I received this book for free from the library in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.
Source: the library
Midnight Frost
Jennifer Estep
urban fantasy in Paperback edition on July 30, 2013 and has 372 pages.
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Other books by this author which I have reviewed include Spider’s Bite, Web of Lies, Jennifer Estep, Venom, Karma Girl, Tangled Threads, Touch of Frost, Spider's Revenge, Kiss of Frost, Hot Mama, By a Thread, Dark Frost, Widow's Web, Crimson Frost, Deadly Sting, Heart of Venom, The Spider, Killer Frost, Tangled Dreams, Tangled Schemes, Spider's Bargain, "Poison", Spider’s Nemesis, "Wasted", "Web of Death", "Web of Deceit", Black Widow, Poison Promise, Cold Burn of Magic, The Spider's Trap, Dark Heart of Magic, Bitter Bite, Unraveled, "Nice Guys Bite", Bright Blaze of Magic, Snared, Kill the Queen, "Winter's Web", Last Strand, Sharpest Sting, "Unwanted", Dirty Deeds 2, "Heart Stings"
Fifth in the Mythos Academy Young Adult urban fantasy series set in a boarding school for the descendants of champions, including Gwen Frost.
There’s a short story at the end of this book — read it first! I really hate it when publishers toss a short story at the end of a book when it takes place BEFORE the action in the main story!
My Take
Cute. A Karma Girl poster in Gwen’s room.
It’s a field trip that extends Gwen’s knowledge about Mythos Academy, as she hadn’t known about the Denver branch. Nor did she know she had family there. One that’s full of nasty surprises. Although a caring hand proves quite fruitful, and Gwen’s experience with Nyx will also prove most useful.
It’s certainly busy and interesting with a few blips such as when Eir aids Gwen in finding the flower was eye rolling, and Logan’s obsession with his weakness is annoying.
I can’t decide if I’m annoyed with this installment or happy with it. It’s full of new information and useful back history, but it also feels like a side trip, one with a holding pattern. I suppose it could be considered a bridge as it merely catches us up with the past and sets a number of issues right.
Hmmm, the whole idea is to snag the artifacts, but they poisoned Gwen? They’d never have gotten access to Vic if they’d killed her off, so what they were thinkin’…I dunno. Then there’s what we learn of Logan’s weakness.
If the kids are supposed to be learning how to fight, I’m assuming they’d be learning tactics as well. Why is it they never check the area when they go after an artifact?
The Story
Gwen hasn’t much to be happy about: Logan won’t talk to her, heck he’s not even in school! Her classmates are more interested in watching her and posting celebrity sightings. There’s a good reason for this. Life around Gwen Frost is never boring!
A poisoning gone wrong and the only chance to save the victim is braving a trap set by the Reapers. A perilous hike up into the Rocky Mountains to the Eir Ruins for Gwen, Daphne and Carson, Oliver, Coach Ajax, Alexei, as a blizzard swirls in.
The Characters
Gwen Frost is Nike’s Champion (Nike is the Greek goddess of victory) with the power of psychometry, the magic of touch; she carries a magic sword named Vic; and, is a student at Mythos Academy. Nyx is the Fenris cub Gwen is caring for. Grandma Frost is a former Nike champion and can see into the future. Too bad she didn’t foresee Rory…
Logan Quinn, a Spartan and Gwen’s boyfriend, was overpowered in Crimson Frost, 4, and ran. Oliver Hector and Kenzie Tanaka are fellow Spartans and Logan’s best friends. Daphne Cruz is a Valkyrie with healing power, Gwen’s best friend, and carries Sigyn’s onyx bow and single arrow. She and Carson Callahan, a Celtic band geek who uses the Horn of Roland, are involved. Jason Anderson is a Viking and in Gwen’s year.
The teachers at Mythos Academy
Nickamedes, the head librarian at the Library of Antiquities at the school, is Logan’s uncle, Gwen’s tough and touchy boss, and Gwen’s mother’s best friend until they fought. Professor Aurora Metis (wisdom) battles to keep Nick alive; Coach Ajax leads the rescue mission; and, Raven, who sells coffee at the library and does a variety of other odd jobs, is written about a lot which makes me think she’ll have a larger part soon.
Aiko and Alexei Sokolov (a Bogatyr who wields the Swords of Ruslan and is Oliver’s boyfriend) are some of Gwen’s bodyguards on campus.
Mythos Academy – the Denver branch
Rory Forseti is a Spartan and a student with a huge chip on her shoulder. One who is reviled by everyone. Tyr Forseti was Gwen’s dad; he died when she was two. Aunt Rachel is Rory’s mom’s sister and a junior chef at the academy.
Covington is their librarian. Duke is a failing jerk of a student.
Linus Quinn, Logan’s dad, is caring for Logan.
Reapers of Chaos are the followers of Loki, the Norse god of mischief and chaos. Vivian Holler is Loki’s Champion and hunting Gwen. Hey, why not? Vivian’s already killed Gwen’s mother. Lucretia is Vivian’s sword and an old enemy of Vic’s. Agrona is Logan’s stepmother and was Linus’ right hand in the Protectorate and on the academy board until she revealed herself as a Reaper. The head of the Reapers no less!
Mythos Academy is a boarding school for the children of the Pantheon. Vikings, Valkyrie, Amazons, Romans, ninjas, Bogatyrs, all the mythological warriors of the world send their children to Mythos and other similar schools to learn about their world and how to protect it and themselves against their enemies.
The Protectorate is the police force for the mythological world. Ran is the Norse goddess of storms; one of the artifacts is her net. Eir is the Norse goddess of healing, mercy.
The Cover and Title
I suspect the background of the cover is black, but there’s a warm tone to it. In the upper right corner is a purple-hazed stone ruin while Gwen is front and center, her body in profile with her head turned to watch us, both hands grasping Vic. There’s such a sweet innocence to her…
The title is literal, for the cure must be picked at the Midnight Frost.
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