A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
This index includes entries (and also-known-ases) from Word Confusions, Formatting Tips, Grammar Explanations, the Properly Punctuated, Behind the Scenes of Your Author Website, Writing Ideas and Resources, and Linguistics.
Where subentries occur, they are noted by the topic/title of the post. Any entry or subentry with a term followed by “vs” is a word confusion with the word(s) being compared included. Hovering over any link will provide the title of its post.
- a
- à deux
- a hold
- a lot
- a while
- a-effect
- A.D.:
- abbreviating
- “A.D., B.C. comes before“
- a.k.a., aka, AKA:
- formatting tip
- See entry in “What’s in a Proper Name?“
- aaah
- abbaser
- abbess
- abbreviation
- abduct
- abyss
- aberrant
- abhorrent
- ability
- abjure
- ablution
- about
- absolute:
- phrase
- word
- absolutely
- absolution
- absorb
- abstract
- abstruse
- abusio
- abysmal
- abyssal
- Acadia
- acatalectic
- accede
- accept
- access:
- vs accession
- vs assess
- vs excess
- accident
- accidentally
- accidently
- accismus
- acclimate
- acclivity
- accolade
- accommodate
- accord
- accordance
- account name
- accumlation
- accuse:
- vs allege, suspect
- vs charge
- acetic
- acoloutha
- acolyte
- acronym
- grammar
- capitalizing
- style exceptions to the full-name rule
- acrobatics
- across
- act
- action
- active voice
- See also passive voice
- acts
- actual
- actually
- ad
- adage
- adagium
- adapt
- adaptive
- add
- addad
- addicted
- addition
- address, street
- addubitatio
- addubitation
- adduce
- adfectus
- adhere
- adieu
- adjective
- adjunction
- adjure
- admission:
- as rhetorical device
- vs confession
- adnominatio
- ado
- adopt
- adopted
- adoptive
- adsorb
- adumbratio
- adverb
- adversary
- adverse
- advice
- advise
- adynaton:
- figure of speech
- rhetorical device
- aerie
- aerobatics
- aerobic
- aerobics
- aeroplane
- aesthetics
- aether
- aetopeia
- affect
- affection name
- affective
- affectus expressio
- afflict
- afterward
- afterwards
- afterword
- ageing
- aging
- aggravate:
- vs annoy
- vs irritate
- aggregate
- aggressive
- agnominatio
- agnomination
- ah
- aha
- ahhh
- ahold
- aid
- aide
- ail
- aioli
- air
- airplane
- airy
- aisle
- ale
- algoism
- alias
- alibi
- alienation effect
- all:
- vs awl
- ready
- right
- together
- ways
- all of a sudden
- all of the sudden
- allée
- allege:
- vs accuse, suspect
- vs assert
- allegory
- alley
- alliosis
- alliteration
- figure of speech
- word play
- allomorph
- allonym
- allot
- allowed
- allusion:
- delusion, illusion
- figure of speech
- allusive
- ally
- alone
- alot
- aloud:
- vs allowed
- vs out loud
- already
- alright
- altar
- alter
- alternate
- alternative:
- vs alternate
- vs choice
- altitude
- altogether
- alumna
- alumnus
- always
- amateur
- ambage
- ambidexterity
- ambiguous
- vs ambivalent
- equivocal
- American, Native
- ambivalent
- amiable
- amicable
- amid
- amidst
- amok
- among:
- vs between
- vs amid / amidst vs amongst
- amongst
- amoral
- amount vs number, quantity
- ampersand
- amplification
- amuck
- amulet
- amuse
- amused
- amusing
- an
- anacoenosis
- anacoloutha
- anacoluthon
- anacronym
- anadiplosis
- anaerobic
- anagram
- analogical juxtaposition
- analogy
- ananym:
- proper name
- word play
- anaphora:
- figure of speech
- rhetorical device
- anapodoton
- anarchism
- anarchy
- anastrophe
- anchorage
- ancient
- anecdote
- angel
- angle
- anglish
- anhydrous
- anile
- animal
- annals
- annomination
- annoy
- annual
- annul
- annunciate
- anomaly
- anonym
- anonymity pseudonym
- anonymous multiple character POV
- ant
- antagonist:
- antagonist (as writing tip)
- vs protagonist
- antagonym
- antanaclasis:
- rhetorical device
- word play
- ante
- antecedent
- anthimeria:
- figure of speech
- rhetorical device
- anthology
- anthorism
- anthropologic autonym
- anthropologic endonym
- anthropology
- anthropomorphism
- anthroponomastics
- anthroponymy
- anthypophora
- anti
- anti-
- anti-climax
- antibacterial
- anticipate
- anticlimax:
- figure of speech
- rhetorical device
- antidote
- antilogy
- antimeria
- antimetabole
- antiphrasis:
- figure of speech
- rhetorical device
- antipophora
- antiprosopopoeia
- antiquate:
- vs ancient vs antique vs antiquity
- antique:
- vs ancient vs antiquate vs antiquity
- vs retro vs vintage
- antiquity
- antisagoge
- antiseptic
- antistasis
- antistrophe
- antistrophon
- antithesis
- antonomasia
- antonym
- “Antonyms of Unpaired Words“
- antonomasia
- anxious
- any more
- any one
- any time
- any way
- anymore
- anyone
- anytime
- anyway
- anyways
- aparithmesis
- apartment
- aphorism
- apiary
- apophasis
- apophthegm
- aposiopesis
- aposiopesis, surprising
- apostrophe:
- figure of speech
- punctuating
- transliteration
- apostrophism
- apparently
- appeals
- appeal
- appear
- appease
- apperception
- appositive
- appraise
- apprise
- approximate
- apronym
- aptonym:
- proper name
- word play
- aptronym:
- proper name
- word play
- arbiter
- arbitrator
- arc:
- vs arch
- vs ark
- arcadia
- arch
- archetype
- are
- areola
- argumentative
- ark
- srose
- arouse
- arrant
- arroyo
- art work, italicizing
- article
- artifact
- artist
- artiste
- as:
- as grammar: as
- vs because
- vs for
- vs like
- vs since
- vs that
- vs whether
- ascent
- ascetic
- Asiaticism
- ask
- assent
- assert
- assertive
- assess
- assistance
- assistants
- assonance:
- figure of speech
- word play
- assume
- assure
- asteism
- asterisk
- asterismos
- asyndeton:
- figure of speech
- rhetorical device
- ate
- attach
- attaché
- attachée
- attachment
- attain:
- vs attaint
- vs obtain
- attaint
- atticism
- attributive
- attributive eponym
- audience, target
- audience surrogate
- auger
- aught
- augur
- aunt
- aural
- author surrogacy
- author surrogate
- authorial intrusion POV
- auto-antonym
- autoantonym
- autonym:
- name
- anthropologic
- auxesis
- avenge
- average
- averse
- aviary
- aw
- awaken
- award
- awe
- awhile
- awl
- ax
- axe
- axel
- axiom
- axle
- aye
- B.C.:
- “B.C. comes before A.D.“
- abbreviating
- B.C.E.
- baby talk
- backronym
- backslash
- backward
- backwards
- bad:
- vs badly
- vs worse, worst
- badly
- bail
- bait
- bald
- vs bald-faced
- bale
- balled
- ballocks
- band
- banned
- banns
- bans
- bar
- barbaric
- barbarous
- bard
- bare
- baron:
- vs baronet
- vs barren
- barre
- barré
- barred
- barren
- base
- based on
- bases
- basis
- bass
- bat
- bate
- bath
- bathe
- bathos:
- figure of speech
- rhetorical device
- baton
- batt
- batten
- battology
- bawled
- bay
- bayou
- bazaar
- be
- beach:
- vs beech
- vs coast
- vs shore
- beadle
- bear
- beast
- beat
- Beatle
- because
- because of
- bee
- beech
- beer
- beet
- beetle
- began
- begin
- begun
- bell
- belle
- bellow:
- vs below
- vs billow
- below
- bemuse
- berth
- beside
- besides
- best
- betel
- better:
- vs best, good
- vs bettor
- bettor
- between
- bi-
- biannual
- bib
- bibb
- Bible:
- abbreviations for Bible books
- citations for Bible books
- italicizing
- formatting Bible numerals
- bibliomancy
- biennial
- bier
- bight:
- vsbite vs byte
- bay vs cove
- bigotry
- billed
- billow
- bimonthly
- “Binding Choices (for Print)“
- bing
- binge
- binomial:
- species
- birth:
- vs berth
- name
- bite
- bizarre
- blackmail
- blanagram
- blanket
- blend:
- eponym
- word
- blew
- bliss
- bloc
- block
- block quote
- blog:
- vs post, website
- italicizing
- “Blogging for the Writer“
- blond
- blonde
- blue
- boar
- board
- boarder
- Boer
- bog
- boil
- bold-faced
- bolder
- bollocks
- bombastic
- bomphiologia
- bon mot
- book:
- fonts
- pages
- volume
- See also formatting Bible numerals; formatting numerals in parts of a play; italicizing
- book binding, for terminology
- boor
- border
- bore
- bored
- born
- borne
- borough
- borrow
- bot
- botanical name
- bought
- bouillon
- boulder
- bourn
- boy
- brachycatalectic
- brackets
- brake
- brasserie
- brassiere
- brazier
- breach
- bread
- breadth
- break up
- break-up,
- break through
- break
- breaking the fourth wall, as metafiction
- breakthrough
- breakup
- breath
- breathe
- bred
- breech
- brews
- bridal
- bridle
- bring
- broach
- broken heart
- brooch
- brook
- bruise
- bruit
- brunet
- brunette
- brut
- brute:
- beast
- vs bruit, brut
- build
- bullion
- bullocks
- buoy
- burglary
- burlesque
- burn
- burro
- burrow
- bus
- bushism
- buss
- but
- butt
- buy
- by
- by-name
by pass- bye
- byname
- bypass
- byte
- ’cause
- C.E.
- c’mon
- ca.
- cache
- cachet:
- vs cache, cash
- vs panache
- caconym
- cacophony
- caddie
- caddy
- cadge
- cadre name
- cæsura
- cage
- calendar:
- vs calender, colander
- abbreviating
- calender
- call name
- calling name
- callous
- callus
- Calvary
- camaraderie
- can:
- vs ken
- vs may
- canal
- caning
- canning
- cannon
- canon
- canoness
- canter
- cantor
- canvas
- canvass
- capability
- capacity
- capital
- capitalization:
- acronyms
- formatting
- initialisms
- lowercase
- sentence case
- title case
- See also ALL CAPS
- capitol
- capitonym
- Capri
- capris
- caramel
- carat
- carbuncle
- cardinal number
- cardio
- careen
- career
- caret
- caricature
- Carmel
- carousal
- carousel
- carpet
- carrel
- carrot
- cartoon title
- case:
- sentence case
- title case
- cash
- casual
- casualty
- catachresis
- catacosmesis
- catalectic
- catastasis
- catchphrase
- catena
- catholic
- causal
- cause
- cavalry
- cay
- cede
- celibacy
- vs cell
- cement
- cemetery
- censer
- censor
- vs censer, sensor
- vs censure
- censure
- cent
- century:
- vs sentry
- abbreviating
- use arabic figure OR spell it out
- cereal
- cesura
- chain argument
- change in concord
- channel
- chanty
- characternym
- “Characters, Creating Memorable“
- charactonym:
- proper name
- word play
- charge:
- vs accuse
- vs fare vs fee vs tax
- chargé d’affaires
- chargée d’affaires
- charm
- chastity
- cher
- chère
- chéri
- chérie
- Chestertonian fantasy
- chiasmus
- Chile
- chili
- chilly
- china
- China
- chinglish
- chock
- choice
- chook
- choose
- choral:
- choral vs chorale
- choral vs coral
- chorale:
- vs carrel, corral
- vs choral
- chord
- chose
- Christian name
- chronogram
- chuck:
- vs chock vs chook
- salt chuck
- churchyard
- chute
- cinematic POV
- circa
- circumcision
- circumduction
- circumference
- circumlocution
- circumspect
- circumstance
- circumvolution
- citation:
- citation
- folio, ƒƒ
- volume
- cite
- city
- civil
- clamber
- clamor
- clan name
- classic
- classical
- clause:
- vs phrase
- conditional
- dependent
- elliptical
- essential
- finite
- independent
- introductory
- non-essential
- non-finite
- non-restrictive
- relative
- restrictive
- subordinate
- clench
- cliché:
- as a figure of speech
- as a writing tip
- click
- climactic
- climatic
- climax
- climbing argument
- clinch
- clipping eponym
- clique
- clitic
- close:
- vs clothes
- vs cloths
- third person POV
- third POV
- clothes
- cloths
- co-hyponym
- condo
- co-op
- vs co-opt
- vs coop
- vs coup
- vs coupe
- vs coupé
- vs coop, coup, coupe, coupé
- coast
- confession
- co-opt
- coarse
- Cod Latin
- cognomen:
- vs surname
- proper name
- using apostrophes
- Cognitive Linguistics
- cohere
- cohyponym
- colander
- collage
- collectable
- collectible
- collection
- collective:
- pseudonym
- names for short stories
- college:
- vs collage
- vs university
- collide
- collision
- colloquialism, creating
- collusion
- colon
- colonel
- combined form
- combining form
- comforter
- come
- comma:
- punctuation
- vocative case
- commentator POV
- common sense
- commonsense
- compar
- compare to
- compare with
- compel
- complement:
- vs compliment
- grammar
- compliment
- compose
- compound:
- eponym
- word
- compressed paradox
- comprise
- comradery
- concede
- conceit
- concentrated
- concepcio
- conceptio
- concessio:
- rhetorical device, as epitrope
- rhetorical device, as paromologia
- rhetorical device, as synchoresis
- concerted
- concession
- concrete
- conditional clause
- confessio
- confession
- confidant
- confidante
- confident
- conglutinata conceptio
- conjecture
- conjunction
- conjuncture
- connive
- connotation:
- vs denotation
- as literary device
- conscience
- conscious
- conservation
- consolation
- consonance:
- figure of speech
- word play
- conspire
- constellation
- constitutio
- consul
- contest
- context
- contiguous
- continual
- continuous:
- vs contiguous
- vs continual
- contraction:
- apostrophe
- clitic
- colloquialism
- compile
- Ccomply
- contradictio
- contranym
- contrapositum
- contrived acronym
- contronym
- conversation
- convert
- convince
- coo
- coolie
- coop
- cops
- copse
- copy right
- copyright
- copywriter
- coral
- cord:
- vs chord
- vs cored
- core
- cored
- corollary
- coroner
- corps
- corpse
- corral
- correlation
- could care less
- could’a (could have)
- couldn’t care less
- could’ve (could have)
- coulee:
- vs coolie vs coulis
- vs arroyo vs wadi vs wash
- coulis
- council
- counsel
- country
- county
- coup:
- vs co-op, coop, coupe, coupé
- vs coo
- coupe
- coupé
- course
- courtesy
- cousin
- cove
- covert
- coy
- cozen
- craft
- crape
- crash
- crawl
- creak
- Creative Commons
- creek
- crepe
- crescendo
- crewel
- criteria
- criterion
- croc
- crochet
- crock
- crosse copling
- crotchet
- cruel
- crumble
- crumbly
- crumby
- crummy
- crumple
- crunches
- crutches
- crypt
- cryptonym
- cue
- cum
- currant
- current
- curser
- cursor
- curtsey
- cut-and-parry
- cut-and-thrust
- cute
- cypress
- Cyprus
- cyst
- dabble
- daemon
- dairy
- dapple
- dash:
- em dash
- 2-em dash
- 3-em dash
- en dash
- hyphen
- minus sign
- dam
- damn
- date, arabic figure OR spell it out
- day:
- abbreviation
- arabic figure OR spell it out
- days
- daze
- dear
- deboss
- decade, arabic figure OR spell it out
- decent
- declivity
- deduce:
- vs adduce, educe, induce
- vs deduct
- deduct
- deep-immersion POV
- deer
- defamation
- defamiliarization, as perspective
- defiant
- definite:
- vs defiant
- vs definitive
- definitions used in a sentence
- definitive
- defuse
- deipnosophism
- delegate
- delta
- delusion
- delusive
- demon
- demonstratio
- demonym
- demur
- demure
- denotation:
- vs connotation
- as literary device
- dense
- dental
- dentil
- dents
- deny
- dependent
- dependent clause
- deprecate
- depreciate
- depreciation
- derived word
- descent
- description:
- of feelings
- of manners
- descriptive title
- descriptivism
- desert
- designated protagonist syndrome
- desperate
- dessert
- destain
- detached:
- autobiography POV
- narrator POV
- observer POV
- determiner
- device:
- literary device
- devise
- dew
- diacope
- diacritic:
- creating
- formatting
- dialect
- diallage
- diallelus
- dialog [U.S.], See dialogue
- dialogism:
- literary device
- rhetorical device
- dialogismus
- dialogue:
- dramatic monologue
- echoing
- inner dialogue
- internal thoughts
- literary device
- outer dialogue
- punctuation
- stream of consciousness
- thought
- diameter
- diaporesis
- diary
- diasrym
- diatyposis
- diazeugma
- dicaeology
- diction
- dictum
- didactic
- die
- diezeugmenon
- different:
- from
- than
- to
- diffuse
- digressio
- dike
- dilemma
- dilogy
- dinumeration
- dionym
- dionysian imitatio
- direct:
- address, as perspective
- dialogue
- discourse POV
- object
- speech POV, first person
- disable
- disassemble
- disburse
- discomfit
- discomfort
- discours indirect libre POV
- discreet
- discrete
- disdain
- disgruntled
- disillusion
- disinfectant
- disinterested
- disjunction
- disparate
- disperse
- dissemble
- dissent
- dissertation
- dissolution
- distain
- distancing effect
- distrain
- do:
- vs dew, due
- vs make
- do’s
- doc
- dock:
- vs doc
- vs pier, wharf
- does
- dog Latin
- do
- dogmatic
- dominant
- dominate
- done
- dose
- dosed
- doubht
- double:
- entendre
- supply
- doublespeak
- doublet, universalizing
- doubtfull
- doughs
- doused
- down stairs
- dowsed
- downstairs
- doze :
- does, doughs
- vs dose
- dragged
- dragon
- dragoon
- dramatic:
- monologue
- visualization
- draught
- draw
- dredge
- “Drop Caps, Adding a Flourish with“
- drought
- drudge
- drug
- dual
- first person … POV
- third person … POV
- third person omniscient … POV
- dubitatio
- duck
- duct
- dud
- dude
- due:
- due to
- dues
- duel
- dun
- dye
- dyeing
- dying
- dyke
- dysphemism:
- figure of speech
- rhetorical device
- -ed endings
- ’em
- ’er
- e.g.,
- e’er
- eager
- eagle-centric
- earn
- earth
- east
- eave
- ecbole
- echo utterance
- echoing
- echolalia
- echopraxia
- ecological
- economic
- economical
- ecphasis
- ecphonesis
- ecphrasis
- edition
- editorial commentator POV
- educe
- eek
- eerie
- effect
- effective
- effigy
- egocentric
- egoism
- egotism
- egressio
- egressus
- eight
- eke
- ekphrasis
- ekphrastic
- elder:
- vs eldest
- elder
- eldest
- element, literary
- elevation
- elicit
- ellipsis
- elliptical clause
- eloquence
- elusion
- elusive
- em dash:
- 2-em dash
- 3-em dash
- See also en dash; hyphen; minus sign
- emaciation
- emancipation
- emboss
- emigrate
- eminent
- empathetic
- empathic
- empathy
- emphasis:
- figure of speech
- rhetorical device
- word play
- emphatic
- empire
- empirical
- en dash
- endurance
- en masse
- enallage
- enantiodrome
- enantiosemy
- enantiosis
- enclosure
- endemic
- endiadis
- endiaduz
- endonym
- enemy
- English:
- Middle English, history of
- Modern English, history of
- Old English, history of
- engrish
- enquiry
- ensue
- ensure
- ensure
- enthymeme
- entitle
- entomology
- enunciate
- envelop
- envelope
- envious
- environmental
- epanadiplosis
- epanadis
- epanados
- epanalepsis:
- figure of speech
- rhetorical device
- word play
- epanaphora
- epanastrophe
- epanodis
- epanodos
- epanorthosis
- epenthesis
- eperotesis
- epexegesis
- epexergasia
- epibole
- epichoresis
- epidemic
- epigram:
- vs epigraph, epitaph, epithet
- as proverb
- epigraph
- epiphany, as perspective
- epiphonema
- epiphora
- epiploce
- epistrophe
- epitaph
- epithet:
- vs epigram, epigraph, epitaph
- argumentative epithet
- fixed epithet
- kenning epithet
- smear word epithet
- transferred epithet
- literary device:
- epitrope
- epitropis
- epizeuxis:
- figure of speech
- rhetorical device
- word play
- eponym:
- attributive
- blend
- clipping
- compound
- possessive
- simple
- suffix-based derivative
- equivocal
- equivocation
- ere
- erlebte Rede POV
- erotema
- erotesis
- err:
- vs air, heir
- vs e’er, ere
- errant
- erupt
- eschatology
- especially
- essential:
- clause
- rules
- esthetics
- estilo indirecto libre POV
- estrangement:
- as perspective
- effect
- estuary
- et al.,
- etc.,
- ether
- ethic
- ethnonym
- ethopoeia:
- a-effect
- aetopeia
- compar
- cut-and-parry
- cut-and-thrust
- description of manners
- descriptive title
- epexergasia
- exargasia
- expolicio
- German Verfremdungseffekt
- impersonation
- membrum
- moralis confictio
- parisosis
- progymnasmata
- refining
- V-effekt
- working out
- ethos
- etymology
- eunuchs
- euonym:
- proper name
- word play
- euphemism:
- as a rhetorical device
- vs synonym
- euphemismus
- euphonious acronym
- euphony
- euphonym
- euphuism
- eutrepismus
- evacuation
- eve
- every:
- body
- day
- man
- one
- place
- thing
- way
- where
- everybody
- everyday
- everyman
- everyone
- everyplace
- everything
- everyway
- everywhere
- evidentia
- ewe
- ewes
- ex parte
- ex-patriot
- exacerbate
- exact
- exalt
- exargasia
- exasperate
- exceed
- except
- excerpt
- excess
- exclamation:
- mark
- excuse
- exercise
- exergasia
- exonym
- exorcise
- exordium
- expanse
- expatriate
- expect:
- vs accept, except, excerpt
- vs anticipate
- expedient
- expeditio
- expeditious
- expense
- experienced speech POV
- expiration
- expolicio
- expolitio
- exsanguinate
- extant
- extend
- extent:
- vs extant
- vs extend
- exterminate
- extortion
- extract
- extraction
- extrovert
- exult
- eye
- facetious:
- vs factious vs fractious
- fact
- “fact, in actual“
- factional
- factious:
- vs facetious vs fractious
- factional
- factitious
- factoid
- facts
- fain
- faint
- fair
- fairy
- fake
- false
- family name
- famous
- fanaticize
- fantasize
- FAQs
- fare:
- vs charge vs fee vs tax
- vs fair
- farther
- fascinated:
- by
- for
- with
- fashion
- fastidious
- fate
- fathom
- faulty parallelism
- faun
- faux
- fawn
- fax
- faze
- feasible
- feat
- feature name
- fee
- feet
- feign
- feint
- fends
- fens
- ferment
- ferry
- fete
- few
- fewer
- ƒƒ (folio)
- fiancé
- fiancée
- fictional
- fictional device
- fictional word count
- fictitious
- fictive
- figurative language
- figuratively
- figure of…:
- admittance
- figure of speech
- literary device
- reference
- responce
- retire
- submission
- twinnes
- filly
- film
- filter, as perspective
- find
- fined
- finite clause
- fir
- first:
- vs firstly
- name
- first person:
- central POV
- diary POV
- direct speech POV
- dramatic monologue POV
- dual POV
- immersive POV
- interior monologue POV
- letter POV
- limited POV
- memoir POV
- multiple POV
- naive narrator POV
- narration
- objective POV
- observer POV, as memoir
- observer POV, as witness
- omniscient POV
- peripheral POV
- plural POV
- protagonist POV
- re-teller POV
- secondary character POV
- subjective POV
- unreliable narrator POV
- witness POV
- firstly
- firth
- fixed:
- epithet
- fjord
- flack
- flair
- flak
- flammable
- flare
- flat
- flaunt
- flax
- flea
- flecks
- flee
- flense
- flesh
- flex
- flier
- flitting figure
- flounder
- flour
- flout
- flower
- flyer
- ƒƒ (folio)
- foaled
- focalization, as perspective
- foe
- fold
- foment
- font:
- book fonts
- font terminology
- vs fount
- for:
- vs as
- vs fore vs four
- vs fro
- for-
- forbid
- fore
- fore-
- forego
- foreign language (non-English words)
- foreign personal honorific
- forename
- forensic pathologist
- foreword
- forgo
- formally
- formative
- former
- formerly
- fort
- forte:
- vs fort
- vs forty
- forth
- fortuitous
- fortunate
- forty
- forward:
- vs foreward
- forwards
- foul
- founder
- fount
- four
- fourth
- fowl
- fractious
- Frances
- Francis
- free indirect:
- discourse POV
- style POV
- French honorific
- fro
- full name
- fur:
- vs fir
- vs hair
- furry
- further
- fury
- fustian
- gaff
- gaffe
- gaffer
- gage
- gait
- gallop
- Gallup
- galop
- gantlet
- garnish
- garnishee
- gate
- gauge:
- vs gage
- vs gouge
- gauntlet
- gazpacho
- gel
- gem
- gemmination
- generative linguistics
- genes
- genre
- genteel
- genteelism
- gentile
- gentile name
- gentilic
- gentle
- geographic:
- province
- states (U.S.)
- Germaine
- German Verfremdungseffekt
- germane
- gerund
- Gestapo
- gesture
- gibe
- gig
- gild
- gilt
- given name
- glamor
- glamour
- glutenous
- glutinous
- gluttonous
- gnome
- gnu
- god
- Gongorism
- good:
- vs better, best
- vs well
- gorilla
- goth
- gothic
- gouge
- gourmand
- gourmet
- grammatical syllepsis
- grate
- gratuity
- graveyard
- great
- grew
- grill
- grille
- griping
- gripping
- grisly
- gristly
- grizzly
- groan
- grown:
- grown up
- grown-up
- grownup
- grue
- gruntled
- guarantee
- guaranty
- guerilla
- guilt
- guise
- gulf
- guys
- gybe
- habitation name
- hail
- hair:
- vs fur
- vs hare
- hale
- half
- hall
- hallow
- halve
- hamlet
- hand out
- handicap
- handout
- hangar
- hanged
- hanger
- harbor
- hardy
- hare
- harm
- hashtag
- haul
- have
- haven
- hawk
- head:
- hopping
- jumping
- headhopping
- heal
- healthful
- healthy
- hear
- heard
- heart beat
- heart broken
- heartbeat
- heartbroken
- hearty
- heel
- height
- heir
- hemp
- hendiadys
- herd
- herds
- here
- hermit
- heroin
- heroine
- hertz
- heterograph
- heteronym
- heterosis
- hew
- hieroglyph
- hijack
- his-and-hers first person points-of-view POV
- historic
- historical
- History of English (When is Old, Middle, and Modern English?)
- hmmm
- hoard
- hoarse
- hock
- hoes
- hold
- hole
- holed:
- vs hold
- vs hulled
- holey
- hollow
- holly
- holoalphabetic sentence
- holonym
- holorime:
- figure of speech
- word play
- holy
- home
- home in on
- homey
- homie
- homiletics
- homily
- homoeoptoton
- homoeoteleuton
- homograph
- homoioteleuton
- homonym
- homophone
- homophonic translation
- homovocalic
- hone in
- Honorable, the
- honorific:
- foreign personal
- French
- Honorable, the
- honorific
- Italian
- personal
- professional title
- Reverend, the
- Spanish
- See also “Honorifics, To Cap or Not to Cap“
- hoped
- hopped
- horatian
- horde
- horse
- hos
- hose
- hostel
- hotel
- hour
- house
- house pseudonym
- how ever
- however
- hue
- huh
- hulled
- human
- humane
- humiliatio
- hummus
- humus
- hung
- hurdle
- hurt
- See also hurts
- hurtle
- hurts
- See also hurt
- hybrid acronym
- hygroscopic
- hypallage
- hyperbaton
- hyperbole:
- figure of speech
- rhetorical device
- hypercatalectic
- hypernym
- hyperonym
- hyperzeuxis:
- figure of speech
- rhetorical device
- word play
- hyphen
- See also em dash; 2-em dash; 3-em dash; en dash; minus sign
- hypobole
- hypocatastasis
- hypocorism
- hypocoristicon
- hyponym
- hypophora
- hypostrophe
- hypotenuse
- hypothesis
- hypotiposis
- hypotyposis
- hypozeugma
- hypozeuxis:
- figure of speech
- rhetorical device
- word play
- hysteron proteron
- -ing endings
- ’im
- I
- “I before E except after C . . . Unless“
- i.e.,
- I’ll (I will)
- ID:
- login
- user
- identifier
- idiom:
- figure of speech
- grammar
- idle
- idol
- idyll
- if
- illicit
- illusion
- illusive
- imagery
- imitate
- immanent
- immigrant acronym
- immigrate
- imminent
- immoral
- impassable
- impassible
- impel
- imperative
- imperial
- impersonation
- imply
- impoundment
- in:
- vs in to, into
- vs inn
- “in actual fact“
- in lieu of
- in light of
- in to
- inaptronym
- incidence
- incidents
- incite
- incredible
- incredulous
- indelible
- independence
- independent clause
- independents
- indeterminable
- indeterminate
- indict
- indirect:
- discourse POV
- object
- indirect speech:
- third person … POV
- third person free … POV
- indite
- indubitably
- induce
- indelible
- Indian
- indigenous
- ineligible”
- infamous
- infect
- infer
- infest
- infinitive
- infix
- infixation
- inflammable:
- vs inflammatory
- vs flammable
- inflammatory
- inflection
- inflict
- ingenious
- ingenuous
- ingest
- initialism:
- capitalizing
- grammar
- initialism
- style exceptions to the full-name rule
- initials:
- abbreviating
- acronyms
- initialisms
- inject
- inn
- inner dialogue
- innocence
- innocents
- innuendo
- inquiry
- insidious
- insight
- inspiration
- installation
- instance
- instant
- instillation
- insure
- interest-focus, as perspective
- interested
- interesting
- interior monologue
- interjection
- internal monologue:
- literary device
- Internet:
- vs intranet vs web
- slang
- interrogation
- interrupter
- intimate:
- vs imitate, intimidate
- intense
- intensive
- intent
- intimidate
- into
- intranet
- introvert
- introductory:
- clause
- phrase
- inversion
- invested
- invidious
- irony:
- as a figure of speech
- vs sarcasm vs satire
- irregardless
- irritate
- irupt
- ischiorrhogic
- isle
- isocolon
- isolated dwelling
- isonym
- issues as stasis
- it’s (it is)
- Italian honorific
- italics:
- definitions used in a sentence
- dialogue – internal thoughts
- linguistic example
- magazine
- newspaper
- plants
- play
- podcast
- poem
- reverse
- short story
- taxonomy
- technical words
- television
- terms
- when to use
- its
- jackass
- jail
- jam:
- vs jamb
- vs Jelly vs Preserves
- jamb
- jangle
- Janus word
- janusism
- jealous
- jeans
- jell
- jelly
- jester
- jesus
- jewel:
- vs gem vs stone
- vs joule
- jibe
- jig
- jiggle
- jingle
- jive
- joule
- justification
- juxtaposition, analogical
- kairos
- karat
- ken
- kenning epithet
- kennings
- kernel
- kerning
- kettle
- key
- key word style
- kibbutz
- kibitz
- kidnap
- knap
- knave
- knead
- knee
- kneed
- knew
- knight
- knob
- knot
- know
- know how
- knowhow
- knows
- koi
- kraal
- kraft
- laager
- lackadaisical
- lacks
- laconicism
- ladder
- lade
- lager
- lagoon
- laid
- lain
- lam
- lama
- lamb
- lampoon
- lane
- last
- last name
- later
- lath
- lathe
- Latin:
- Cod
- dog
- macaronic
- mock
- pig
- See also abbreviation
- Latinicus, Canis
- latter:
- vs former
- vs ladder, later
- laudable
- laudatory
- lave
- lax
- laxadaisical
- lay
- lays
- lay out
- layout
- laze
- lea
- leach
- lead:
- vs led
- vs lede
- leak
- lean
- leaper
- leased
- least
- lectern
- led
- lede
- lee
- leech
- leek
- llees
- legal name
- leitwortstil
- lend
- leper
- less:
- vs fewer
- vs lest
- lessen
- lesser
- lesson
- lessor
- lest
- let’s (let us)
- lets
- levy
- lexeme
- lexiphanicism
- liable:
- vs libel
- vs likely
- libel:
- vs defamation, slander
- vs liable
- liar
- lichen
- lick
- lie:
- vs lay
- vs lye
- lien:
- vslean
- vs levy
- lier
- lightening
- lightning
- like
- likely
- liken
- limited POV:
- first person
- third person
- linen
- linguistic:
- cognitive
- example
- generative linguistics
- phonetics, theoretical
- pragmatics, theoretical
- semantics, theoretical
- syntax, theoretical
- technique
- linguistics anthropology
- links
- lipogram
- listen
- literal
- literally:
- vs figuratively
- vs literal
- literary:
- device
- elements
- onomastics
- literary device:
- fictional device
- linguistic technique
- literary fictional narrative
- literary technique
- narrative technique
- stylistic device
- stylistic element
- litotes:
- figure of speech
- rhetorical device
- little-by-little argument
- llama
- lo
- load
- loan:
- vs borrow, lend
- vs lone
- loath
- loathe
- loch:
- vs kettle vs mere vs oxbow
- vs lock
- lock
- locution
- lode
- log in
- log-in
- logger
- login:
- vs log-in, login
- vs login ID
- logogram
- logos
- lone:
- alone vs lonely vs lonesome
- loan
- lonely
- lonesome
- loose
- lop
- lope
- lord
- lose
- loses
- losses
- low
- lowercase
- lfumbar
- lumber
- lux
- luxe
- luxuriant
- luxurious
- lye
- lynx
- lyre
- macaronic language
- macaronic Latin
- mach
- macrologia
- macrology:
- literary device
- rhetorical device
- macronym
- madam
- madame
- made
- magazine
- magical realism, as perspective
- maid
- main
- maize
- malapropism
- male
- mall
- manager
- manatee
- mane
- manger
- manner
- manor
- mantel
- mantle
- “Margins & Padding — How They Affect List Items“
- marina
- marinade
- marinate
- marital
- mark
- Marketing, Introduction to Book
- marque
- marquee
- marquis
- marry
- marsh
- marshal
- marshall
- martial”
- vs marital
- vs marshal, marshall
- mass
- massé
- masterful
- masterly
- mataeology
- material
- materiel
- matinee
- matronym
- maul
- mausoleum
- maw
- maxim
- may:
- can
- vs might
- may be
- maybe
- maypoling
- maze
- me
- mean
- measurement
- meat
- medal
- meddle
- media
- median
- medical examiner
- medium
- meet
- meiosis
- meld
- melt
- membrum
- meme
- mere
- meretricious
- merism
- merismu
- meritorious
- meronym
- merry
- mesozeugma
- metabasis
- metafiction
- metal
- metalepsis
- metaphor
- metaphrase
- metaplasmus
- metastasis
- mete
- metonymy:
- as figure of speech
- as linguistics
- as rhetorical device
- as word confusion
- metronym
- metropolis
- mettle
- mic
- Middle English, history of
- midst
- might:
- vs may
- vs mite
- might’a (might have)
- might’ve (might have)
- mike
- mimesis
- mince
- mind
- mined
- miner
- minor
- mints
- misconception
- mishap
- misnomer
- missed
- mist
- mistake
- vs mite
- mixaphor
- mmmm
- mnemonic backronym
- mock:
- Latin
- moat
- Modern English, history of
- modifier
- moll
- mondegreen
- moniker
- monk
- monologue:
- dramatic monologue
- first person dramatic … POV
- first person interior … POV
- interior monologue
- internal monologue
- mononym
- monosemy
- monovocalic
- month
- moorage
- moore effoc
- mooreeffoc
- moose
- moot point
- moral:
- vs ethic
- vs morale, morel
- morale
- moralis confictio
- morbid
- more important
- more than
- moribund
- most importantly
- morel
- morning
- morpheme
- most important
- most importantly
- motel
- motif
- motto
- mourning
- mousse
- muck
- multiple:
- first person … POV
- third person … POV
- third person omniscient … POV
- multiple
- multiple-use pseudonym
- multiply
- multitasking
- muscle
- mussel
- mute point
- mutually recursive acronym
- mycterism
- myself
- myth
- naive narrator POV
- name:
- account
- affection
- birth
- botanical
- call
- calling
- Christian
- clan
- family
- first
- full
- feature
- gentile
- given
- habitation
- last
- legal
- personal
- pet
- proper
- real
- reign
- scientific
- second
- surname:
- vs cognomen
- See the entry in proper name; with apostrophe
- namephreak
- nap
- narrative:
- mode POV
- technique
- tone
- voice POV
- narrator POV
- narrator’s tone of voice POV
- Native American
- naught
- nauseated
- nauseous
- naval
- nave
- navel
- near rhyme
- né
- née
- need
- negative capability
- neither is
- neither are
- nemesis
- neologism
- new vs knew
- news satire
- newsletter
- newspaper:
- formatting for newspaper
- vs newsletter
- nice-nellyism
- nickname
- anthroponymy
- night
- no
- nob
- nod
- noema
- noes
- nom de plume
- nominal number
- non-essential:
- clause
- non-restrictive clause
- rules
- non-finite clause
- none:
- none are
- none is
- nonchalant
- nonmoral
- nonplussed
- nose
- not
- notorious
- nought
- noun
- novice
- number:
- vs amount
- cardinal
- nominal
- vs numeral
- ordinal
- when to spell numbers out and when to use arabic figures
- numeral, formatting
- nun:
- vs none
- vs abbess vs canoness
- o
- o’
- See also apostrophes
- o’er
- oar
- obelisk
- object:
- direct
- indirect
- prepositional
- objective POV:
- first person
- third person
- obscenity
- observer narrator POV
- obsolete acronym
- obtain
- obtuse
- obviously
- occupatio
- ocean
- odalisque
- ode
- off-putting
- offpudding
- oh:
- vs o, o’, ooh:
- oh là là
- oh
- okay
- Old English, history of
- omnibus
- older
- omniscient POV:
- first person
- third person
- third person … dual
- third person … multiple
- on:
- vs on to, onto
- on the basis of
- on to
- one
- onomastics, literary
- onomatopoeia:
- figure of speech
- rhetorical device
- onto
- onward
- onwards
- ooh:
- vs o, o’, oh
- ooh la la
- opponent
- optimistic
- or
- oral
- ordinal number
- ordinance
- ordnance
- ore
- oriel
- orientated
- oriented
- orienteered
- oriole
- orphans
- orthonym
- ostranenie
- ought
- our
- out loud
- outcast
- outcaste
- outer dialogue
- over:
- vs more thab
- vs across vs through
- over-the-shoulder perspective POV
- overdo
- overdue
- overseas
- oversees
- overstatement
- owe
- owed
- oxbow
- oxymoron
- oxymoron
- packed
- pact
- padding:
- vs patting
- See the entry in “Margins & Padding – How They Affect List Items“
- paddy
- paedonymic
- paean
- paeon
- pages
- pail
- pain
- pair
- pairing
- palatable
- palate
- pale
- palette
- palillogy
- palindrome
- pallet
- palpable
- panache
- pandemic
- pane
- pangram
- paper choices
- parable
- parabola
- paradiastole
- paradigm
- paradox:
- compressed
- figure of speech
- literary device
- vs oxymoron
- rhetorical device
- paraenesis
- paragram
- paraleipsis
- paralepsis
- paralipsis
- parallel construction
- parallel structure:
- alliosis
- exergasia
- faulty parallelism
- isocolon
- literary device
- parison
- syncrisis
- tricolon
- parallelism:
- faulty parallelism
- grammar
- literary device
- parameter
- paramologia
- paranormal
- paranym:
- grammar
- rhetorical device
- parish
- paraphrase
- paraphrasis
- paraprosdokian
- parasiopesis
- parathesis
- pare
- parecbasis
- parecnasis
- paregmenon
- parembole
- paremia
- paremptosis
- parentheses
- parenthesis
- parenthetical elements
- pareonasis
- parimia
- paring
- parison
- parisosis
- parity
- parkour
- parlay
- parley
- parody:
- figure of speech
- literary device
- parity
- vs satire
- paroemia
- paromoion
- paromologia
- paronomasia
- paronym
- parquet
- parrhesia
- parté
- partake:
- partake in
- partake of
- parti
- participle
- particle
- party
- pass
- pass by
- pass time
- passed
- passive voice
- See also active voice
- past
- past time
- pastiche
- pastime
- pastor
- pasture
- pataphor
- pathopoeia
- pathos
- patience
- patients
- patronym
- patting
- patty
- pause
- paws
- peace
- peak
- peal
- pear
- pearl
- pec
- peck
- pedal
- pedantic
- peddle
- peek
- peel
- peer
- peke
- pellet
- pelt
- pen name
- pendant
- pendent
- penultimate
- peon
- people
- percent
- percentage
- percentile
- perception
- percussion
- perfect
- periergia
- perimeter
- period
- peripheral
- periphery
- periphrasis
- perish
- perissology
- perle
- permissio
- Permission, Get
- perpetrate
- perpetuate
- persecute
- perseverate
- persevere
- person
- persona
- personal:
- vs personnel
- honorific
- honorific, foreign
- name
- personification:
- figure of speech
- vs anthropomorphism
- rhetorical device
- personnel
- persons
- perspective:
- audience surrogate
- author surrogacy
- author surrogate
- breaking the fourth wall, as metafiction
- Chestertonian fantasy
- defamiliarization
- designated protagonist syndrome
- direct address
- epiphany
- estrangement
- filter
- fixed
- focalization
- head hopping
- headhopping
- head jumping
- interest-focus
- magical realism
- metafiction
- moore effoc
- mooreeffoc
- ostranenie
- vs prospective
- reflector
- self-insertion
- slant
- window
- persuade
- peruse
- pessimistic
- pet name
- petal
- petit
- petite
- petroglyph
- phanopoeia
- phantom
- phase
- phew
- Philippic
- Philly
- phonetics
- phonology
- phrase:
- vs clause
- absolute
- introductory
- transitional
- piece
- pier:
- vs peer
- vs dock, wharf
- pig Latin
- pincer
- pincher
- pinscher
- pique:
- vs peak, peek, peke
- vs piqué, piquet
- pictograph
- piqué
- piquet
- pistil
- pistol
- piteous
- pitiable
- pitiful
- pitiless
- plain
- plait
- plane
- plants:
- abbreviating
- italicizing
- See also “Taxonomy“
- play:
- formatting numerals in parts of a play
- italicizing
- platonic
- play-on-words
- pleas
- please
- pleat
- pleonasm
- ploce
- plot:
- literary device
- plum
- plumb
- plurals:
- apostrophes
- making plural:
- abbreviations
- letters
- numbers using apostrophes
- numbers
- proper name
- proper noun
- words
- “You and Its Plural“
- plural POV, first person
- plural yous
- plutonic
- podcast
- podium
- poem
- point-of-view (POV):
- first person POV
- narrative mode POV
- narrative voice POV
- narrator POV
- narrator’s tone of voice POV
- second person POV
- third person POV
- viewpoint POV
- viewpoint character POV
- voice POV
- poison
- poisonous
- poled
- political satire
- polled
- polynym
- polyptoton
- polysemy:
- figure of speech
- grammar
- polysyllogism
- polysyndeton:
- figure of speech
- rhetorical device
- pommel
- pond
- poo
- pooh
- pool
- poor
- porch
- pore
- Porsche
- port
- portentous
- portmanteau
- position
- positively
- possession
- possessive:
- apostrophe
- eponym
- grammar
- symbol
- possible
- post
- pound sign
- pour
- practicable
- practical
- praeteritio
- pragmatic
- pragmatics
- praise
- prays
- prebuttal
- precede
- precedent
- precept
- precipitant
- precipitate
- precipitous
- predicate:
- sentence
- grammar
- predicative
- predominant
- predominate
- prefect
- prefix
- prejudice
- premier
- premiere
- preposition:
- grammar
- vs proposition (word confusion)
- prize
- prepositional object
- prescribe
- prescriptivism
- presence
- presents
- preserves
- president
- presume
- pretentious
- preterition
- preternatural
- preys
- pride
- pries
- principal
- principle
- prise
- prison
- prize:
- vs pride
- vs prise, pries
- procatalepsis
- proceed
- profanity
- professional title
- profit
- progymnasmata
- prohibit
- prolegomenon
- prolepsis
- prone
- pronomination
- pronoun
- proper name
- prophecy
- prophesy
- prophet
- proposition
- proscribe
- prosecute
- prosody
- prosopopeia:
- figure of speech
- rhetorical device
- vs prospective
- prostate
- prosthesis
- prostrate
- protagonist:
- vs antagonist
- first person POV
- protagonist (as writing tip)
- protégé
- protégée
- prothysteron
- protozeugma
- proverb
- province
- prozeugma
- pseudonym:
- collective
- house
- multiple-use
- proper name
- word play
- psychopath
- publically
- publicly
- pulpit
- pummel
- pun:
- figure of speech
- metaphor
- rhetorical device
- word play
- pure backronym
- purl
- purposefully
- purposely
- pursue
- pus
- puss
- quack
- quake
- qualifier
- quantifier
- quantity
- question mark
- queue
- quay:
- vs cay vs key
- vs harbor vs marina vs port
- quiet
- quilt
- quit
- quite
- quotation
- quotation mark
- quote
- racism
- rack
- racket
- racquet
- rain
- raise:
- vs rays, raze
- vs rise
- rapids
- rapped
- rappel
- rapport
- rapt
- RAS syndrome
- rational
- rationale
- ravage
- ravish
- rays
- raze
- read:
- vs red
- reed
- readercheater POV
- real:
- vs reel
- name
- rebut
- recursive:
- acronym
- backronym
- mutually … acronym
- red
- reditus ad propositum
- reed
- reek
- reel
- refining
- reflector, as perspective
- refuse
- refute
- regard to
- regardless
- regards to
- regress argument
- regressio
- regression
- regretful
- regretfully
- regrettable
- regrettably
- reign:
- vs reign, rein
- name
- rein
- relative clause
- relegate
- relic
- relict
- reluctant
- remain
- remove
- removed POV
- renown
- renowned
- repel
- repercussion
- repining
- repinning
- replacement backronym
- report
- reported direct speech POV
- representatio the counterfait representation
- reservoir
- respectably
- respectfully
- respectively
- rest
- restrictive clause
- resume
- résumé
- retch
- reticent
- retro
- retronym
- revenge
- reverend:
- vs reverent
- Reverend, the
- reverent
- reverse italics
- review
- revolving first person POV
- revue
- reward
- rhetoric syllogism
- rhetorical:
- figure of speech
- literary device
- rhetorical device
- rhyme:
- rhetorical device
- word play
- rhythm
- ridged
- rife
- riff:
- vs rife
- vs rift
- riffle
- rifle
- rift:
- vs riff
- vs rive
- right
- rigid
- rill
- ringer
- rise
- rite
- rive
- river
- river, typographical
- rivulet
- road
- roadstead
- robbery
- rode
- rogatio
- rogue
- role
- roll
- roman typeface
- root
- rose
- rot
- rote
- roué
- rouge
- rough
- rouse
- rout
- route
- roux
- rowed
- rows
- rude
- rue
- rued
- ruff
- rug
- run down
- run-down
- rundown
- rung
- runnel
- running heads and feet
- rye
- “show-off” figure
- sac
- sachet
- sack
- sacque
- sail
- sale:
- vs sail
- vs sell
- salon
- saloon
- salt chuck
- sarcasm:
- figure of speech
- punctuating
- vs irony vs satire
- word play
- sashay
- satire:
- parity
- vs parody
- figure of speech
- horatian
- innuendo
- vs irony vs sarcasm
- literary device
- news
- political
- saver
- savior
- savor
- saw
- saying
- scatology
- scene
- scent
- scheme
- schesis
- scientific name
- sconce
- scone
- scoop
- scope
- scot
- scotch
- Scots
- Scottish
- scraping
- scrapping
- scrimp:
- vs shrimp
- vs skimp
- sculpture
- sea:
- vs see
- vs ocean
- seam
- seat:
- vs seed
- vs sit
- second:
- direct address POV
- direct discourse
- name
- person narration POV
- person POV
- second-person narration
- secret
- secrete
- see
- seed:
- vs cede
- vs seat
- seem:
- vs seam
- vs appear
- seemingly
- seen
- seep
- self-antonym
- self-documenting sentence
- self-doubt POV
- self-enumerating sentence
- self-insertion, as perspective
- sell:
- vs cell
- vs sale
- semantics:
- theoretical
- semantic syllepsis
- semicolon
- semimonthly
- semordnilap
- send-up
- senile
- sense:
- vs cent, scent, sent
- vs since
- sensor
- sensory detail
- sensual
- sensuous
- sent
- sentence:
- case
- complex
- compound
- simple
- sentry
- serf
- serge
- serial
- sermocinatio
- set
- setting
- settlement hierarchy:
- sisolated dwelling vs hamlet vs village
- town vs city vs metropolis
- sew
- sexual
- shadowing
- shake:
- vs nod
- vs sheik
- shall
- shanty
- shears
- sheath
- sheathe
- sheers
- sheik
- shimmer
- shimmy
- shined
- shone
- shoot
- shore
- should’a (should have)
- should’ve (should have)
- shown
- shrimp
- shudder
- shutter
- sibilance:
- figure of speech
- word play
- sic
- sick
- sight
- sign
- sike
- silepsis
- silicon
- silicone
- sillepsis
- silver
- simile:
- figure of speech
- metaphor
- simple
- simple eponym
- simplistic
- simultaneous understanding
- since:
- vs as
- vs sense
- sine
- single-focused POV
- sit:
- vs seat
- vs set
- site
- Size for Your Book Type, Choose the
- skimp
- slack
- slake
- slander
- slang:
- Internet
- slant, as perspective
- slash
- slay
- sleigh:
- vs slay, sley
- vs sleight, slight
- sleight
- slew
- sley
- slight
- slough
- smear word epithet
- snuggly
- snugly
- so
- soar
- soared
- sobriquet:
- proper name
- word play
- social commentator POV
- Intro to Social Media Images:
- Snapchat
- TikTok
- X
- sociopath
- sole
- some
- some time
- sometime
- sometimes
- son
- sooth
- soothe
- sophistry
- sore
- sorites
- sotbriquet:
- proper name
- word play
- soubriquet:
- proper name
- word play
- soul
- source
- south
- sow
- Spanish honorific
- spatter
- speak
- spec
- specially
- species binomial
- speck
- spiel
- spill
- splatter
- spoof
- spoonerism
- spring
- staid
- stair
- stake
- stamina
- stamp
- stanch
- stanza
- stare
- staseis
- stasis:
- rhetorical device
- system
- theory
- states (US)
- stationary
- stationery
- statue:
- vs effigy
- vs sculpture
- vs statute
- status
- statute
- staunch
- stay
- stayed
- steak
- steal:
- vs burglary vs robbery vs theft
- vs steel
- steel
- stent
- step
- steppe
- stichomythia
- stichomythy
- stint
- stock
- stoke
- stomp
- stone
- storey
- story:
- vs storey
- short
- collective names for short stories
- stow away
- stowaway
- stragler or figure of digression
- straight
- strait
- stratagem
- strategy
- streak
- stream
- streamlet
- streams:
- Brook vs Burn vs Draw vs Lick
- stream of consciousness, as POV
- street address
- strike
- stroke
- stuff
- style:
- vs fashion
- figure of speech
- stylistic:
- device:
- figure of speech
- literary device
- element
- subiectio
- subject
- subject-verb agreement
- subjectio
- subjective:
- first person … POV
- third person … POV
- submerge
- submerse
- subordinate:
- hyponym
- subordinate clause
- subscript, proper positioning
- substantial
- substantive
- suffix
- suffix-based derivative eponym
- suit
- suite
- suiter
- suitor
- sum
- summary:
- vs abstract
- vs summery
- summery
- sun
- sundae
- Sunday
- supernatural
- superordinate
- superscript, proper positioning
- supertype
- supine
- supposably
- supposedly
- surely
- surf
- surge
- surly
- surname:
- vs cognomen
- proper name
- using apostrophes
- surprise ending
- surprising aposiopesis
- suspect
- swamp
- swat
- swath
- swathe
- sweet
- sword
- swot
- syke
- syllable acronym
- syllempsis
- syllepsis:
- grammatical
- semantic
- word play
- syllogism:
- fallacy
- rhetoric as enthymeme
- rhetorical device
- truncated
- symbol:
- ƒƒ (folio)
- making possessive
- symbolism
- sympathy
- synalepha
- synaloepha
- synchoresis
- synchysis
- syncrisis:
- literary device
- rhetorical device
- syndrome, RAS
- synecdoche:
- figure of speech
- metaphor
- rhetorical device
- syneciosis
- synezeugmenon
- synoeciosis
- synonym:
- vs antonym
- vs euphemism
- “Synonyms Can Be Cute“
- syntax:
- literary device
- theoretical syntax
- ’til
- t
- T
- T-shirt
- tack
- tact
- tail
- taint
- take
- take-off
- taken aback
- taken back
- tale
- talisman
- talk
- taper
- tapinosis
- tapir
- target audience
- tarn
- tartar
- tartare
- tarter
- taught
- taut
- tautogram
- tautology:
- figure of speech
- rhetorical device
- vs tax
- taxonomic
- taxonomy
- team
- technical words
- technology acronym
- tee
- teem
- teknonym
- telegraphic speech
- television
- tenant
- tenet
- tenner
- tenor
- tense
- tents
- terminology for book binding
- terminology for fonts
- terms
- tern
- terne
- textonym
- than
- thank-you
- thank you
- that:
- vs as
- vs this, these, those
- vs which
- vs who
- theatrical POV
- theft
- their
- theme:
- literary device
- literary element
- trope
- then
- there
- there’re (there are)
- there’s (there is)
- there in
- therein
- these
- thesis
- they’re (they are)
- things
- third person:
- anonymous multiple character POV
- anonymous dual POV
- anonymous POV
- cinematic POV
- close POV
- close third POV
- close third person POV
- commentator POV
- deep-immersion POV
- detached observer POV
- discours indirect libre POV
- dramatic POV
- dual POV
- editorial commentator POV
- erlebte Rede POV
- estilo indirecto libre POV
- experienced speech POV
- free indirect discourse POV
- free indirect style POV
- indirect discourse POV
- intimate POV
- multiple POV
- narration POV
- objective POV
- omniscient POV:
- authorial intrusion POV
- limited … POV
- … observer POV
- dual POV
- editorial POV
- free indirect speech POV
- indirect speech POV
- limited POV
- multiple POV
- over-the-shoulder perspective POV
- removed POV
- reported indirect speech POV
- self-doubt POV
- single POV
- single-focused POV
- social commentator POV
- subjective POV
- single … POV
- deep … POV
- sympathetic POV
- theatrical POV
- tight POV
- tight third POV
- tight-third POV
- this
- those
- though
- thought:
- vs though
- internal dialogue
- literary device
- three-letter acronym
- threw
- throe
- throne
- through:
- vs across vs over
- vsthrew
- throw
- thrown
- thyme
- tic
- tick
- tide
- tide pool
- tied
- tight POV
- tight third POV
- tight-third POV
- till
- tilt
- timber
- timbre
- time:
- vs thyme
- abbreviating:
- century
- day
- month
- time
- week
- year
- See also “B.C. comes before A.D.“, B.C.E., C.E.
- numbers, using:
- century
- date
- day
- decade
- year
- tinaja
- tint
- tip
- tip toe
- tiptoe
- title:
- vs tilt, tittle
- cartoon
- Honorable, the
- professional
- Reverend, the
- title case
- webcomic
- tittle
- tmesis
- to
- toe
- tole
- toll
- Tom Swifty
- tomb
- tone:
- literary device
- literary element
- narrative
- too
- tool
- toponomastics
- toponym
- tort
- torte
- tortuous
- torturous
- tot
- total
- tousle
- tow
- toward
- towards
- town
- townhouse
- toxin
- track
- tracking
- tract
- trail
- train of thought POV
- transferred:
- epithet
- word
- transgress
- transicio transition
- transitio
- transitional words and phrases
- transliteration
- transmotionem
- transpire
- trial
- triannual
- tricolon
- triennial
- trinomial
- trinomial nomenclature
- trionym
- triple
- triplet
- triplicate
- triticism
- troop
- trope:
- figure of speech
- literary device
- theme
- troupe
- truncated syllogism
- trussed
- trust
- trustee
- trusty
- tucks
- tule
- tulle
- turbid
- turgid
- turn
- tussle
- tux
- twat
- twined
- twinned
- twit
- two:
- vs to, too
- two for one
- typographical river
- tyro
- ubbi dubbi
- uh
- ultimate
- um
- unconscionable
- unconscious
- under way
- under weigh
- understatement:
- figure of speech
- litotes
- underway
- undoubtably
- undoubtedly
- unexceptionable
- unexceptional
- uninterested
- universalizing doublet
- university
- univocalic
- Unix
- unmoral
- unreliable narrator POV
- See also first person subjective POV; naive narrator POV
- until
- up on
- upmost
- upon
- uppermost
- upward
- upwards
- urn
- use:
- vs ewes, yews
- vs utilize
- user ID
- username
- utilize
- utmost
- V-effekt
- vail
- vain
- vale
- vane
- vary
- veil
- vein
- venal
- vengeance
- venial
- venomous
- veracious
- verb
- verbal:
- vs aural, oral
- game
- verborum bombus
- verisimilitude
- verse
- verses
- versus
- vertical storytelling
- very
- vested
- vial
- vice
- vicious
- video
- viewpoint:
- character POV
- vile
- village
- villain
- villein
- vintage
- viscose
- viscous
- vise
- visible presentation
- voice:
- active
- passive
- voila
- voilà
- volume
- voracious
- vs.
- vulgarity
- wabi-sabi
- wade
- wadi
- wae
- wail
- waist
- wait
- waive
- waiver
- wake up
- wake-up
- wale
- wander
- want
- wanton
- ware
- warn
- warrantee
- warranty:
- vs guarantee, guaranty
- vs warrantee
- warrior
- wary
- wasabi
- wash
- waste
- watt
- wave:
- vs waive
- vs waiver, waver
- water, bodies of:
- anchorage
- bay
- bayou
- bight
- bog
- brook
- burn
- canal
- cay
- channel
- cove
- creek
- dike / dyke
- draw
- firth
- fjord
- gulf
- harbor
- haven
- impoundment
- kettle
- lagoon
- lick
- loch:
- key
- vs kettle vs mere vs oxbow
- lake:
- as kettle, loch, mere, oxbow
- marina
- marsh
- mere
- moat
- moorage
- ocean
- oxbow
- pond
- pool
- port
- quay:
- vs cay vs key
- vs harbor vs marina vs port
- rill
- reservoir
- river
- rivulet
- roadstead
- runnel
- vs ocean
- salt chuck
- sea:
- vs see
- vs seep
- sike
- slough
- vs spring
- strait
- stream
- streamlet
- streams
- swamp
- syke
- tarn
- tide pool
- vs tinaja
- tributary
- waver
- way
- we
- we’re (we are)
- we’ve (we have)
- weak
- weald
- vs wear
- weary
- weather
- weave
- web:
- Internet, intranet
- webcomic title
- website vs blog, post
- website vs blog, post
- wee
- week:
- vs weak
- abbreviating
- weigh
- weighed
- weight
- well
- well being
- well-being
- wellbeing
- wellerism
- wench
- were:
- vs ware, wear, where
- vs we’re, where
- west
- wet
- wether
- wh-
- whale
- whao
- wharf
- what
- whee
- where:
- vs we’re, were
- vs ware, wear, were
- whet
- whether:
- vs as
- vs if
- vs weather
- which:
- vs that
- vs witch
- whicker
- while:
- vs a while, awhile
- vs whilst
- whilst:
- vs a while, awhile, while
- vs while
- whinny
- whiny
- whirl
- whither
- who:
- vs that
- vs whom
- who’s (who is)
- whoa
- whoever
- whole
- wholly
- whom
- whomever
- whoop
- whorl
- whose
- whosever
- whosoever
- whup
- wicker
- widow:
- vs widower (word confusion)
- widows (formatting)
- widower
- wield
- wile
- will
- winch
- wind
- windbreaker
- window, as perspective
- wined
- winter
- winterly
- wintery
- wintry
- wiseass
- witch
- wither
- woah
- woe
- won
- won’t (will not)
- wonder
- wont
- wonton
- wood
- word
- word count, fictional
- word play:
- grammar
- literary device
- word-picture
- wordplay
- work out
- working out
- workout
- worn
- worrier
- worse
- worst
- would
- would’a (would have)
- would’ve (would have)
- wrack
- wraith
- wrath
- wrapped
- wreak
- wrench
- wrest
- wretch
- wright
- wringer
- write:
- vs right, rite, wright
- vs writing, written
- writhe
- writing
- written
- wrote
- wrought
- wrung
- wry
- yay
- yea
- yeah
- year:
- abbreviating
- arabic figure OR spell it out
- other designations for
- yes
- yew
- yews
- ying yang
- yinyang
- yoke
- yolk
- yore
- you:
- vs ewe, yew
- “You and Its Plural“
- you’ll (you will)
- you’re (you are)
- your
- youth
- youths
- yule
Revised as of 5 Jan 2025
By: Kathy Davie