I received this book for free from the library in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.
Source: the library
Nauti Enchantress
Lora Leigh
It is part of the , series and is a romantic suspense in eBook edition that was published by Berkley on June 3, 2014 and has 336 pages.
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Other books by this author which I have reviewed include Styx's Storm, Moving Violations, Cops and Cowboys, B.O.B.'s Fall, Manaconda, A Wish a Kiss a Dream, "Dragon Prime", Primal, Live Wire, Navarro's Promise, Forbidden Pleasure, Beyond the Dark, Black Jack, Tempting the Beast, Dangerous Pleasure, Maverick, Man Within, Midnight Sins, Wild Card, Tied with a Bow, Lawe's Justice, Legally Hot, Deadly Sins, Stygian's Honor, Surrender to Fire, Nauti Temptress, Submission & Seduction, Wicked Sacrifice, Secret Sins, Nautier and Wilder, Shameless Embraces, Wicked Pleasure, Only Pleasure, Guilty Pleasure, Wicked Lies, Twin Passions, Shattered Legacy, Intense Pleasure, Knight Stalker, Enthralled, Secret Pleasure, Rule Breaker, "The One", Nauti Angel, Nauti Seductress, Wake a Sleeping Tiger, Collision Point, Cross Breed, One Tough Cowboy, Hot for the Holidays, Dawn's Awakening, "Night Hawk"
Second in the Nauti Girls subseries and eighth in the overall Nauti usually erotic romantic suspense series revolving around the original Nauti Boys. The couple focus is on Lyrica Mackay and Graham Brock. It’s been a year since Nauti Temptress (Nauti Girls #1), 7, and some twelve years since, I think, Nauti Dreams, 3.
My Take
It goes on and on and on and on and on and… Yep, I’m trying to get the atmosphere of Nauti Enchantress across. How incredibly annoying Leigh is in having her characters drone on and on and on an… God help me.
Then Leigh compounds it with the whole “woe is me, I can’t be trusted” thing, you know, the trope about how she/he deserves better. *eye roll* *ow, owww, owwwww, my head’s spinning from all the eyeball rolling* This is blended in with the whole “oh, no, I’ll get XX killed if I hang around” trope. The final nail(s) in the coffin were all the misinterpretations Lyrica kept placing on everything she heard. And if I have to read “flavor” ever again, I’ll choke. As for Graham’s conclusion that Lyrica will only be another “flavor”, *I think I’m getting a concussion from all the eye rolling* Nor did it help that the sex was so formulaic…
Well, now I know why Dawg’s sisters are all virgins into their 20s. I would be so pissed at him.
For all the bitching the Mackays and company do about Doogan, it’s nothing to what Doogan says about them, lol:
“…working with [the Mackays] was like facing demented zombies whose main aim was the destruction of a person’s sanity rather than his life.”
I got a kick out of Leigh’s, er, Graham’s recounting of all the ways Doogan could have done better, lol. I do like that Lyrica is a jill-of-all-trades and works smoothly between all the Mackay businesses. I also like the sound of Dawg’s and Natches’ houses.
Hmmm, sounds like Kye is much naughtier than Lyrica realized. Of course, Graham is a much more easygoing brother too.
The cliffhanger ending was a pip with Doogan’s charges. Seems he and Zoey had a deal until Doogan lied to her.
The Story
Lyrica Mackay has wanted tall, handsome Marine Graham Brock for as long as she can remember. Unfortunately, Graham only sees her as his friend Dawg Mackay’s “baby sister”. Or so she believes.
The truth is, the fiery party girl stirs something in Graham no female ever has. But Graham, like everyone in Somerset County, knows that every eye in the county (and surrounding counties) is on those Mackay girls, and when a Mackay runs as hot as Lyrica does, someone’s bound to get burned.
Then Graham discovers that Lyrica’s wild side is just a cover for a frightened and vulnerable woman who needs something only Graham can offer. But surrendering his heart to Lyrica will expose his shocking secret.
The Characters
Lyrica Mackay, one of Dawg’s four sisters, is another virginal female Mackay who loves to write. Yeah, hard to believe “virginal” after the antics of the Nauti Boys all over the county. Eve is her older sister, married to Brogan Campbell, an FPS agent (Nauti Temptress (Nauti Girls #1), 7). Mercedes Mackay, the girls’ mother still runs her B&B, and Timothy Cranston (former Homeland Security) are still lovers. Chandler Mackay had been the girls’ father. Jed Booker, a contractor, is engaged to Piper Mackay (Nautier and Wilder: “Nauti Siren” (Nauti Girls, 1.5), 7.5). Zoey Mackay is the youngest and a passionate fighter.
Kyleene Brock is Lyrica’s best friend, who happens to have a brother, Graham, with whom Lyrica is passionately, hopelessly in love. Graham had been an intelligence officer with the Marines. Garrett and Mary Brock had been their parents, the ones who died.
The rest of the Mackays
Dawg, a former Marine, is still absolutely in love with Christa (Nauti Nights, 2). Natches and Chaya Mackay (Nauti Dreams, 3) have adopted Declan. Bliss is their twelve-year-old daughter who confided a dream to Lyrica that Natches will faint over. Trudy is Natches’ beloved sniper rifle. Rowdy and Kelly are just as happy (Nauti Boy, 1). I think Laken and Erica are more daughters.
Homeland Security
Elijah Grant is Graham’s second-in-command. That wildcard, Chatham Doogan, the new assistant director of Homeland Security, is Graham’s boss. John Walker, Jr., is Rogue’s brother and one of Timothy’s unofficial agents.
Law enforcement in Somerset
Alex Jansen is still chief of police in Somerset; Janey Mackay is his wife (Nauti Intentions, 4). Detective Sam Bryce is the new criminal investigator for Somerset. Shane Mayes is the new sheriff and Zeke Mayes’ son; Zeke is still married to Rogue (Nauti Deceptions, 5), and they run an electronic security firm.
Tracker is an assassin who has accepted the contract on Lyrica Mackay. Angel is his second-in-command and trailing Lyrica.
Chloe and DeeDee had been flavors-of-the-month. Carmina Lucient is a guest at the B&B. She’s waiting for her fiancé soldier, Kevin Davis, to come home. Collier parties are sexual free-for-alls. Jim Bailey is a private detective hired to follow Lyrica; he spends more time playing with his cell phone. Harley Perdue left town after a beating Natches arranged. Kenny and Lucy Tannley had been the foster parents Chandler forced the girls over to. Doctors Caine Branson and Giana Worth are the surgeons working on Graham. Salyer and Jeffers are the nurses.
Betts Laren had been an army intelligence officer. Commander Jimmy Dorne had been Laren’s lover. Whit Chaney is an explosives expert. Bradley Connor has some computer hacking experience.
Catching up…
The Mackays have been busy business-wise as well. Not only the four main businesses that are now encompassed by Mackay Enterprises, they’ve added two apartment buildings, a pawn shop, and a convenience store.
The Cover and Title
The cover is white and blue. A white background with a hazy blue-gray “floor”, and Lyrica in a sequin-and-blue fitted shirt over a very, very short jean skirt and matching blue high-heeled, platform boots with slouchy shafts. The font for most of the text is thin with Enchantress in a spiky script.
The title is how Graham feels about Lyrica; she’s a Nauti Enchantress.