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Source: my own shelves
Archangel's Lineage
Nalini Singh
paranormal romance in a Kindle edition that was published by Berkley on April 23, 2024 and has 398 pages.
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Other books by this author which I have reviewed include Must Love Hellhounds, Kiss of Snow, An Enchanted Season, Archangel's Blade, Angels of Darkness, Lord of the Abyss, Desert Warrior, Angels' Flight, Tangle of Need, Play of Passion, Archangel's Storm, Wild Invitation, Heart of Obsidian, Archangel's Legion, "Hide and Seek", "Making Dinner", Shield of Winter, "A Conversation", "Home", Angels' Pawn, "New Year's Kisses", Night Shift, "Weapons Training", "Zoë's Workshop", "Wild Night", Archangel's Shadows, Archangel’s Enigma, Shards of Hope, “Fairy Balloons”, “An Unexpected Guest”, Allegiance of Honor, "The Song of the Wolf", Silver Silence, Archangel’s Heart, Archangel’s Viper, Ocean Light, "Elena's School of Horror", Cherish Hard, "Ain’t No Party Like A Bear Party", Archangel's Prophecy, "One Night At The Refuge", "Secret Things", Rebel Hard, Rock Hard, Wolf Rain, "Clean and Dirty", "Wolf School", "Naya’s Most Important Visitors", "Grocery Shopping", "The Cannibal Princess", "A Gift for Kit", "Movie Night", "Kaleb and Sahara’s Meeting with Sascha and Lucas", "Housewarming at the Orchard", "Christmas in the Kitchen", "Stalking Hawke", "Romancing Drew", "Sunday Morning", "Rowan", "Baubles & Ben", Wild Embrace, Love Hard, Rock Addiction, "Music Awards", Rock Courtship, "Rock Courtship Memo"s, Rock Redemption, "Sunshine", Rock Wedding, "With This Memo", "That Lip Ring…", A Madness of Sunshine, "Beary Tiny Ghosts", Alpha Night, "A Wedding Breakfast", "Poker Night", "Knives and Sheaths", "Seedlings", "Star Kissed", "A Walk on the Cliffs", "Wild Cat Blues", Slave to Sensation, Caressed by Ice, Visions of Heat, Kiss Hard, Angels' Blood, Archangel's Kiss, Archangel's War, Archangel's Sun, Archangel's Light, Archangel's Resurrection, Last Guard, “A Perfect Moment”, "Music in the Rain", Storm Echo, Resonance Surge, "Mate", “New Year’s Eve”, Visions of Heat, Mine to Possess, Hostage to Pleasure, Branded by Fire, Blaze of Memory, Primal Mirror
Sixteenth in the Guild Hunter paranormal romance series and revolving around Elena Deveraux, an angel-made, and her Archangel. It’s been ten years since Archangel’s Resurrection, 15, and it’s been twenty years since Angels’ Blood, 1.
My Take
Archangel’s Lineage is a great story, but it’s left me wondering if this is the end or . . . Lord knows, it could go either way.
There are reconciliations and understandings reached. That Gwendolyn is such a treasure — even Jeffrey appreciates her! Yet more truths come out of Jeffrey that will settle your heart. Yet we learn this from third person dual protagonist point-of-view from Elena’s and Raphael’s perspectives. These two are busy!
There’s a wee glance back at Illium’s feelings about his father. Go, Bluebell! There’s the question of how faithfully does one follow a deceased person’s wishes. An exchange of thoughts on mortality and the horrors of immortality.
Elena hasn’t changed. She’s still a warrior, and one who has set a trend amongst the younger angels. It’s part of the series arc in making angels more aware, especially of the value of humans, as Raphael has been learning. There’s an interesting awareness assessment at the end about the other archangels that is interesting.
It starts with fashion as Elena and Raphael prepare to party, to celebrate one entire years without disasters. Of course, Elena is still the cheeky one, and she’s pulled Raphael into it. I love how their relationship has evolved and how much they love each other.
That remark Raphael makes, “You have no reason to dance with regret”, is so poetic and reassuring without being grim.
It can be confusing, as Singh flips back and forth between past events and today. Dreams and memories. A look at the battle when Laric is almost destroyed, the aftermath of Caliane’s madness, the balance Marguerite brought Jeffrey, Jeffrey’s own memories of his early life with Marguerite and the girls and the aftermath of Slater — and his confession!
It is handy that Singh repeats what we’ve been learning about the necessity of vampires in an angelic world. An expanded history about angelic origins is provided — and the shock of it is mind expanding. I love that thought of Elena’s that “even angels have their bogeymen”. An even more fascinating bit of history is why Angels Sleep.
A sub-theme throughout is of lost histories. It seems humans aren’t the only ones to “re-write” history. Nor is losing language only for humans. Surprise. We get a wee look back at Vivek’s childhood. Jesus, I swear, parents should be licensed!!
Singh is setting the scene for Vivek’s romance. Hey, that must mean that the Guild Hunter series continues! Phew!! Ya gotta give Vivek props for dealing with his infirmities so well. I know he’s fictional *grin* but he does give me heart.
em>Archangel’s Lineage is a story of reflection, as Raphael discovers some of his weaknesses, Elena is forced into interaction with Jeffrey, and a good side to Aegaeon is discovered!
Vivek’s reputation on the street these days does crack me up!
I totally get why the Cadre is so angry with Qin, and yet, when you read his note to the Cadre, you can’t help but sympathize. It certainly throws a kink into what the Cadre can plan! And it’s probably the kick that begins the meltdown. His and Cassandra’s story is so sad — and I find myself hoping Singh has a plan for that, lol.
Whoa, Marduk is a fascinating character, as he gets accustomed to our brave new world.
It’s definitely an interesting world Singh has created, with angels ruling, vampires necessary for angelic sanity, and humans surviving amidst it all. Those normal desires and fears interspersed amongst each group, valuing artistry and talent. And back to those questions of mortality.
LOL, Zoe has explained her aunt Ellie’s relationship with Sara to her friends:
“Murder enemies and disappear the bodies for each other kind of friends.”
I love that the Legion’s building is still thriving and that others are enjoying it, caring for the plants.
Well, Archangel’s Lineage is a good-sized book, but you’ll be racing through it, full as it is with characters and action.
The Story
There are too few archangels awake in the world — they cannot spare a single one to Sleep or to anshara. And yet archangels are battling archangels.
Ancients and Ancestors are stirring, as are vampires in less-supervised territories. All know what it means when an archangel flies that low.
And . . . angels are crying, even as an Ancient wakes.
The Characters
Angelkind is exhausted after so many years of recovery.
Elieanora “Elena” Deveraux, an Angel Made and Raphael’s Consort, a.k.a. Ellie-belly. Raphael, the youngest Archangel who still carries the Legion mark, whose nickname is Rafa, rules North America with his home base in New York City. His home in New York is in the Enclave where Sivya and Montgomery, both vampires, are cook and butler. Both of whom adore Zoe. Luz, a vampire who had been the manager of a five-star restaurant, is recruited as extra help. Raphael’s headquarters is the Tower.
Raphael’s Seven are . . .
. . . …a group of vampires and angels who are trusted by Raphael. They include Illium, a.k.a. Bluebell, who has partnered up with Aodhan, a.k.a. Sparkles, who is an amazing artist (Archangel’s Light, 14). Smoke is Illium’s pet cat (Archangel’s Light). Dmitri, an ancient vampire who is Raphael’s second-in-command, married Honor (Archangel’s Blade, 4). Jason is Raphael’s spymaster and is mated to Princess Mahiya (Archangel’s Storm, 5). Galen, a.k.a. the Barbarian, is Raphael’s weaponsmaster and is mated to Jessamy, the angelic Librarian and Historian who is still healing (Angels’ Flight: “Angels’ Dance”, 0.4). Naasir is a chimera and mated to Andromeda, who is a junior angelic Librarian (Archangel’s Enigma, 8). Venom, a vampire, is mated to Holly Chang (Archangel’s Viper, 10).
Trace, a vampire, lost a bet. Suhani is a vampire receptionist at Angel Tower. Dougal is their most senior vampire pilot. Andreas is a warrior angel who will be seconded to Australia and hold with Celesta the Knife, one of Caliane’s. Lol, Andreas figures being babysat by Celesta is what imprinted Raphael for women with a penchant for knives. Hmm, Andreas has a great-grand-many-times-over uncle who recently awoke, an uncle who was old when Caliane was a child. The uncle stays awake as he’s curious about this mortal turned angel. Nisia is a senior healer.
Elena’s fledgling Guard consists of Janvier, the vampire who led Ashwini such a dance (“Angel’s Pawn“, 0.6 and Archangel’s Shadow, 7); Vivek Kapur, a still-wheelchair-bound Hunter, who is now a vampire working as head of surveillance in the Tower, Jason’s right-hand man, er, vampire; and, Izak “Izzy”, one of the young angels who was gravely injured in the battle.
Marcia Blue runs the thriving blood business with Elena as its CEO (Archangel’s Legion, 6). Blood-for-Less is one of the suppliers to Boudoir. Katrina Cox is an ancient vampire who owns Boudoir, a vampire club of carnality and excess. Sutrek is one of the barkeeps. Xai is one of Katrina’s guards. Davanh is a friend of Xai’s. The Twins are a scary pair and His Majesty are of the vampire customers there. Jim and Nellie were important people in Vivek’s early life. Maeve is the architect who designed Raphael and Elena’s new house.
The Cadre is . . .
. . . ideally made up of ten archangels and include Caliane, Raphael’s mother who has added India to her territory (Archangel’s Consort, 3); Qin, an unhappy Ancient, now rules over Astaad’s territory as the Archangel of the Deep; and, Zanaya, Consort with Alexander, is the Queen of Egypt, while Alexander, an Ancient, is the Archangel of Persia (Archangel’s War, 12). Gzrel, an Ancient who sleeps, is Alexander’s mother and brilliant in her field of the earth. The mercurial, self-absorbed Aegaeon, Illium’s jerk of a father, is the Archangel of the Deep. Suyin, an archangel and Lijuan’s niece, now rules China (Archangel’s Enigma).
Hannah, an artist, is Consort to Elijah, the Archangel of South America and a former general for Caliane. The Lady Sharine, Illium’s recovering mother formerly known as the Hummingbird and as an amazing artist, is the Guardian of Lumia and is with Titus, the warrior Archangel of Southern Africa (Archangel’s Sun, 13). Cassandra, she of the prophecies with owls as her agents, is Qin’s lover and a Sleeper. Marduk was already eons old when he cradled the Lady Cassandra in his arms. He was part of the first aeclari.
Meher is Zanaya’s third. Tasha is the head of Caliane’s security and currently overseeing security for the evacuated children. Ozias is Titus’ spymaster while Tzadiq is his second-in-command. The too-devoted General Atu, a vampire, is Qin’s second-in-command. Mimata is a high level courier out of Southern Africa. Mele (who should’ve been recognized as Astaad’s Consort) and the rest of Astaad’s harem now live on a small island.
In Australia, part of Qin’s territory, Minjarra, a vampire, is expanding out on his own. General Liyanange had been the commanding angel until he fell in the war.
The Refuge is . . .
. . . the secret and protected home for all of angelkind, where their children are raised. Sam is still a youngster (Archangel’s Enigma) along with Tarielle, Sam’s cousin. Yana is Raphael’s senior steward for his household here. Keir is their amazing senior angel healer. The Mantle protects the Refuge from human knowledge.
Elena’s family
Jeffrey Deveraux is the father who has been so distant and harsh with Elena. Her stepmother, Gwendolyn, can never take Marguerite’s place, Jeffrey’s first and greatest love. Belle, a laughing dancer, and Ari, a budding photographer, are Elena’s murdered older sisters. Beth is a younger sister who survived. She’s married to the rather selfish Harrison, a vampire. Their daughter, Maggie, a dancer, is 18 now while Laurent “Laurie” is their thirteen-year-old son. Amethyst “Amy” and Eve, a rather new Guild Hunter, are Elena’s half-sisters. Amy has never been a fan of Elena’s. Maynard is Amy’s husband and Jeffrey’s COO and slated to take over as CEO. They have three-year-old twins. Madja and Jean-Baptiste Etienne, a vampire, are Marguerite’s parents (Archangel’s Heart, 9). Romeo had been a miniature gray schnauzer belonging to neighbors of the Deverauxs.
The Hunters Guild is . . .
. . . an organization that hunts down rogue vampires. Sara Haziz, Elena’s best friend, is the director. Deacon is her husband, a former Slayer who now devotes all his time to his masterpieces — weapons. The almost twenty-one-year-old Zoe, Elena’s goddaughter, is their daughter attending college for a major in metallurgy. I love how comfortable Zoe is with Raphael when so very many fear him! It’s cute, too, that Zoe is developing her own weapons-style. Slayer is their much, much older black dog. Neve Pelletier, a hunter, had been Vivek’s friend-with-benefits.
Lola Santiago is a doctor now. She’s Detective Hector Santiago’s daughter (Archangel’s Prophecy, 11). He’s the chief in a tiny seaside town in Virginia now. Dr Sharice Gupta is treating Jeffrey. Dionne is a composed nurse.
In the past
Laric is a trainee healer who is devastatingly injured in a fight between archangels (Archangel’s Heart, 9, and Archangel’s Prophecy, 11). Nadiel had been Raphael’s father who went mad. I think Fazani and Jariel “Jari”, friends, were angels in the past. I think Narcisse, Archangel of the Sun, and Bhumi, Archangel of Persia, were also in the past.
Anshara is a healing state for archangels. The Cascade had been (and will be) a type of supercharging event that increases an archangel’s abilities or powers and can cause catastrophes throughout the world. The Compass is part of a reset button. Ambrosia is a rare dust from an angel’s wings. Lumia is homebase for the Luminata, a spiritual sect of angels who seek enlightenment. Amanat is the city Caliane took into Sleep with her so many years ago. A hunter-born is a person born with the instincts, emotions, and needs to hunt down vampires, bounty hunters. Lorenzo had been a baker friend of Illium’s who died; Illium is still friends with his widow, Catalina.
The Legion is/was a repository of power that woke during the battle in Archangel’s Legion (Archangel’s Legion). I still cry, especially when Singh reminds us that Elena and Raphael are in their memory, the aeclari who loved us.
Lijuan was the deadly Archangel of Death who brought people back to “life” as the reborn. Charisemnon was an archangel of disease, and he is so incredibly disgusting! Uram was the bloodborn angel in Angels’ Blood, 1. Archangels now gone include Antonicus, Astaad, Favashi, and Michaela.
The Cover and Title
The cover is light and dark with a background of light but stormy-looking clouds over a dark blue landscape that merges with Elena’s blue gown, as she flies through the air with her white hair flying behind her, her blue wings outspread, and a sheath on her bicep with a knife in her left hand. At the top is an info blurb in dark blue with the author’s name below it in a cobalt blue. Above the knife on Elena’s wing is the series info in white. The title is in white crossing Elena’s thigh and calf. Both name and title are embossed.
The title tells the tale, for it’s all about the Archangel’s Lineage.