and not necessarily in a good way. He is so very manipulative with no consideration for anyone not of Imperial blood. House Baylor has been “good” for him — he’s never been so disrespected by this strange down-home House where everyone comes for dinner. It’ll be interesting to see where Andrews goes with Arabella’s trilogy.
Oh, House Baylor has become a combat House. It really shouldn’t have come as a surprise to me . . . duh . . . they are, after all, all about keeping everyone safe.
The Story
Nothing is ever easy for the Baylors — or their friends. The new house, the estate, is a dream come true until the attacks, both from outside and within.
And all hell really breaks loose.
The Characters
Catalina Baylor, a siren Prime and magus Sagittarius, is the head of House Baylor as well as the Baylor Investigative Agency, aaaand she’s been the Deputy Warden of Texas for the past two years. A protector at heart, Alessandro “Sasha” Sagredo, a.k.a. the Artisan, is an Antistasi Prime whose magic nullifies other mental magic and can pull magic out of the ether, is an assassin with a reputation. He’s also an Italian count, a fourth cousin to the Berezins, and Sentinel for the Warden’s office, and is Catalina’s fiancé. Shadow is Catalina’s rescue dog from Sapphire Flames, 4. Lilian, Countess Sagredo, is Alessandro’s besieged mother; his sisters are Bianca and Lia. Ginerva had been Lilian’s friend who made a useful incentive. Tommaso had been Alessandro’s first broker.
Arabella Baylor, a Prime metamorphosis, is the youngest sister, and I think we’ve been introduced to who’ll be her love interest in the next trilogy. Penelope, a sniper who can’t miss, is their mother with issues left over from being a POW. James had been their father whose cancer caused such dire financial straits. Bern, a patterner brilliant with computers who can find anything, is their Chief of Surveillance and Cyber Security. He and Leon, a shooter Prime, are cousins who came to live with them ages ago. Grandma Frida, their maternal grandmother, is a mech mage who works on tanks and mobile artillery — Rhino is her special project.
Dr Patel is the Baylor House physician. Patricia Taft is their security chief; Regina, her wife, is visiting family. Brittney, a Notable, is their only aegis; Mohan, Lex, and Katrina are also part of the security. The animals include Ranger, a German shepherd; Sergeant Teddy, a pacifist Kodiak; Zeus, a brilliantly colored arcane “cat”; and, Rooster, another guard dog. Sabrian is the House Baylor lawyer.
House Etterson is led by . . .
. . . Runa (Catalina’s best friend and a Prime Venenata, a poison combat mage), Halle (a prime who purifies poisons), and Ragnar (a poison Prime) now live with the Baylors (Sapphire Flames).
House Rogan
Nevada Rogan-Baylor, a truthseeker Prime, married Connor “Mad” Rogan, a telekinetic Prime who’s off the charts, and they’ve had their scarily powerful baby, Arthur. Arossa is Connor’s wheelchair-bound mother. The delightful Mia Rosa (“Diamond Fire“, 03.5), a ten-year-old cousin, was targeted by Xavier. Jeremy appears to be Rogan’s assistant. Bug is his surveillance specialist and another computer whiz who processes visual information at superhuman speed. Sergeant Benjiro Heart is one of Connor’s senior operatives, and he and Mom have a thing going on.
House Harrison is . . .
. . . led by Diane. Cornelius, her always nicely dressed younger brother, is registered as a Significant animal mage and works for House Baylor. Matilda, Cornelius’ daughter, will be a Prime. Nari had been Cornelius’ wife, Matilda’s mother (White Hot, 2). Gus Bunnyson is their current Doberman; Bunny had to retire. Go Mi Nam (who answers to Kitty) is Matilda’s fluffy Himalayn cat.
Trefon, head of House Dabroski, has an arachnid collection. Now he’s lost his most recent acquisition, Jadwiga, a very rare Giant Hourglass spider who’ll reveal more of Matilda’s power. Bazyli is Trefon’s brother.
House Tremaine . . .
. . . terrifies the world of Houses. Victoria Tremaine, a truthseeker Prime, is the Baylors’ paternal grandmother and currently incarcerated in the Spa, a.k.a. the Shenandoah State Correctional Facility. Trevor is her human guard dog. Seems there’s been some behind-the-scenes hanky panky with Victoria’s financials, including the Empyrean Holdings, House Belfair, and the Finch LTD with Albion Finch, who has a niece, Alesia.
House Berezin is . . .
. . . also known as the Russian Imperial Dynasty and led by Emperor Mikhail II. Prince Konstantin Leonidovich Berezin, an illusion Prime, is the second son of Grand Duke Leonid Berezin, the emperor’s younger brother and the Director of the Imperial Security Service. Konstantin’s brothers include Arkadiy, the ducal heir, and the rebellious Mihail . Aleksei Antonovich Dolgorukov leads House Dolgorukov, which has two magic bloodlines — pattern and precognition — and is the Minister of Defense. Inna Dolgorukov is the eldest scion. Duchess Minkina said something offensive. Aunt Zinna is Konstantin’s mother. Liudmilla had been Arkadiy’s fiancée. Boris, an upper-range Significant, had been Mikhail I’s brother, who had to marry into a merchant family, the Winstons. The Okhrana are the Imperial secret police. Rodina.
House Duncan is . . .
. . . led by Linus Duncan, an Hephaestus Prime, a former speaker for the Assembly, a witness and mentor for House Baylor to which he’s become a friend, and the Warden of Texas (appointed by the National Assembly) with the sole purpose of protecting and preserving the integrity of the Osiris serum and protecting the survival of humanity. Pete and Hera are his bodyguards. Tyler is Pete’s son. The Warden has access to a military team led by Team 1 Leader, a.k.a. Jean.
House Montgomery is . . .
. . . led by Augustine Montgomery, an illusion Prime, who also runs Montgomery International Investigations. He does get to have a bit of fun in this.
The Texas Assembly is . . .
. . . the body that governs Houses in Texas and reports to the National Assembly. Dr Luciana Cabera, a halycon Prime (specializes in soothing magic, crowd control) with a PhD in psychology from Harvard, is the Speaker of the Assembly. Zahra Kabani is the Warden of Michigan.
Fredrick Cabera, a halycon Prime, who married into the Caberas, had been Luciana’s husband (died of cancer 6 years ago). Kaylee is their twenty-two-year-old daughter and a full-time student at Rice U. A niece and nephew will be Primes. Julian and Elias are Luciana’s brothers. The elder Caberas — Luciana’s mother is also a Prime — live on an estate, Sunnyside, in Sugar Land. Maria. Ahmad is the grandfather’s nurse. The Serenity Clinic is their prime source of income.
Lenora Jordan is the scary Harris County DA. Law and order are her gods. Matt Benson is one of Leonora’s Assistant DAs. Special Agents Victor Wahl and Garcia, who recognizes magic, are with the FBI.
House Almeida is . . .
. . . the seventh richest House in Portugal. The arrogant Christina Almeida, Magus Praelia, Prime, is the fourth “fiancée” to whom Alessandro’s grandfather, Franco Sagredo, has sold him.
With the discovery of the Osiris serum last century, family Houses are now the powerhouses of their world. A House must have at least two Primes in three generations. Some Houses are powerful and some are not. All must abide by the rules for House warfare — law enforcement abdicated any enforcement on them. The Keeper of Records works for the Office of House Records; the scary Michael Latimer, a Prime, works for the Keeper. The power levels start at the top with Prime, then Significant (wannabe Primes), Notable, Average, and Minor.
Ignat Orlov, alias Arkan, is a former agent of the Russian Imperium with a petrification power as his active field and who now runs a team of assassins — he’s the man who murdered Alessandro’s father, Marcello Sagredo. I don’t think much of the Russians for just letting this guy go! Xavier Secada, Arkan’s pet telekinetic, is Rogan’s former cousin, and the most horrible man (Wildfire, 3; “Diamond Fire“, 03.5). Arkan’s other Primes include Melanie Poirier, a combat mage; Trofim Smirnov, a pattern cybermage, is/had been Arkan’s best and oldest friend; Malchenko; Nathan Sanders and his sons, Luke and Gabin, are all Prime holos-metamorphs; Maya Krause, a Prime summoner; and, Dato Buller, a Prime armamagus, a.k.a. the Crystal Knight.
Principal Action Consulting (PAC) is . . .
. . . a private army for hire led by Matthew Berry, a tagger whose nose is out of joint. His father had started Black Hurricane, which evolved into PAC.
Olivia Charles, a manipulator Prime, had been an antagonist in White Hot, 2. Katina Molpe of the siren House Molpe is the heroine of the story that destroyed most of a Russian battalion in World War I. Turns out only the Molpe women are Primes. Ruben Hale is a weaseling Significant. Dag Gunderson is an alteration mage with grudges. Celia (Nathan’s cousin) had been a metamorphosis mage in Sapphire Flames. A mentamalleus, a.k.a. mind hammer or false halycon, is unstable with toddler reactions and permanently damages the brain’s physical structure. An enersyphon, a.k.a. a magic eater, absorb magic. A parelia mage, a.k.a. warrior mage, summons weapons and amplifies them with their magic. The Time of Horrors was when Houses vied to rule without limitations. Nightbloom is a cross of animal and plant that puts their prey to sleep while killing them. Lander Morton had been a critical ally (Emerald Blaze, 5). Adam Pierce was the antagonist in Burn For Me that included Rogan’s cousin Kelly Waller and her son, Gavin. David Howling had been a nightmare (White Hot). Misha, the comatose Beast of Cologne, was a surrogate.
Trudy is the real estate agent working with the Baylors. The place is a failed resort with 23.4 acres. The Respite is a very tasteful and exclusive French restaurant where Stéphane Gregoire, an auditory mnemonic, is the maître d’. Simone is a server. Prime Curtis was having lunch with her daughter. Ellis Unit is the most dangerous prison in Texas. De Silva had been a friend to Rogan and Augustine back in their college days, and he has a damning, yet very information video . Doc Giordano, a human, is a retired brain surgeon and a neighbor of Linus’. Orduna has the ranch next door. Dr Amandi has a lab.
The Cover and Title
The explosive cover reflects the title with a range of reds from deep to pale, pale pink in a peaceful inferno of fire as the background. It’s a working Alessandro in a white button-down shirt with his sleeves rolled up and his bowtie undone, standing behind Catalina, her long dark hair floating behind her and wearing a red slipdress that flares out at the bottom. They are the magic. At the very top is an info blurb in yellow. The author’s name is below that in a flowing white script touched with reds. The title begins at thigh height in the same font and colors as the name. Below the title is the series info in yellow.
I can only imagine that the title is that ring from Alessandro, the Ruby Fever, that seizes Catalina.