Homepage for: Word Confusions . . .

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The Word Confusion came about due to the poor word choices that kept cropping up in the books I was reading or reviewing. It was driving me mad, and I decided a series of posts that cleared up the confusion would be useful to self-editing writers. For more detail on the “anatomy” of a word confusion, see below.

Don’t feel bad…it’s not just self-publishing authors who screw up. I recently did a re-read of J.D. Robb’s In Death series, reading them one after another, and hoo, boy. Someone over there has no clue. This reading marathon pointed up how often and frequently Robb’s editors are NOT catching words used improperly! I don’t think much of whoever is proofreading over at Berkley. That or they’re getting confused over which words are Eve’s purposeful misuse and which are not.

Explore the current posts on words which confuse many authors. Explore them for your own problem words and reduce or eliminate them from your own publications. And just to make things easier to find, check out the index for any word that confuses you — at least that I’ve written a post on, anyway!

This list is in no way complete, and I’d love it if you’d send your own suggestions and comments . . . I don’t necessarily promise to include them, but . . .

If you know someone who could use some help with their own Word Confusions, consider subscribing to KD Did It, if you’d like to track this self-editing aid for future updates.

Word Confusion Posts

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A and An
À deux vs Adieu vs Ado
A Hold versus Ahold
A Lot vs Alot vs Allot
A While vs Awhile vs While or Whilst vs Wile
Aaah vs Ah vs Aha vs Ahhh
Aberrant versus Abhorrent
Abbess vs Canoness vs Nun
Abduct vs Hijack vs Kidnap
Ability vs Capability vs Capacity
Abjure versus Adjure
Ablution versus Absolution
About versus Approximate
Absolutely versus Positively
Absorb versus Adsorb
Abstract versus Summary
Abstruse versus Obtuse
Abysmal versus Abyssal
Abyss versus Bliss
Acadia versus Arcadia
Accede vs Concede vs Exceed
Accept vs Except vs Excerpt vs Expect
Access versus Accession
Access versus Assess
Access versus Excess
Accident versus Mishap
Accidentally versus Accidently
Acclimate versus Accommodate
Acclivity versus Declivity
Accolade versus Acolyte
Accord versus Accordance
Accuse vs Allege vs Suspect
Accuse versus Charge
Acetic versus Ascetic
Acrobatics vs Aerobatics vs Aerobics
Across vs Over vs Through
Act versus Action
Acts vs Ask vs Ax(e)
Actual versus Actually
Ad versus Add
Adapt versus Adopt
Adaptive vs Adopted vs Adoptive
Addicted versus Dependent
Addition versus Edition
Adduce vs Deduce vs Educe vs Induce
Adhere versus Cohere
Admission versus Confession
Adversary vs Enemy vs Foe vs Opponent
Adverse verse Averse
Advice versus Advise
Aerie vs Airy vs Eerie
Aerobic vs Anaerobic vs Cardio
Aeroplane versus Airplane
Aesthetics versus Esthetics
Aether versus Ether
Affect versus Effect
Affective versus Effective
Afflict versus Inflict
Afterward versus Afterword
Ageing versus Aging
Aggravate versus Annoy
Aggravate versus Irritate
Aggregate versus Total
Aggressive versus Assertive
Aid versus Aide
Ail versus Ale
Aioli versus Areola
Air vs Err vs Heir
Aisle vs I’ll vs Isle
Alibi versus Excuse
All versus Awl
All of a Sudden vs All of the Sudden
All Ready versus Already
All Right versus Alright
All Together versus Altogether
All Ways versus Always
Allée vs Alley vs Ally
Allege versus Assert
Allowed versus Aloud
Allusion vs Delusion vs Elusion vs Illusion
Allusive vs Delusive vs Elusive vs Illusive
Alone vs Lone vs Lonely vs Lonesome
Aloud versus Out Loud
Altar versus Alter
Alternative versus Choice
Altitude vs Elevation vs Height
Alumna versus Alumnus
Amateur vs Novice vs Tyro
Ambidexterity versus Multitasking
Ambiguous versus Ambivalent
Ambiguous versus Equivocal
Amiable versus Amicable
Amid / Amidst vs Among / Amongst
Amok versus Amuck
Among versus Between
Amoral vs Immoral vs Nonmoral vs Unmoral
Amount vs Number vs Quantity
Amulet vs Artifact vs Charm vs Talisman
Amuse versus Bemuse
Amused versus Amusing
Annals vs Annual vs Annul
Anarchism vs Anarchy vs Anomaly
Anchorage, Haven, Moorage, and Roadstead
Ancient vs Antiquate vs Antique vs Antiquity
Anecdote versus Antidote
Angel versus Angle
Anhydrous versus Hygroscopic
Anile versus Senile
Animal vs Beast vs Brute
Annunciate versus Enunciate
Ant versus Aunt
Antagonist versus Protagonist
Ante- vs Ante vs Anti- vs Anti
Antique vs Retro vs Vintage
Anthropomorphism versus Personification
Antibacterial vs Antiseptic vs Disinfectant
Anticipate versus Expect
Anxious versus Eager
Any More versus Anymore
Any One versus Anyone
Any Time versus Anytime
Any Way vs Anyway vs Anyways
Apartment vs Condo vs Flat vs Townhouse
Apiary vs Aviary
Apparently vs Obviously vs Seemingly
Appeal versus Appease
Appear versus Seem
Apperception versus Perception
Appraise versus Apprise
Arbiter versus Arbitrator
Arc versus Arch
Are vs Hour vs Our
Arose vs Arouse vs Rouse
Arrant versus Errant
Arroyo vs Coulee vs Wadi vs Wash
Artist versus Artiste
As versus Because
As versus For
As versus Like
As versus Since
As versus That
As versus Whether
Ascent versus Assent
Assistance versus Assistants
Assume versus Presume
Assure vs Ensure vs Insure
Ate versus Eight
Attach vs Attaché vs Attachée
Attachment versus Enclosure (in a Business Letter)
Attain versus Attaint
Attain versus Obtain
Auger versus Augur
Aught versus Ought
Aural vs Oral vs Verbal
Avenge vs Revenge vs Vengeance
Aw versus Awe
Awaken vs Wake Up vs Wake-up
Award vs Prize vs Reward
Axel versus Axle
Aye versus Eye

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B.C. comes before A.D.
Backward versus Backwards
Bad versus Badly
Bad vs Worse vs Worst
Bail versus Bale
Bait versus Bate
Bald vs Balled vs Bawled
Bald-faced versus Bold-faced
Ballocks or Bollocks versus Bullocks
Band versus Banned
Banns versus Bans
Bar vs Barre vs Barré
Barbaric versus Barbarous
Bard versus Barred
Bare versus Bear
Baron versus Baronet
Baron versus Barren
Base versus Bass
Based On versus On The Basis Of
Bases versus Basis
Bat versus Batt
Bath versus Bathe
Baton versus Batten
Bay vs Bight vs Cove
Bayou vs Bog vs Marsh vs Swamp
Bazaar versus Bizarre
Be versus Bee
Beach versus Beech
Beach vs Coast vs Shore
Beadle vs Beatle vs Beetle vs Betel
Beat versus Beet
Because Of versus Due To
Beer versus Bier
Begin vs Began vs Begun
Bell versus Belle
Bellow versus Below
Bellow versus Billow
Berth versus Birth
Beside versus Besides
Better versus Bettor
Bi- vs Biannual vs Biennial
Bib versus Bibb
Bight vs Bite vs Byte
Bigotry vs Prejudice vs Racism
Billed versus Build
Bimonthly versus Semimonthly
Bing versus Binge
Bite versus Byte
Blackmail versus Extortion
Blanket vs Comforter vs Quilt
Blew versus Blue
Bloc versus Block
Blog vs Post vs Website
Blond(e)s & Brunet(te)s
boar vs Boer vs boor vs bore
Board versus Bored
Boarder versus Border
Boil vs Carbuncle vs Cyst
Bolder versus Boulder
Born vs Borne vs Bourn
Borough vs Burro vs Burrow
Borrow vs Lend vs Loan
Bot versus Bought
Bouillon versus Bullion
Boy versus Buoy
Brake versus Break
Brasserie vs Brassiere vs Brazier
Breach versus Breech
Bread versus Bred
Breadth vs Breath vs Breathe
Break Through versus Breakthrough
Break Up vs Break-up, Breakup
Brews versus Bruise
Bridal versus Bridle
Bring versus Take
Broach versus Brooch
Bruit vs Brut vs Brute
Burglary vs Robbery vs Steal vs Theft
Bus versus Buss
But versus Butt
Buy vs By vs Bye
By Pass Pass By versus Bypass

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C’mon vs Come vs Cum
Ca. and Circa
Cache vs Cachet vs Cash
Cachet versus Panache
Caddie versus Caddy
Cadge versus Cage
Calendar vs Calender vs Colander
Callous versus Callus
Calvary versus cavalry
Camaraderie versus Comradery
Can versus Ken
Can versus May
Canal vs Impoundment vs Moat vs Reservoir
Caning vs Canning
Cannon versus Canon
Canter versus Cantor
Canvas versus Canvass
Capital versus Capitol
Capri versus capris
caramel versus Carmel
Carat vs Karat vs Caret vs Carrot
Careen versus Career
Carousal versus Carousel
Carpet versus Rug
Carrel vs Chorale vs Corral
Casual versus Causal
Casualty versus Causality
catholic versus Catholic
‘Cause versus Cause
Cay vs Key vs Quay
Cede versus Seed
Celibacy versus Chastity
Cell versus Sell
Cement versus Concrete
Cemetery vs Churchyard vs Graveyard
Censer vs Censor vs Sensor
Censor versus Censure
Cent vs Scent vs Sense vs Sent
Century versus Sentry
Cereal versus Serial
Channel vs Dyke vs Rill
Chanty versus Shanty
Charge vs Fare vs Fee vs Tax
Chargé d’affaires vs Chargée d’affaires
Cher, Chéri versus Chère, Chérie
Chile vs Chili vs Chilly
china versus China
Chock vs Chook vs Chuck
Choose versus Chose
Choral versus Chorale
Choral versus Coral
Chord versus Cord
Chute versus Shoot
Circumcision vs Circumspect vs Circumstance
Circumference versus Diameter
Cite vs Sight vs Site
Civil versus Silver
Clamber versus Clamor
Classic versus Classical
Clench versus Clinch
Click versus Clique
Climactic versus Climatic
Close vs Clothes vs Cloths
Co-op versus Co-opt
Co-op vs Coop vs Coup vs Coupe, Coupé
Coarse versus Course
Cognomen versus Surname
Collage versus College
Collectable versus Collectible
College versus University
Collide versus Crash
Collision versus Collusion
Colonel versus Kernel
Common Sense versus Commonsense
Compare To versus Compare With
Compel versus Impel
Compile versus Comply
Complement versus Compliment
Compose versus Comprise
Concentrated versus Concerted
Confidant vs Confidante vs Confident
Conjecture versus Conjuncture
Connive versus Conspire
Connotation versus Denotation
Conscience versus Conscious
Conservation versus Conversation
Consolation versus Constellation
Consul vs Council vs Counsel
Contest versus Context
Contiguous versus Continuous
Continual versus Continuous
Convert versus Covert
Convince versus Persuade
Coolie vs Coulee vs Coulis
Co-op versus Co-opt
Coo versus Coup
Coolie vs Coulee vs Coulis
Cops versus Copse
Copy Right vs Copyright vs Copywriter
Cord vs Cored
Core vs Corps vs Corpse
Corollary versus Correlation
Coroner vs Forensic Pathologist vs Medical Examiner
Could Care Less vs Couldn’t Care Less
Courtesy versus Curtsey
Cousin versus Cozen
Coy versus Koi
Craft versus Kraft
Crape versus Crepe
Crawl versus Kraal
Creak versus Creek
Crewel versus Cruel
Criteria versus Criterion
Croc versus Crock
Crochet versus Crotchet
Crumble versus Crumple
Crumby vs Crumbly vs Crummy
Crunches versus Crutches
Crypt vs Mausoleum vs Tomb
Cue versus Queue
Currant versus Current
Curser versus Cursor
cypress versus Cyprus

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E.g., Et al., Etc., and I.e.,
E’er vs Ere vs Err
Eagle-centric versus Egocentric
Earn versus Urn
earth versus Earth
East, North, South, West
Eave versus Eve
Ecological versus Environmental
Economic versus Economical
Eek versus Eke
Effigy vs Sculpture vs Statue
Egoism versus Egotism
Elder versus Eldest
Elder versus Older
Elicit versus Illicit
‘Em, ‘Er, ‘Im…
Emaciation versus Emancipation
Emigrate versus Immigrate
Eminent vs Immanent vs Imminent
Empath[et]ic versus Emphatic
Empathy versus Sympathy
Empire vs Empirical vs Imperial
Endemic vs Epidemic vs Pandemic
Endurance versus Stamina
Enquiry versus Inquiry
Ensue versus Ensure
Entitle versus Title
Entomology versus Etymology
Envelop versus Envelope
Envious versus Jealous
Epigram vs Epigraph vs Epitaph vs Epithet
Erupt versus Irupt
Eschatology versus Scatology
Especially versus Specially
Ethic versus Moral
Eunuchs versus Unix
Euphemism versus Synonym
Evacuation versus Extraction
Every Body versus Everybody
Every Day versus Everyday
Every Man versus Everyman
Every One versus Everyone
Every Place versus Everyplace
Every Thing versus Everything
Every Way versus Everyway
Every Where versus Everywhere
Ewe vs Yew vs You
Ewes vs Use vs Yews
Ex Parte vs Parté vs Parti vs Party
Ex-Patriot versus Expatriate
Exacerbate versus Exasperate
Exact versus Extract
Exalt versus Exult
Exercise versus Exorcise
Expanse versus Expense
Expedient versus Expeditious
Expiration versus Inspiration
Exsanguinate versus Exterminate
Extant versus Extent
Extend versus Extent
Extrovert versus Introvert

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Packed versus Pact
Padding versus Patting
Paddy versus Patty
Paean vs Paeon vs Peon
Pail versus Pale
Pain versus Pane
Pair vs Pare vs Pear
Pairing versus Paring
Parkour versus Parquet
Palate vs Palette vs Pallet
Palatable versus Palpable
Parameter versus Perimeter
Paranormal vs Preternatural vs Supernatural
Parish versus Perish
Parity versus Parody
Parkour versus Parquet
Parlay versus Parley
Parody versus Satire
Partake In versus Partake Of
Pass vs Passed vs Past
Pass Time vs Past Time vs Pastime
Pastor versus Pasture
Patience versus Patients
Pause versus Paws
Peace versus Piece
Peak vs Peek vs Peke vs Pique
Peal versus Peel
Pearl vs Perle vs Purl
Pec versus Peck
Pedal vs Peddle vs Petal
Peer versus Pier
Pellet versus Pelt
Pendant versus Pendent
People versus Persons
Percent vs Percentage vs Percentile
Percussion versus Repercussion
Perfect versus Prefect
Peripheral versus Periphery
Perpetrate versus Perpetuate
Persecute versus Prosecute
Perseverate versus Persevere
Person versus Persona
Personal versus Personnel
Perspective versus Prospective
Peruse versus Pursue
Petit versus Petite
Pincher vs Pincer vs Pinscher
Pique versus Piqué versus Piquet
Pistil versus Pistol
Piteous vs Pitiable vs Pitiful vs Pitiless
Plain versus Plane
Plait versus Pleat
Platonic versus Plutonic
Pleas versus Please
Plum versus Plumb
Poison versus Toxin
Poisonous versus Venomous
Poled versus Polled
Pommel versus Pummel
Pond vs Tarn
Poo versus Pooh
Pool vs Seep vs Spring vs Tinaja
Poor vs Pore vs Pour
Porch versus Porsche
Pore versus Pour
Portentous vs Pretentious
Position versus Possession
Practicable versus Practical
Praise v Prays v Preys
Precede versus Proceed
Precedent versus President
Precipitant vs Precipitate vs Precipitous
Predominant versus Predominate
Premier versus Premiere
Preposition versus Proposition
Prescribe versus Proscribe
Presence versus Presents
Pride versus Prize
Pries vs Prise vs Prize
Principal versus Principle
Profit versus Prophet
Prone versus Supine
Prophecy versus Prophesy
Prostate versus Prostrate
Protégé versus Protégée
Psychopath versus Sociopath
Publically versus Publicly
Purposefully versus Purposely
Pus versus Puss

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Sac vs Sack vs Sacque
Sachet versus Sashay
Sail versus Sale
Sale versus Sell
Salon versus Saloon
Saver vs Savior vs Savor
Scene versus Seen
Sconce versus Scone
Scoop versus Scope
Scotch vs scot/Scots vs Scottish
Scraping versus Scrapping
Scrimp versus Shrimp
Scrimp versus Skimp
Sea versus See
Seam versus Seem
Seat versus Seed
Seat versus Sit
Secret versus Secrete
Sense versus Since
Sensual vs Sensuous vs Sexual
Serf versus Surf
Serge versus Surge
Set versus Sit
Settlement Hierarchy: Isolated Dwelling vs Hamlet vs Village
Settlement Hierarchy 2: Town vs City vs Metropolis
Sew vs So vs Sow
Shake versus Sheik
Shall versus Will
Shears versus Sheers
Sheath versus Sheathe
Shimmer versus Shimmy
Shone vs Shined vs Shown
Shudder versus Shutter
Sic versus Sick
Sign versus Sine
Silicon versus Silicone
Simple versus Simplistic
Slack versus Slake
Slay vs Sleigh vs Sley
Sleigh vs Sleight vs Slight
Slew versus Slough
Snuggly versus Snugly
Soar versus Sore
Soared versus Sword
Sole versus Soul
Some Time vs Sometime vs Sometimes
Some versus Sum
Son versus Sun
Sooth versus Soothe
Spatter versus Splatter
Speak versus Talk
Spec versus Speck
Spiel versus Spill
Staid versus Stayed
Stair versus Stare
Stake versus Steak
Stamp versus Stomp
Stanch versus Staunch
Stationary versus Stationery
Statue versus Statute
Steal versus Steel
Stent versus Stint
Step versus Steppe
Stock vs Stoke vs Stroke
Storey versus Story
Stow Away versus Stowaway
Straight versus Strait
Stratagem versus Strategy
Streams: Brook vs Burn vs Draw vs Lick

Stuff versus Things
Submerge versus Submerse
Substantial versus Substantive
Suit vs Suite vs Sweet
Suiter versus Suitor
Summary versus Summery
Sundae versus Sunday
Supposably versus Supposedly
Surely versus Surly
Swat versus Swot
Swath versus Swathe

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Anatomy of a Word Confusion

Each word includes:

  1. Which part of grammar it belongs to and a link to the grammar definition (in the Grammar Explanations section)
  2. A definition of the word
  3. Sentences provide examples of how each word is used in its various grammatical categories
  4. Verbals and derivatives
  5. The “History of the Word” is included as an aid for writers working on historical tales. Choose to use the olde version or not, how ever it may help deepen your story.

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Pinterest Photo Credits

Problems, Problems… by Ion Chibzii, from Chisinau, Moldova, was taken sometime in the 1970s and is under the CC BY-SA 2.0 license, via Wikimedia Commons.

Revised as of 5 Jan 2025
By: Kathy Davie