I received this book for free from the library in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.
Source: the library
The Wild Side: Urban Fantasy with an Erotic Edge
Caitlin Kittredge, Dana Cameron, Diana Rowland, Gina Massel-Castater, John Lambshead, Mark L. Van Name, Sarah A. Hoyt, Tanya Huff, Ticia Drake Isom, Toni L.P. Kelner
erotic romance, urban fantasy in Paperback edition that was published by Baen Books on August 2, 2011 and has 255 pages.
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Other books by this author which I have reviewed include Corsets & Clockwork, Street Magic, Demon Bound, Bone Gods, Night Life, Huntress, The Iron Thorn, "The Curse of Four", The Nightmare Garden, Devil's Business, Soul Trade, Mirrored Shard, Dark Days, Black and White, Games Creatures Play, Mark of the Demon, Blood of the Demon, Secrets of the Demon, Sins of the Demon, Touch of the Demon, My Life as a White Trash Zombie, Dangerous Women, Even White Trash Zombies Get the Blues, White Trash Zombie Apocalypse, Fury of the Demon, How the White Trash Zombie Got Her Groove Back, White Trash Zombie Gone Wild, Truth of Valor, The Wild Ways, An Ancient Peace, Shadowed Souls, A Peace Divided, The Privilege of Peace, Valor’s Choice, The Enchantment Emporium, The Better Part of Valor, The Shorter Parts of Valor, The Future Falls, Death's Excellent Vacation, Home Improvement: Undead Edition, An Apple for the Creature
Ten short stories revolving around vampires, shifters, demons in the city.
“Songs Sung Red” (Blood Books, 5.5??)
The Stories
Tanya Huff‘s “Songs Sung Red” creates a conflict between Vicki Nelson and Mike Celluci when a siren overpowers Vicki’s human inclinations.
Vicki has been changed and is living with Mike.
Gina Massel-Castater‘s “Careless of the Night” was just too cute. Liz needs to feed her photographic habit and working for Armando gives her access to his studio equipment. A perfect habit, viewing people from behind a camera. She’s invisible at her age and people never even notice her presence. One night, Liz is feeling more sociable and inadvertently begins the seduction of her boss.
I’d like to see more of Liz!
Toni L.P. Kelner‘s “For a Good Time, Call…” takes a twist on cell phones. And puts one in the eye to Maura’s snotty sister Ennis! All the “gifted” witches in the Salem area are off on their retreat leaving the “pathetic” Maura behind to mind the store. Problems ensue when Maura responds to directions left by the man she assumes is one of their providers. Ooops…Herberto Rocha is definitely not whom she’s expecting to see.
I hope she turns this into a series!
Diana Rowland‘s “Fine Print” is a good reminder to never let sex interfere with business! Jason certainly learns! His quick thinking “under fire” was most impressive. I must confess I’m wondering if he can get out of his particular contract if he reminds Rachel that she was never going to pressure him to put one of her stories in his magazine Black Magick Stories…
Scary and cleanly kinky…
Sarah A. Hoyt‘s “Unawares” takes a twist in its approach to vampire culture with a spatter of angel when Serena Reis wakes up to hazy memories and a warm body. One who is obviously deranged… in a sweet way.
I’d like to see this one as a series as well…
Ticia Drake Isom‘s “Of Sex and Zombies” was so cute at the beginning, and then it turned right round. And in a twist that, really, I should’a foreseen. Isom certainly gave enough warning…! It’s a wedding! Sylvie and Michael are getting married. There’s just one little hitch. She’s a fairy and he’s human. And the fairies are grumbling. Loudly. It seems the zombies aren’t too happy either when they crash the wedding and wreak havoc with Sylvie and Michael’s future.
Nice work on this. Isom created a short story that introduced us to a good chunk of Sylvie’s world and enough of Michael’s that I want to know more. — Isom indicates at the end of her short that she is working on more stories.
Dana Cameron‘s “Love Knot” really twisted this subject line. At the museum where Justine works, a stranger brought in an artifact to learn more about it little realizing the guy couldn’t wait to get this lust projector off his hands! Her short experience with it sends her running for Claudia. A vampire with a cool reputation who struggles with the artifact even as it proves Justine’s decision.
John Lambshead‘s “Beauty is a Witch” was really good and very unexpected! I’m laughing again as I recall it for this review…! Poor Rosalynne. Used and abused… ’cause she got caught. She’s just pissed off one too many people and… payback is a bitch! It’ll certainly make you consider being polite…
Mark L. Van Name‘s “Long Dark Night of Diego Chan” has found me adding his name to my TBRs. We don’t know what Diego Chan is, but we do know that he’s loyal to his friends when he drops everything in response to a message from Barbara when she texts him for help. Her husband is missing, and she has her suspicions about their supposed friend Matt. Very tricksy.
It’s certainly a short course in how to disappear under the radar. I want to read more about Diego.
Caitlin Kittredge‘s “Born Under a Bad Sign” takes a twist on the fallen angel with a hint of Truman Capote’s “In Cold Blood when a whorehouse in 1952 Kansas is invaded by a quartet of killers — demons using human bodies. Maybe she shouldn’t have ignored Death’s warning, but this collision is helping her remember, and she’s damned if she’ll let them win. Dang Kittredge has got a dark side…
The Cover and Title
EEEEEKKK! This is one scary cover, but, then again, if you look at it another way…it reminds me of Jake and Neytiri from Avatar, although I’m sure Neytiri would scorn holding a gun nor would she would wearing so precisely inked a tattoo on her right bicep — the very sharp red and gold dragon.
The title… hmmm… well, I’d agree that some of the stories on are a bit on The Wild Side. Others are much tamer.