Book Review: Mercedes Lackey’s Sun in Glory and Other Tales of Valdemar

Posted August 21, 2024 by kddidit in Book Reviews

I received this book for free from my own shelves in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Source: my own shelves
Book Review: Mercedes Lackey’s Sun in Glory and Other Tales of Valdemar

Sun in Glory and Other Tales of Valdemar


Mercedes Lackey

fantasy in a Kindle edition that was published by DAW Books on December 2, 2003 and has 349 pages.

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Other books by this author which I have reviewed include Unnatural Issue, "The River's Gift", Finding the Way and Other Tales of Valdemar, Foundation, Intrigues, Gwenhwyfar: The White Spirit, Owlknight, Charmed Destinies, Changes, Beauty and the Werewolf, Invasion, Home From the Sea, Dead Reckoning, Conspiracies, Bedlam's Edge, Crown of Vengeance, Redoubt, Harvest Moon, World Divided, Elemental Magic: All New Tales of the Elemental Masters, Sacrifices, Steadfast, Burdens of the Dead, Bastion, Victories, Blood Red, The House of the Four Winds, Games Creatures Play, Closer to Home, Born to Run, Wheels of Fire, When the Bough Breaks, Chrome Circle, Changing the World: All-New Tales of Valdemar, Under the Vale and Other Tales of Valdemar, Arcanum 101, A Tangled Web, Winter Moon, Moving Targets and Other Tales of Valdemar, Elementary: All-New Tales of the Elemental Masters, No True Way: All-New Tales of Valdemar, From a High Tower, Hunter, Closer to the Heart, Silence, A Study in Sable, Elite, Closer to the Chest, Tempest: All-New Tales of Valdemar, A Scandal in Battersea, The Hills Have Spies, The Bartered Brides, Dragon's Teeth, Eye Spy, Breaking Silence, Pathways, The Case of the Spellbound Child, Passages, Magic's Pawn, The Black Gryphon, Magic's Promise, The Serpent's Shadow, The Oathbound, The White Gryphon, The Silver Gryphon, Beyond, Spy, Spy Again, Oathbreakers, The Lark and the Wren, The Gates of Sleep, Phoenix and Ashes, The Wizard of London, The Robin and the Kestrel, Oathblood, Take a Thief, Exile's Honor, The Silver Bullets of Annie Oakley, Owlflight, Brightly Burning, Exile’s Valor, Sword of Ice and Other Tales of Valdemar, Crossroads and Other Tales of Valdemar, Crucible, Choices, Into the West, Into the West

The second anthology of thirteen short stories in the Tales of Valdemar fantasy series for middle grade readers revolving around the Heralds of Valdemar.

The Series

Catherine S. McMullen’s “Errold’s Journey” takes place well before the Mage Wars
Nancy Asire’s “The Cat Who Came to Dinner” seems to be earlyish in the series.
Fiona Patton’s “Trance Tower Garrison” takes place while Baron, now king, Valdemar is still alive during the early years of this new kingdom
Mercedes Lackey’s “Sun in Glory” is towards the later days of Alberich’’s time.

The Stories

Well, I am pleased that DAW Books finally put this out in an eBook format, although I can now understand why it wasn’t a priority. Don’t get me wrong, I do love the Valdemar series, but this isn’t one of Lackey’s finest anthologies.

Catherine S. McMullen’s “Errold’s Journey”

This tale takes place when Ma’ar and Urthro are in their last battle before they blow each other up and change their world. (There is a note that McMullen wrote this story when she was twelve.) What makes this impressive is a) how well McMullen knows the Valdemar stories and their characters, b) the thought McMullen puts into Errold’s packing, and c) the observations McMullen’s makes about potential threats.!

McMullen uses first person protagonist point-of-view from Errold’s perspective. And we learn how Errold’s Grove began.

Errold is good with smaller, more useful spells along with a healing ability. Master Thomas is an expert on war magics.

Carpet, a mrran, is one of the enhanced animals. Proouw is a an enhanced cat with a lot of intelligence.

Urthro and Ma’ar were both powerful mages. The former was a good guy who created much that was new while Ma’ar was a bad guy who copied Urthro’s work and did it poorly.

Nancy Asire’s “The Cat Who Came to Dinner”

Asire does provide a lovely view of life in a village for a priest. This one is a good priest! The story uses third person protagonist point-of-view from Reulan’s perspective, and does give one hope.

Reulan is a humble priest of Vkandis Sunlord, the god worshipped by the Karsites. He’s the resident for the village of Sweetwater where Santon is the headman. Khar is the cat who “adopts” Reulan.

Beckor is the priest who taught Reulan. Two Trees is the next village over. Dhadi is the priest in Faroaks. Jaskhi is another local priest who had been taught by Beckor.

The Son of the Sun is the most high priest of Karse. Sunhame is the capital of Karse. The priests are divided into different groups, including the Black-robes and the Red-robes. A Firecat is an avatar for Vkandis.

Michelle West’s “Winter Death”

A different story from the usual, it was also rather annoying. West included too many puzzling actions that made me have to re-read sections to understand what was happening and how it related to Kayla. I was confused about Kayla’s conversation with one of the Companions, as it seemed to contradict what each was saying. As for the comment on being an Oathbreaker, oh, boy. It seems a childish worry. West certainly didn’t do much with it.

It was tricky how West showed us how Kayla was taught about her Gift. Sneaky. West was also a tease in how she stretched out the cause of the illness endangering so many of Valdemar. I can definitely see West’s mystical writing in its influence on her story.

I’d’ve thought the potential for Gifts would have been particularly considered in the king’s children. It does go to show how important a parent’s view and treatment of their child is.

Kayla Grayson was born and married in Riverend, a mining town with harsh winters. Margaret “Magda” Merton had been Kayla’s mother.

Some of the children in Riverend include Mitchell, Evan, Tess, and the flirtatious Caroline. Widow Davis is the “mayor” of the Hold. Daniel is one of those sick in Evandale, a town on the way to the capital.

Anne and Carris are Heralds in search. Darius is Kayla’s Companion. I think Gisel is the King’s Own Herald; Arlen is Gisel’s Companion. Sasha and Michael had been Heralds and friends of Gisel’s. Prince Gregori is the youngest of the king’s sons with a strong Gift of Empathy. Rodri was his Companion.

Mickey Zucker Reichert’s “A Herald’s Rescue”

Another sneaky story of testing.

Santar helps with the horses in his father’s stable and has a way with the injured. Hosfin is Santar’s younger brother. Orrin is a testing Companion.

Josepha Sherman’s “In the Eye of the Beholder”

Well, that’s true enough. And there are different ways to behold a person. I couldn’t get excited about this story. It was too simplistic.

Marra is escaping the attack on her village near Lake Evandim. Albain Tandarek is a monster with a heart and related to Lord Darrick who thinks it’s funny to burn out a village.

Fiona Patton’s “Trance Tower Garrison”

This appears to be early on in the kingdom of Valdemar, although it feels as though it’s further in its future. While it is a short story, Patton made me feel its fullness, the fear and hope of the garrison, their worry about their food supply, and their decision to make things happen. Patton uses third person global subjective point-of-view as we see and hear what happens without any one character’s perspective. A good one, even if it is a weird combination of a story early in the Valdemar world.

Trance Tower is in the Ice Wall Mountains and is a northernmost outpost where Commander Dravin is in charge since Commander Beckwin died. Corporal Norma Anzie of Gray Squad is a senior sentinel. Lorn is a sergeant. Other soldiers include Ernie; Bessie Taws, who is Ernie’s niece and may have gotten through; Garet Barns has a quick temper; Ander “Andy” Harrow became an orphan when his parents Jem and Karl Harrow died; Phen Royn and Harn Anzie (Norma’s brother) are Andy’s friends; Mac Rellden; and, Tara.

A Companion is a Savior of Valdemar.

Stephanie Shaver’s “Starhaven”

Phew, it’s later in the story that the initial start of the tale is explained.

Vess Baireschild is a Herald and a strong Mindspeaker with a touch of Empathy, but no Mage Gift. He’s standing in for the King’s Own. Kestric is his Companion. Lady Baireschild is his mother. Herald Becka sent Vess. Nadja had been the King’s Own; Jastev is her Grove-born Companion.

Solmark is the village where Vess hopes to find Juni, a healer (who actually has a Mage Gift, Mindspeech, and Empathy). Sevastan is Juni’s grandfather. Marsi’s son, Garth, needs Healing. Starhaven had been Solmark’s sister town.

Judith Tarr’s “Rebirth”

I suppose any kingdom will have its betrayers. And those who love deeply.

This one was so sad, for Mathias loves Vera so much, and he keeps on sacrificing for her. That punishment that’s handed out?? It sees way too severe.

Mathias is a Herald-Mage with Lytha as his Companion.

Vera is, I think, the Heir to Valdemar, a sensitive but not a Mage, with a Companion. Lord Terrell, a warrior and a mage, will be Vera’s Consort.

Lord Dashant is Vera’s traitorous half-brother who commands the enemy army. And he killed their father.

Tanya Huff’s “Brock”

Oh, oh, this one was so sweet with such a tricky ending. I did have to laugh as the Companions want to keep Brock for themselves. So many people in this town are bullying jerks! Yet Brock is kind to everyone — he believes he’s a Herald on the inside. It’s a dilemma for Jors, especially with that gift Dory gives him to give to Brock.

The Heralds seem to be escorting a herd of chirras??

Whoa! The “mean lady” truly is mean. I wanna smack her upside the head! That bit at the end about the bridge construction was an absolute treat!

Jors is a Herald (with Gervis as his Companion) accompanying Herald Isabel who has a bad cold. Calida is Isabel’s Companion. Lorrin is a Healer and the new Head of a House of Healing.

Brock is a Moonling. Rock is the dog Brock rescued. The tanners’ place is far from town and is run by Aysa, the mean lady. Her sons are Enric, Kern, and Simen who is married to Dory; they lost their baby, Tamas.

Michael Longcor’s “True Colors”

Ooh, well named. I can’t blame Rin for wanting to find an easier life, and he certainly has picked one. Only it comes back to bite him and he’s offered two choices, and the first choice is a pip!

Rin discovers how wide that gap is between his horse and a true Companion, and we learn that through Longcor’s use of third person point-of-view from Rin’s perspective.

“Herald” Rincent, a.k.a. Rin, had been sold to the sadistic Torto of Torto’s Traveling Show where he picked up some unsavory skills. Now he claims he’s a “Special Auxiliary Herald”. Serena is his “Companion”.

Valon has a toy stick horse, Natli is his sister.

The Heralds are legendary. Terek is the senior Herald with Coryandor his Companion.

Brenda Cooper’s “Touches the Earth”

It’s all about acceptance of one’s abilities, and it’ll take a disaster for Anya to get it. It’s an interesting premise that will force Anya to figure it out, but Cooper annoyed me with the background issues. She never explained them! Well, she never explained what happened to those who were taken, anyway.

Tim is the village Healer in Homestead, teaching Anya. He lives in a cave rumored to have been built by a hertasi. In his past, he’d been a sellsword until he had his epiphany. Elena is Anya’s landlady. and Justine is her daughter.

Nightsinger is a Healer-trained Hawkbrother.

Rosemary Edghill’s “Icebreaker”

Poor Elidor. He has the usual childhood dreams of being Chosen by a Companion. It’s one way to stave off the depression of what’s happened to him. The loss of all he had had. It takes the Master of Boys to “encourage” Elidor, and it was a pip of an incentive, lol.

It’ll take a true-life encounter with a Herald to help Elidor realize what he doesn’t want.

Elidor is an orphan and a copyist-apprentice at the Great Library in Talastyre. Marane had been his oldest sister. Jonas Bridewell is Elidor’s uncle. Caleanth is Elidor’s roommate. Lady Kendra is the Mistress of Girls.

Darrian is Herald Jordwen’s Companion. Meachum is an angry job-coachman. Mistress Vonarre is also an orphan on her way to the Library.

Mercedes Lackey’s “Sun in Glory”

I always love stories about the woman who became the Son of the Sun. It’s such a lovely switch from what the sun-priests of Vkandis became! Those power-hungry hypocrites!! Yeah, they have the same gifts as the Heralds.

Lackey does provide a back history on what happened when today’s Son of the Sun was elected. Woohoo! *Laughing*, Lackey also refers back to the heroes of Nancy Asire’s “The Cat Who Came to Dinner”. More revelations include the changes Solaris is making. Phew. Everyone will breathe easier!

You’ll learn the many reasons why Karsites have fled Karse into Valdemar — including that Alberich is there! Who’d’ve thunk? Besides the truce, another sweet bit is when Alberich realizes where “home” is.

In Haven
Herald Alberich, a Karsite called “The Great Traitor” by his former countrymen, is the Weaponmaster to all the trainees at the Collegia in Haven. Kantor is his Companion. Herald-Chronicler Myste is the official historian of the Herald’s Collegium. Herald-Captain Kerowyn “Kero”, a Shin’a’in, had led a mercenary troop and was Chosen during battle. Herald Eldan is a spy. Talia is the Queen’s Own Herald. Rolan is her Companion. Dirk is Talia’s husband. Selenay is queen. Jeri.

Gerichen is the chief Priest of Vkandis, ahem, the Temple of the Lord of Light in Haven, and a friend to Alberich.

The Star-Eyed is the goddess worshipped by the Shin’a’in. The vrondi are eyes who spy on magic-users.

In Sunhame
The Karsites have been taught to fear those Demon Companions as well as the Demon-loving Heralds of Valdemar. Ruled by a theocracy, the levels of priesthood include the Priest-Mages, a.k.a. Voices of Vkandis, Red-robes were the demon-summoners, Black-robes, the White-robes, etc. Who have their own “Dark Servants” and “Vkandis’ Furies”. The priests’ Fires of Cleansing were used to burn to death any children who could use magic.

Hierophant Karchanek is a Priest-Mage and confidante of Solaris, the Son of the Sun. (Address her as Radiance.) Hansa is the Firecat, an avatar of Vkandis Sunlord, and bodyguard to Solaris. Ulrich, Larschen, and Grevenor are Solaris’ allies in the priesthood.

Ancar rules in Hardon and has an urge for conquest.

The Cover and Title

The cover is a glory with its top and bottom bands of gold. The top is the title in a black-outlined white with an info blurb at its bottom in black. The bottom band is the editor’s name, also in a black-outlined white. In between, the background is split into vertical fourths. The left one-fourth has a black background with autumn leaves falling down its length while the right one-fourth has the same black background with pastel vines of pink flowers twining vertically. The middle half is a dusty pink band overlaid with a rectangular frame with a yellow-and orange streaked sky and the head and neck of a blue-eyed white Companion dressed in its trademark blue halter and reins emerging from the narrow gold frame. Above the Companion is a Norman shield with a black background bordered in gold and a deeper red griffin with its wings splayed out. Below the Companion is another Norman shield with a slightly darker blue background studded with stars and with a winged white horse rearing up.

The title refers to Lackey’s own story and those of others Sun in Glory and Other Tales of Valdemar.